Southern Economic Association Conference

Program Sessions

*Session organized by SEA President-Elect

Friday,  8:30-10:15 a.m.

Session 1A*Health Policy Issues
Session 2ATechnology, Trade, and Firms
Session 3ACentral Bank Behavior
Session 4ARegional Growth and Change
Session 5AEconomic Fluctuations
Session 6AExperiments
Session 7A*Income Distribution: An International Perspective
Session 8ACompensation Policies and Outcomes
Session 9ALabor and the Macroeconomy
Session 10AEmpirical Studies in Industrial Organization
Session 11AWhen Teens Go Bad: Incentives and Undesirable Behavior
Session 12AThe Economics of Leviathan
Session 13ATopics on Earnings, Managerial Compensation, and Gender Inequality
Session 14ADemand for Environmental Quality
Session 15AApplied Economic Issues I
Session 16AAn Election 2000 Post Mortem: Feminist Perspectives
Session 17A*Session in Honor of James J. Heckman: I Econometric Applications to Education
Session 18A*Political Economy of Exchange Rates
Session 19ACatallaxy and Public Finance
Session 20A*Economics of natural hazards - Windstorm and Earthquakes

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  1A*
Health Policy Issues
Chairperson:  Kathryn H. Anderson,  Vanderbilt University

"Selection of a Medicaid Waiver Program for Persons with Aids in Florida and its Effect on the Quality of Care, Survival, and Medicaid"
Kathryn H. Anderson,  Vanderbilt University
Jean M. Mitchell,  Georgetown University
"Current Issues in the Economics of Children's Mental Health"
E. Michael Foster,  Georgia State University
"The Demand for Cigarettes: Some Econometric Evidence"
Jenny Williams,  University of Illinois - Chicago
"Disability and Work: An Event History Analysis"
Richard V. Burkhauser,  Cornell University
J.S. Butler,  Cornell University
Robert Weathers,  Cornell University
Kathryn H. Anderson,  Vanderbilt University
Frederick W. Derrick,  Loyola College - Maryland
Ana Maria Lomperis,  Saint Louis University
Daniel Mullins,  University of Maryland

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  2A
Technology, Trade, and Firms
Chairperson:  Don P. Clark,  University of Tennessee

"Patent Regimes and the Internationalization of Economic Activities: Some Empirical Evidence from US Multinationals"
Usha Nair-Reichert,  Georgia Institute of Technology
"Optimal Industrial Policy for Technologically Progressive Industries"
Peter D. Gulyn,  Federal Trade Commission
"Multinational Corporations and the Degree of Integration in Foreign Markets: Explaining the Sales Shares of Exports, Joint Ventures, and Majority-Owned Affiliates"
Mohitur Rahman,  NDC Health Information Services
John R. Schroeter,  Iowa State University
"Costly Factor Reallocation and Reduced Productivity Effects in International Trade"
Teresa A. Beckham,  Rhodes College
Linda Harris Dobkins,  Emory & Henry College
Patrik T. Hultberg,  University of Wyoming

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  3A
Central Bank Behavior
Chairperson:  Mark Wheeler,  Western Michigan University

"Rules and Discretion with a Common Monetary Authority and Separate Fiscal Authorities and the Effects of Stochastic Disturbances"
Gaurango Banerjee,  University of Texas - Brownsville
"The Determinants of Federal Reserve Policy Actions"
Richard T. Froyen,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Roger N. Waud,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"Central Bank Independence and Optimal Seignorage"
Hermann Sintim-Aboagye,  Dillard University
"Federal Open Market Committee Meetings and Stock Market Performance"
Cynthia Royal Tori,  Valdosta State University
Francis W. Ahking,  University of Connecticut
William A. Bomberger,  University of Florida

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  4A
Regional Growth and Change
Chairperson:  Donald Grimes,  University of Michigan

"County Spending and the Implicit Subsidy to Urban Sprawl"
J. Isaac Brannon,  University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
Kevin McGee,  University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
"An Econometric Look at Inefficiency Among U.S. States, 1977-86"
Gregory Brock,  Georgia Southern University
"Economic Growth and Regional Allocation of Public Investment in Japan"
Bienvenido S. Cortes,  Pittsburg State University
"Changes in the Regional Concentration and Specialization of US Economic Activity from 1969-97: A State and County-Level Analysis"
Amanda Kohler,  Lycoming College
David B. Yerger,  Lycoming College
Elbert V. Bowden,  Appalachian State University
Maria Ward Otoo,  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  5A
Economic Fluctuations
Chairperson:  Stuart Glosser,  University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

"Comparative Evaluation of Alternative Estimators of the NAIRU: A Photo Finish?"
Victor V. Claar,  Hope College
"The Differential Effects of Output Shocks on Unemployment Rates by Race and Gender"
Bradley T. Ewing,  Texas Tech University
William Levernier,  Georgia Southern University
Farooq Malik,  Texas Tech University
"Panel Tests of Okun's Law for Ten Industrial Countries"
Donald G. Freeman,  Sam Houston State University
"Regional Diversification and Economic Fluctuations"
Donald L. Schunk,  University of South Carolina
Bradley Braun,  University of Central Florida
Hiranya K. Nath,  Southern Methodist University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  6A
Chairperson:  Phanindra V. Wunnava,  Middlebury College

"Positive and Negative Reciprocation: The Same or Different in Kind"
William Robert Nelson, Jr.,  George Mason University
"Ultimatum Games with Asymmetric Payoffs, Outside Options, and Incomplete Information"
Pamela M. Schmitt,  U.S. Naval Academy
"An Experimental Investigation of Exclusion and Club Goods"
Kurtis J. Swope,  U.S. Naval Academy
"Investigation Group Size and Information Effects in Multi-Round Public Goods Designs"
Stephanie M. Brewer,  Indiana University of Pennsylvania
James M. Walker,  Indiana University
Arlington W. Williams,  Indiana University
Junsoo Lee,  University of Central Florida
Carl Nicholas McKinney, Jr.,  Texas A&M University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  7A*
Income Distribution: An International Perspective
Chairperson:  John A. Bishop,  East Carolina University

"Financial Crisis and Income Distribution in Japan"
Ryoichi Sakano,  North Carolina A&T State University
"Disparity in Australia Using a Generalized Social Welfare Function"
Pundarik Mukopadhyay,  National University of Singapore
"Decomposing the German Income Distribution: A Marginal Dominance Analysis"
John A. Bishop,  East Carolina University
Lester A. Zeager,  East Carolina University
"The Changing Income Distribution in the Czech Republic 1988 vs. 1966"
Thesia I. Garner,  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Katherine Terrell,  University of Michigan
K. Victor Chow,  West Virginia University
John P. Formby,  University of Alabama
Hoseong Kim,  University of Alabama
Peter Lambert,  University of York - United Kingdom

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  8A
Compensation Policies and Outcomes
Chairperson:  Laura Tiehen,  U.S. Department of Agriculture

"Do Wages Serve as Reward or Incentives?"
Scott M. Fuess, Jr.,  University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Meghan Millea,  Mississippi State University
"The Impact of a New Phased Retirement Option on Faculty Retirement Decisions"
Robert L. Clark,  North Carolina State University
Linda S. Ghent,  Eastern Illinois University
"Compensation Inequality"
Wankyo Chung,  Texas A&M University
"Employer's Tastes for Discrimination and Nepotism: Modeling and Implications for the Persistence of Discrimination"
Shmuel Sharir,  University of Alberta
Marvin E. Dodson III,  University of Arkansas - Little Rock
Jason Zimmerman,  South Dakota State University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  9A
Labor and the Macroeconomy
Chairperson:  Andrew L.H. Parkes,  East Central University

"Wage Inflation and the Post-1991 Duration Puzzle"
Thomas J. Hyclak,  Lehigh University
Jonathan Ohn,  Virginia State University
"The Post-1991 Wage Inflation in Southern Region: The Phillips-Curve vs. Error-Correction Model"
Kwadwo Bawuah,  Virginia State University
Sadie Gregory,  Virginia State University
Jonathan Ohn,  Virginia State University
"Exchange Rate Efficiency and Convergence Criteria of the European Union"
Tammy Rapp Parker,  University of Louisiana
"State-Level Analysis of Union Density Determinants"
Wayne Edwards,  Pennsylvania State University - Worthington Scranton
John H. Johnson IV,  University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Pia M. Orrenius,  Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  10A
Empirical Studies in Industrial Organization
Chairperson:  Gerald Granderson,  Miami University

"Raising Rivals' Costs: The Competition for Order Flow in NYSE - Listed Stocks"
Frederick H. deB. Harris,  Wake Forest University
Thomas H. McInish,  University of Memphis
Robert A. Wood,  University of Memphis
"The Demand for Programs at a College Football Game: OLS and LMS Estimates of Optimal Prices"
Stephen Brooks Jarrell,  Western Carolina University
Robert F. Mulligan,  Western Carolina University
"Patents, R&D, and Spillovers"
James J. Jozefowicz,  Indiana University of Pennsylvania
"An Econometric Model of Firm Location"
Anthony P. Andrews,  Governors State University
Klaus G. Becker,  Texas Tech University
Nicholas G. Rupp,  Valdosta State University
Cynthia Tubb,  University of Tennessee

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  11A
When Teens Go Bad: Incentives and Undesirable Behavior
Chairperson:  Gene LeBrenz,  Florida Southern College

"Determinants of Teenage Undesirable Activities: A Simultaneous Look at Smoking, Drinking, and Drug Use"
Rajshree Agarwal,  University of Central Florida
Richard A. Hofler,  University of Central Florida
Bisakha Sen,  University of Central Florida
"Condom Usage and Sexual Activity Among Adolescent Girls"
Bisakha Sen,  University of Central Florida
"Idle Hands: Juvenile Crime and Labor Supply"
John D. Worth,  U.S. Treasury Department
John Charles Bradbury,  North Georgia College & State University
Erika McEntarfer,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  12A
The Economics of Leviathan
Chairperson:  Harold W. Elder,  University of Alabama

"Leviathan and Fiscal Illusion in Local Government Overlapping Jurisdictions"
Rebecca J. Campbell,  Southwest Texas State University
"Asymmetric Fiscal Illusion (The Flypaper Effect) and Government Spending in Australia"
Mark Stewart,  Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology - Australia
"Jurisdiction and the Provision of Excludable Public Goods"
Kurtis J. Swope,  U.S. Naval Academy
"Constituency Size and the Growth of Government in Great Britain"
Mark Thornton,  Columbus State University
Marc L. Ulrich,  Southern Company
Rebecca J. Campbell,  Southwest Texas State University
Joseph J. Cordes,  George Washington University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  13A
Topics on Earnings, Managerial Compensation, and Gender Inequality
Chairperson:  Jennifer Troyer,  University of North Carolina - Charlotte

"The Impact of Metropolitan Characteristics on the Earnings of Less-Educated Workers, 1984-1999"
Todd Easton,  University of Portland
"REIT Managers are Rewarded for Performance"
Randy I. Anderson,  Seton Hall University
John L. Scott,  University of Louisiana - Monroe
"Globalization and the Gender Earnings Gap: Evidence from an Emerging East Asian Economy"
Günseli Berik,  University of Utah
Yana Van Der Muelen Rodgers,  College of William and Mary
Joseph E. Zveglich, Jr.,  Asian Development Bank
Jill Gunderson,  Georgia State University
Edward Sayre,  Kenyon College

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  14A
Demand for Environmental Quality
Chairperson:  James R. Kahn,  Washington and Lee University

"Contributions to State Programs Through Tax Form Check-Offs"
Glenn C. Blomquist,  University of Kentucky
Michael A. Newsome,  Marshall University
Wendy S. Romain,  Georgia Department of Natural Resources
"Toward Improved Codification, Protocol, and Application of Benefit Transfer Methods"
Dustin French,  Ohio State University
Fred J. Hitzhusen,  Ohio State University
"Benefits of Groundwater Protection from the Pesticide State Management Plan Rule"
Lisa Akeson,  Abt Associates, Inc.
Elena Besedin,  Abt Associates, Inc.
Stuart Smith,  Abt Associates, Inc.
David Widawsky,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
"The Value of Forest Conservation: "Willingness-to-Work" (WTW) to Protect Local Forest Resources in Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico"
James F. Casey,  Washington and Lee University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  15A
Applied Economic Issues I
Chairperson:  H. Youn Kim,  Western Kentucky University

"The Comparison of Labor Costs Among Countries and the Probable Causes for Their Differences"
Soon Paik,  Bureau of Labor Statistics
"The 1997 Financial Crisis and Economic Governance - Lessons from the S. Korean Experience"
Kwan S. Kim,  University of Notre Dame
Byung Joo Lee,  University of Notre Dame
"Excess Capacity and its Determinants"
In Kwan Lee,  Korea Economic Research Institute
Kwan S. Kim,  University of Notre Dame
In Kwan Lee,  Korea Economic Research Institute
Soon Paik,  Bureau of Labor Statistics

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  16A
An Election 2000 Post Mortem: Feminist Perspectives
Chairperson:  Maria Floro,  American University

Heidi Hartmann,  Institute for Women's Policy Research
Barbara Bergmann,  American University
Amy Caiazza,  Institute for Women's Policy Research
Simel Esim,  International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
Ellen Houston,  Economic Policy Institute
Heather Boushey,  Economic Policy Institute
Shyamala Raman,  Saint Joseph College

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  17A*
Session in Honor of James J. Heckman: I Econometric Applications to Education
Chairperson:  Marjorie B. McElroy,  Duke University
   President-Elect, Southern Economic Association

"Affirmative Action in Higher Education"
Peter Arcidiancono,  Duke University
"Selection of Observed and Unobserved Variables: Assessing the Effectiveness of Catholic Schools"
Christopher R. Taber,  Northwestern University
"Evaluating Preschool Programs When Length of Exposure to the Program Varies: A Nonparametric Approach"
Petra Todd,  University of Pennsylvania
Gerald Marschke,  State University of New York - Albany
Carolyn Heinrich,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Edward J. Vytlacil,  Stanford University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  18A*
Political Economy of Exchange Rates
Chairperson:  Kevin B. Grier,  University of Oklahoma

"The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Regimes in Latin America"
Ernesto Stein,  IADB
Piero Ghezzi,  Deutsche Bank, New York
Jeffrey Frieden,  Harvard University
"The Real Exchange Rate Process and its Real Effects: Theory and Evidence"
Kevin B. Grier,  University of Oklahoma
Fausto Hernandez,  CIDE, Mexico City
"Capital Controls and the International Transmission of U.S.Monetary Policy Shocks"
Jacques Minaine,  IADB
John H. Rogers,  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Jaewoo Lee,  International Monetary Fund
Willem Thorbecke,  George Mason University
Steve Knack,  World Bank

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  19A
Catallaxy and Public Finance
Chairperson:  Richard E. Wagner,  George Mason University

"Austrian Economics and the Theory of Public Finance"
Jürgen G. Backhaus,  University of Maastricht
"Taxation and the Structure of Production"
Randall G. Holcombe,  Florida State University
"Pigou and the Prevention of Unwanted Events"
Andy H. Barnett,  Auburn University
Bruce Yandle,  Clemson University
"Debt, Money, and Taxation"
Richard E. Wagner,  George Mason University
Carlos G. Scartascini,  George Mason University
Eugenia F. Toma,  University of Kentucky

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  20A*
Economics of natural hazards - Windstorm and Earthquakes
Chairperson:  Jamie Brown Kruse,  Texas Tech University

David B. Nickerson,  American University
"A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of the Economic Losses from Earthquakes"
Gauri Guha,  Pennsylvania State University
Adam Rose,  Pennsylvania State University
Chunsheng Shang,  Pennsylvania State University
"The Economics of Hurricane Risk: A Case Study in Honduras"
Hal Cochrane,  Colorado State University
"Windstorm Effects on Regional Business Cycle Indicators: Policy Implications"
Bradley T. Ewing,  Texas Tech University
Jamie Brown Kruse,  Texas Tech University

Friday,  10:30-12:15 p.m.

Session 21B*Panel on Volatility and Economic Growth in Oil-Exporting Countries
Session 22BThe Effects of Globalization on Economic Activity
Session 23B*Association Lecture
Session 24B*Advances in Economic Psychology
Session 25B*Social Security: Policy Analysis from the Trenches
Session 26BTopics in Financial Economics
Session 27B*New Methods in Inequality Measurements
Session 28B*Topics in Panel Data Analysis
Session 29BGender and Labor Markets
Session 30BMacroeconomics I
Session 31BMoney and Its Effects
Session 32BAspects of Demand
Session 33BThe Economics of Environmental Management: Part One
Session 34BEconomic History and Economic Development: Selected Topics
Session 35BMacroeconomic Data Analysis Techniques
Session 36BTaxing and Spending: Part One
Session 37B*Session in Honor of James J. Heckman II
Session 38BOmicron Delta Epsilon
Session 39BContemporary Research in Austrian Economics I
Session 40B*Economics of Natural Hazards - Windstorm

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  21B*
Panel on Volatility and Economic Growth in Oil-Exporting Countries
Moderator:  Julia C. Devlin,  World Bank

Stijn Claessens,  World Bank
James Daniel,  International Monetary Fund
Michael Lewin,  World Bank
Robert J. Weiner,  George Washington University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  22B
The Effects of Globalization on Economic Activity
Chairperson:  Francis E. Warnock,  Federal Reserve Board

"Financial Development and Growth in Open Economies"
Alan G. Ahearne,  Federal Reserve Board
"Information Costs and Home bias: An Analysis of U.S. Holdings of Foreign Equities"
Alan G. Ahearne,  Federal Reserve Board
William L. Griever,  Federal Reserve Board
Francis E. Warnock,  Federal Reserve Board
"Trade Openness and Economic Volatility"
Allan Brunner,  IMF Institute

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  23B*
Association Lecture
Speaker:  Don Fullerton,  University of Texas - Austin

"Teaching Environmental Economics"

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  24B*
Advances in Economic Psychology
Chairperson:  Arthur H. Goldsmith,  Washington and Lee University

"Two-and-Three-Generational Effects of Noncognitive Factors on Children's Development"
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn,  Columbia University
Greg J. Duncan,  Northwestern University
Rachel Dunifon,  University of Michigan
"Family Environment and Labor Market Outcomes"
Patrick L. Mason,  Florida State University
"Sophisticated Learning and Teaching in Repeated Games"
Colin Camerer,  California Institute of Technology
Kuan Chong,  California Institute of Technology
Teck Ho,  California Institute of Technology
Arthur H. Goldsmith,  Washington and Lee University
Darrick Hamilton,  University of Michigan
Monica Capra,  Washington and Lee University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  25B*
Social Security: Policy Analysis from the Trenches
Chairperson:  Joyce Manchester,  Social Security Administration

"Social Security Marriage Penalties Among Disabled Adults"
David A. Weaver,  Social Security Administration
"An Analysis of Processing Time for Social Security Disability Applications"
Jianting Hu,  Social Security Administration
Bernard Wixon,  Social Security Administration
K. Lahiri,  State University of New York - Albany
"Cohort Differences in Expected Retirement Income of the Baby Boom and their Parents' Generation"
Barbara A. Butrica,  Social Security Administration
Howard M. Iams,  Social Security Administration
"Macro Modeling for Social Security Policy Analysis"
Clark Burdick,  Social Security Administration
David Pattison,  Social Security Administration
Douglas Elmendorf,  U.S. Treasury Department
Brent Kreider,  University of Virginia

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  26B
Topics in Financial Economics
Chairperson:  Dennis W. Jansen,  Texas A&M University

"Interest Rate Linkages: Identifying Structural Relations"
Marco R. Barassi,  University of East London
Guglielmo Maria Caporale,  University of East London
Stephen G. Hall,  Imperial College - London
"New Estimates of the Importance of Central Bank Independence"
Hermann Sintim-Aboagye,  Dillard University
"Formal and Informal Sector Credit Institutions and Inter-Linkage"
Debajyoti Chakrabarty,  Rutgers University
Ananish Chaudhuri,  Washington State University
Abdullah H. Albatel,  King Saud University - Riyadh
Christopher B. Colburn,  Old Dominion University
William E. Shambora,  Ohio University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  27B*
New Methods in Inequality Measurements
Chairperson:  John A. Bishop,  East Carolina University

"The Redistributive Effects of Taxes and Transfers Across Time: Source Decompostions in the 1980s and 1990s"
John P. Formby,  University of Alabama
Hoseong Kim,  University of Alabama
"Loss Aversion and Fractional Stochastic Dominance"
K. Victor Chow,  West Virginia University
"Progressivity Comparisons"
Valentino Dardanoni,  Universita di Palermo - Italy
Peter Lambert,  University of York - United Kingdom
"Decomposing the Lorenz Curve by Population Sub-Groups with an Applications to German Reunification"
John A. Bishop,  East Carolina University
Lester A. Zeager,  East Carolina University
K. Victor Chow,  West Virginia University
John P. Formby,  University of Alabama
Thesia I. Garner,  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Pundarik Mukopadhyay,  National University of Singapore
Ryoichi Sakano,  North Carolina A&T State University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  28B*
Topics in Panel Data Analysis
Chairperson:  R. Carter Hill,  Louisiana State University

"Fully Modified OLS for Heterogeneous Cointegrated Panels"
Peter Pedroni,  Indiana University
"Testing for Structural Change of a Cointegrated Regression in Panel Data"
Chiwa Kao,  Syracuse University
"The Properties of Dynamic Panels with Binary Dependent Variables"
Dan Teodorescu,  Louisiana State University
Badi H. Baltagi,  Texas A&M University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  29B
Gender and Labor Markets
Chairperson:  Gautam Hazarika,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

"Gender Differences in Reasons for Job Mobility in Higher Education"
Solomon Polachek,  State University of New York - Binghamton
John Robst,  Health Care Financing Administration
Jennifer VanGilder,  California State University - Bakersfield
"Are Women More Risk Averse? Some Evidence from the HRS"
Harold W. Elder,  University of Alabama
Patricia M. Rudolph,  University of Alabama
"The Wage Penalty for Female-Dominated Occupations"
M. Melinda Pitts,  Georgia State University
"Domestic Violence and Social Services: Do Services Provided to Help Battered Women Really Reduce the Violence?"
Amy Farmer,  University of Arkansas
Peter A. Groothuis,  Westminster College
Eric Johnson,  University of South Carolina
Charles E. Scott,  Loyola College in Maryland

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  30B
Macroeconomics I
Chairperson:  Vikram Kumar,  Davidson College

"Strategic Behavior, Real Rigidities, and Production Coordination Failures"
Ralph C. Allen,  Valdosta State University
Jack H. Stone,  Spelman College
"Product Line Adjustments and Price Markups"
Kostas Axarloglou,  Babson College
"Poverty Traps and Growth in a Model of Endogenous Time Preference"
Debajyoti Chakrabarty,  Rutgers University
"Dynamics of Open Economy Business Cycle Models"
Sunghyun Henry Kim,  Brandeis University
M. Ayhan Kose,  Brandeis University
Victor V. Claar,  Hope College
Donald L. Hooks,  University of Alabama

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  31B
Money and Its Effects
Chairperson:  Michael R. Dowd,  University of Toledo

"The Money-Output Relationship: A Disaggregated Approach"
Gazi Shbikat,  University of Tennessee
"Explaining Monetary Policy Asymmetry: An Empirical Study of the United States"
Phong H. Trinh,  Texas A&M University
"Does Regime Switching in Money Supply Affect Capital Inflow?"
David Y. Chen,  North Carolina A&T State University
Xiaofen Chen,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tricia Coxwell,  University of Tennessee
Kwanghee Nam,  Korea Economic Research Institute

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  32B
Aspects of Demand
Chairperson:  Ann Harper Fender,  Gettysburg College

"A Review and Empirical Testing of Extended Warranty Theories"
Evan Moore,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"Niche Marketing as an Entry Strategy in Network Broadcasting"
Keith Brown,  Federal Communications Commission
"A Proof that Binary GARP Consistency is Equivalent to GARP Consistency for Two Commodity Choice"
Samiran Banerjee,  Georgia Institute of Technology
James H. Murphy,  Georgia Institute of Technology
"Cost Shifting in International Telephone Calls Between the U.S. and African Countries"
Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong,  University of South Florida
John Agyei Karikari,  U.S. General Accounting Office
Christopher Garmon,  Federal Trade Commission
Nicole Yurgin,  Florida State University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  33B
The Economics of Environmental Management: Part One
Chairperson:  Dina Francheschi,  Fairfield University

"Competition, Coordination, and the Proliferation of Private Conservation Agents"
Heidi J. Albers,  Resources for the Future
Amy W. Ando,  University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
"Incentives for Subtainable Development: A Game Theoretic Approach to Performance Bond Pricing"
John M. Cogburn,  University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
"Corruption, Environmental Policy, and FDI: Theory and Evidence from the United States"
Per Fredriksson,  Southern Methodist University
Daniel L. Millimet,  Southern Methodist University
John A. List,  University of Central Florida
"Optimal Remediation and Waste Minimization Decisions: A Stochastic analysis"
Keith Willett,  Oklahoma State University
Irma Gómez,  Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
John Merrifield,  University of Texas - San Antonio
Carl A. Pasurka, Jr.,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  34B
Economic History and Economic Development: Selected Topics
Chairperson:  Robin Hanson,  George Mason University

"Credit Prevalence and the Payment System in Colonial New England"
David T. Flynn,  Indiana University
"The Economic Role of Women in the U.S. Real Estate Market"
Catherine L. McDevitt,  Central Michigan University
"Russian Roulette - Expenditures Inequality in Russia, 1994-1998"
Branko Jovanovic,  Texas A&M University
"Nonlinear Dynamics of Income Distribution and the Underground Economy in Transition Economies"
Ehsan Ahmed,  James Madison University
J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.,  James Madison University
Marina V. Rosser,  James Madison University
Harold Christensen,  Centenary College
Kailash Khandke,  Furman University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  35B
Macroeconomic Data Analysis Techniques
Chairperson:  David C. Black,  University of Toledo

"Predicting Corporate Investment Patterns: A Neural Networks Approach"
Mani Daneshmand,  Union College
Eshragh Motahar,  Union College
"Sacrifice Ratio with Long-Lived Effect"
Lawrence Huiyan Zhang,  Johns Hopkins University
"The Covariance Effect"
Bartholomew Moore,  Fordham University
Huntley Schaller,  Carleton University
James Perry Cover,  University of Alabama

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  36B
Taxing and Spending: Part One
Chairperson:  Kathleen Thomas,  University of Texas - Dallas

"The Revenue, Efficiency, and Distributional Implications of the Personal Property Tax on Vehicles"
Eric O. Craft,  University of Richmond
Robert M. Schmidt,  University of Richmond
"Economic Tax Structure, Tax Capacity, and Industrial Mix: Evidence from Tennessee and the Southeast"
Sanela Porca,  University of Tennessee
"The Impact of Performance-Based Budgeting on State Fiscal Performance"
W. Mark Crain,  George Mason University
Brian O'Roark,  George Mason University
"State Budget Stabilization Fund Adoption: Preparing for the Next Recession or Circumventing Fiscal Constraints"
Russell S. Sobel,  West Virginia University
Gary A. Wagner,  West Virginia University
Jorge Ibarra-Salazar,  Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Elizabeth A. Perry,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  37B*
Session in Honor of James J. Heckman II
Chairperson:  , 

"Individual Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System: An Empirical Study of Auto Theft"
Lance Lochner,  University of Rochester
"A Comparison of Alternative Nonexperimental Models and Methods in a Welfare-to-Work Demonstration Program Evaluation"
Carolyn Heinrich,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
"The Market for Scientists and the Recent Surge in Patenting"
Gerald Marschke,  State University of New York - Albany
Jinyoung Kim,  State University of New York - Buffalo
Jeffrey Smith,  University of Western Ontario
Bo Honore,  Princeton University
Christopher R. Taber,  Northwestern University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  38B
Omicron Delta Epsilon
Chairperson:  James Bradley,  University of South Carolina

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  39B
Contemporary Research in Austrian Economics I
Chairperson:  Peter J. Boettke,  George Mason University

"Economic Strategies of Urban Market Women in Harare, Zimbabwe"
Emily Chamlee-Wright,  Beloit College
"Caribbean Underdevelopment"
Virgil Storr,  George Mason University
"Social Games Entrepreneurshiup and Expectations"
Roger Koppl,  Farleigh Dickinson University
"Equilibrium or Market Order? On Being an (Austrian) Economist"
Jean-Pierre Centi,  University of Aix-Marseille III
Neelkant Chamilall,  University of Aix-Marseille III
"Order Generated Knowledge and the Economics of Science"
William N. Butos,  Trinity College
Thomas McQuade,  Trinity College
David Prychitko,  Northern Michigan University
David Levy,  George Mason University
David Harper,  New York University
Scott Beaulier,  George Mason University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  40B*
Economics of Natural Hazards - Windstorm
Chairperson:  Kevin Simmons,  Oklahoma City University

"Assessing the Value of Shelters in an Evacuation Transportation Model"
Robert McComb,  Texas Tech University
Tufan Tiglioglu,  Texas Tech University
"The May 1999 Oklahoma City Tornado Outbreak: Damage Assessment"
Jamie Brown Kruse,  Texas Tech University
Douglas Smith,  Texas Tech University
Mark Thompson,  Texas Tech University
"Tornadoes, Stress and Migration Decisions: Evidence from Oklahoma City"
B. McCain,  Oklahoma City University
Kevin Simmons,  Oklahoma City University
Jonathan Willner,  Oklahoma City University
"Taking Shelter: Estimating the Safety Benefits of Tornado Saferooms"
H. Heinz III,  Carnegie Mellon University
David R. Merrell,  Carnegie Mellon University
Kevin Simmons,  Oklahoma City University
Daniel Sutter,  University of Oklahoma

Friday,  1:30-3:15 p.m.

Session 41C*Financing Private and Public Schools in the 21st Century
Session 42C*R&D: Incentives and Effects
Session 43C*Environmental Policy
Session 44CGrowing Canada - United States Economic Linkages
Session 45C*Social Security: More Policy Research from the Trenches
Session 47C*What's New in Labor Market Surveys
Session 48C*Topics in Postsample Forecasting
Session 49C*The Supply and Demand for Child Care: What is the Role of Child Care Subsidies?
Session 50C*Racial Differences in Credit Market Outcomes
Session 51C*Topics in Public Sector Economics
Session 52CEmpirical Studies in Microeconmic Dynamics
Session 53CLabor Markets
Session 54CPolitical Structure and Economic Growth
Session 55CMethodology and History of Thought
Session 56CEmpirical Studies in Law and Economics
Session 57CThe Economics of Environmental Management: Part Two
Session 58CExperimental Exonomics
Session 59CContemporary Research in Austrian Economics II
Session 60C*Session in Honor of James J. Heckman: III Assessing Nonexperimental Treatment Effects

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  41C*
Financing Private and Public Schools in the 21st Century
Chairperson:  Sarah Turner,  University of Virginia

"Capitalization Under School Choice Programs: Are the Winners Really the Losers?"
Randall Reback,  University of Michigan
"The Behavior of Private Secondary Schools and the Implications for Educational Policy"
Neil Seftor,  University of Virginia
"Does Private High School Attendance Lead to a More Selective College?"
Eric R. Eide,  Brigham Young University
Dan D. Goldhaber,  Urban Institute
Mark Showalter,  Brigham Young University
David Figlio,  University of Florida

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  42C*
R&D: Incentives and Effects
Chairperson:  Richard Jensen,  University of Notre Dame

"The Market for Innovations and the Size-Distribution of Firms"
Mikhel Tombak,  Queens University - Canada
"Stochastic Innovation, Technology Spillovers, and Cooperative R&D"
Kaz Miyagiwa,  Louisiana State University
Yuka Ohno,  Rice University
"Strategic Debt and Patent Races"
Dean Showalter,  Southwest Texas State University
Kaz Miyagiwa,  Louisiana State University
Dean Showalter,  Southwest Texas State University
Mikhel Tombak,  Queens University - Canada

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  43C*
Environmental Policy
Chairperson:  Don Fullerton,  University of Texas - Austin

"International Spillovers and Water Quality in Rivers: Do Countries Free Ride?"
Hilary Sigman,  Rutgers University
"Deconstructing the Environmental Kuznets"
Arik Levinson,  Georgetown University
"Environmental Self-Auditing Laws and Outcomes: Evaluating EPA and State Policies in Theory and in Practice"
Alex Pfaff,  Columbia University
"The Political Economy of Environmental Policy"
Wallace E. Oates,  University of Maryland
Paul Portney, 
Anna Alberini,  University of Maryland
Amy W. Ando,  University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Linda T.M. Bui,  Boston University
Urvashi Narain,  Resources for the Future

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  44C
Growing Canada - United States Economic Linkages
Chairperson:  Paul Wonnacott,  Middlebury College

"A View from the U.S."
Catherine Mann,  International Institute of Economics
"Another View from the U.S."
Christopher Sands,  Center for Strategic and International Studies
"A View from Canada"
Someshwar Rao,  Industry Canada
"Another View from Canada"
John Curtis,  Industry Canada
William Crosbie,  Canadian Embassy

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  45C*
Social Security: More Policy Research from the Trenches
Chairperson:  Barbara A. Butrica,  Social Security Administration

"The Development and Utilization of a Microsimulation Model of SSI Eligibility for Assessing Policy Options"
Paul Davies,  Social Security Administration
Minh Huynh,  Social Security Administration
Chad Newcomb,  Social Security Administration
Paul O'Leary,  Social Security Administration
Kalman Rupp,  Social Security Administration
James Sears,  Social Security Administration
"How Health Status and Job Demands Affect the Retirement Decision"
Richard Johnson,  Urban Institute
"Social Security Money's Worth in Two Microsimulation Models"
Lee Cohen,  Social Security Administration
"How Will Raising the Early Retirement Age Impact Disability Applications?"
Olivia Mitchell,  University of Pennsylvania
John Phillips,  Social Security Administration
Debra Dwyer,  State University of New York - Stony Brook
John Sabelhaus,  Congressional Budget Office

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  47C*
What's New in Labor Market Surveys
Chairperson:  Barry Hirsch,  Trinity University

"Using Earnings Data from the Monthly CPS"
Anne Polivka,  Bureau of Labor Statistics
"Does Nonwage Compensation Serve as an Incentive Instrument for the Firm? Some Recent Evidence for U.S. Private Industry"
Anthony J. Barkume,  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
"Introducing the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey: A New Series"
Kelly A. Clark,  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Rosemary Hyson,  Bureau of Labor Statistics
"Job Content as Ability"
Brooks Pierce,  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Barry Hirsch,  Trinity University
David MacPherson,  Florida State University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  48C*
Topics in Postsample Forecasting
Chairperson:  R. Carter Hill,  Louisiana State University

"Statistically Significant Postsample Forecasting Improvements: How Big an Improvement is Likely Necessary?"
Rick Ashley,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"Testing for Equal Predictive Ability: Using the Differences vs. the Ratio of MSEs"
Mike McCracken,  Louisiana State University
Carlos W. Robledo,  University of Cordoba - Argentina
Hector O. Zapata,  Louisiana State University
"Postsample Forecasting Using Maximum Entropy with Inequality Parameter Restrictions"
Randall Campbell,  Southwestern Bell

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  49C*
The Supply and Demand for Child Care: What is the Role of Child Care Subsidies?
Chairperson:  Alicia P. Cackley,  U.S. General Accounting Office

"Crazy Quilt or Preferred Pattern? Revising the Demand for Multiple Child Care Arrangements"
Alison Hagy,  Duke University
Bridget G. Hiedemann,  Seattle University
"Responding to Local Needs? Neighborhood Characteristics and the Supply of Subsidized Child Care"
Carlene K. Cochi Ficana,  Hartwick College
Lisa A. Gennetian, 
"The Importance of Child Care Costs in Welfare Recipiency and Employment Behavior of Single Mothers"
Rachel E. Connelly,  Bowdoin College
Jean Kimmel, 
"The Responses of Single Mothers to Child Care Subsidy and Welfare Programs Under the New Welfare Reform Act"
Erdal Tekin,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
David C. Ribar,  George Washington University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  50C*
Racial Differences in Credit Market Outcomes
Chairperson:  , 

"Freddie Mac's Consumer Credit Survey: Family Influences on Credit Outcomes"
Charles Betsey,  Howard University
Debby Lindsey-Taliaferro,  Howard University
Amdet,  Howard University
"Credit and Knowledge: The African American Experience"
Sheila D. Ards,  Benedict College
Samuel Myers, Jr.,  University of Minnesota
"Factors Leading to Impaired Credit"
Peter Zorn,  Freddie Mac
Robert Avery,  Federal Reserve Board

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  51C*
Topics in Public Sector Economics
Chairperson:  Russell S. Sobel,  West Virginia University

"Internet Governance: A Public Choice Approach"
Alden F. Abbott,  George Mason University
Gordon L. Brady,  George Mason University
"Revisiting the Market Demand for Private Goods and for Public Goods"
Charles R. Britton,  University of Arkansas
Richard K. Ford,  University of Arkansas - Little Rock
David E.R. Gay,  University of Arkansas
"Public Health and the Placebo"
Russell S. Sobel,  West Virginia University
"Public Policy Toward Pecuniary Externalities"
Randall G. Holcombe,  Florida State University
Russell S. Sobel,  West Virginia University
Gordon L. Brady,  George Mason University
David E.R. Gay,  University of Arkansas
James A. Marchand,  Loyola University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  52C
Empirical Studies in Microeconmic Dynamics
Chairperson:  David R. Merrell,  Carnegie Mellon University

"Entry, Exit, and Sunk Costs in Geographic Markets"
Tim Dunne,  University of Oklahoma
Shawn D. Klimek,  CES/Bureau of the Census
Mark Roberts,  Pennsylvania State University
"IT Investment, E-Commerce and Firm Performance in Retail Trade"
Mark Doms,  Federal Reserve Board
Shawn D. Klimek,  CES/Bureau of the Census
Ronald S. Jarmin,  CES/Bureau of the Census
"Implications of Resource Exhaustion on Failure Patterns in U.S. Coal Mining"
David R. Merrell,  Carnegie Mellon University
"The Link Between Aggregate and Micro Productivity Growth: Evidence from an Economy-Wide View"
Lucia Foster,  CES/Bureau of the Census
John Haltiwanger,  University of Maryland
C.J. Krizan,  Fannie Mae
Kevin Stolarick,  Carnegie Mellon University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  53C
Labor Markets
Chairperson:  Lisa A. Wilder,  Bowling Green State University

"The Career and Family Decisions of Women"
Michelle E. Sheran,  University of Virginia
"A Long-Run Analysis of Ethnic Unemployment in the U.S.: An Error Correction Model Approach"
Anthony P. Andrews,  Governors State University
"The Impact of NAFTA on the Volatility of U.S. and Canadian Unemployment Rates"
Bradley T. Ewing,  Texas Tech University
Phanindra V. Wunnava,  Middlebury College
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes,  San Diego State University
Mary Ellen Benedict,  Bowling Green State University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  54C
Political Structure and Economic Growth
Chairperson:  Peter Locke,  George Washington University and Commodities Futures Trading Commission

"Absolute and Relative Effects of Interest Groups on the Economy"
Dennis C. Coates,  University of Maryland - Baltimore
Jac C. Heckelman,  Wake Forest University
"Trade, Openness, and Economic Growth"
James Gwartney,  Joint Economic Committee
Charles David Skipton,  Joint Economic Committee
"Political Systems, Electoral Incentives and Fiscal Structure"
Carlos G. Scartascini,  George Mason University
"The Effects of Term Limits on Fiscal Performance"
W. Mark Crain,  George Mason University
Joseph M. Johnson,  George Mason University
Thomas A. Garrett,  Kansas State University
Jonathan M. Klick,  George Mason University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  55C
Methodology and History of Thought
Chairperson:  Charles K. Rowley,  George Mason University

"The First and Second Laws of Welfare Economics and Thermodynamics"
Alan Lockard,  George Mason University
"Evolution: The Growth of Knowledge and the Meta-Narratives of Scientific Progress"
Benjamin Balak,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
"Imperfect Competition in Auspitz and Lieben (1889)"
Barbara Brown,  Pace University
Torsten Schmidt,  University of New Hampshire
"The Glorious Revolution of 1688: A Constitutional Political Economy Perspective"
Charles K. Rowley,  George Mason University
Kailash Khandke,  Furman University
Clarence C. Morrison,  Indiana University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  56C
Empirical Studies in Law and Economics
Chairperson:  Donald G. Freeman,  Sam Houston State University

"The Impact of Alcohol Control Policies on the Incidence of Violent Crime"
Bruce L. Benson,  Florida State University
David W. Rasmussen,  Florida State University
Paul Zimmerman,  Federal Communications Commission
"Execution and Deterrence: An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of an Execution Moratorium on Homicides"
Dale O. Cloninger,  University of Houston - Clear Lake
Roberto Marchesini,  University of Houston - Clear Lake
"The Effect of Transfer Programs and Bankruptcy Exemptions on the Personal Bankruptcy Filing Rate"
Jonathan Fisher,  University of Kentucky
"Are People Rational When Driving? Some Evidence form the American States"
Alan Lockard,  George Mason University
Carlos G. Scartascini,  George Mason University
Ralph C. Allen,  Valdosta State University
Philip D. Taylor,  Wesleyan College

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  57C
The Economics of Environmental Management: Part Two
Chairperson:  Hong Jin Kim,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

"Why Emissions Change in the United States: A Joint Production Perspective"
Deborah Aiken,  Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Carl A. Pasurka, Jr.,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
"Choice Between Ground and Surface Water in Municipalities with Land Subsidence"
Sylvestre Gaudin Hultberg,  University of Wyoming
"Ozone Pollution and Mortality: The Search for Appropriate Indicators of Cumulative Exposure to Ozone"
Sabrina Ise-Lovell,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Hong Jin Kim,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
"Fisheries Stock Growth and User Group Dynamics: Implications for Natural Resource Damage Assessment"
Peter W. Schuhmann,  University of North Carolina - Wilmington
Nicolas Gutiérrez,  Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Maureen L. Sirois,  University of New Hampshire

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  58C
Experimental Exonomics
Chairperson:  F. M. Feinberg,  American University

"An Experimental Investigation of the Green-Porter Trigger Price Model"
F. M. Feinberg,  American University
Christopher Snyder,  George Washington University
"An Experimental Analysis of Rent Seeking Under Varying Competitive Conditions"
Lisa R. Anderson,  College of William and Mary
Sarah L. Stafford,  College of William and Mary
"Words, Deeds, and Lies"
John Duffy,  University of Pittsburgh
Nick Feltovich,  University of Houston
"Strategic Interactions and Mergers: An Experimental Analysis"
Douglas Davis,  Virginia Commonwealth University
Bob Reilly,  Virginia Commonwealth University
Mark V. Van Boening,  University of Mississippi
Douglas Davis,  Virginia Commonwealth University
Thomas A. Husted,  American University
Stephen Martin,  University of Amsterdam
Loren K. Smith,  University of Virginia

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  59C
Contemporary Research in Austrian Economics II
Chairperson:  Mario Rizzo,  New York University

"Fitting a Regression by Conducting an Election"
David Levy,  George Mason University
"Worst Case and Best Case Thinking in Constitutional Political Economy"
Andrew Farrant,  George Mason University
"The New Economics of the Family: An Austrian Perspective"
Steven G. Horwitz,  St. Lawrence University
Peter Lewin,  University of Texas - Dallas
"The Present State of 'Austrian' Business Cycle Research"
Ludwig Van den Hauwe,  Brussels, Belgium
J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.,  James Madison University
Daniel Sutter,  University of Oklahoma
Mario Rizzo,  New York University
Roger Garrison,  Auburn University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  60C*
Session in Honor of James J. Heckman: III Assessing Nonexperimental Treatment Effects
Chairperson:  Marjorie B. McElroy,  Duke University
   President-Elect, Southern Economic Association

"Is Propensity Score Matching the Answer to LaLonde's Critique of Nonexperimental Methods?"
Jeffrey Smith,  University of Western Ontario
Petra Todd,  University of Pennsylvania
"Pairwise Difference Estimators for Non-linear Models"
Bo Honore,  Princeton University
Jim Powell, 
"Models for Treatment Effects: Equivalence Results under Alternative Monotonicity Conditions"
Edward J. Vytlacil,  Stanford University
Lance Lochner,  University of Rochester
Petra Todd,  University of Pennsylvania
Holger Sieg,  Duke University

Friday,  3:30-4:30p.m.

Session 61D*Distinguished Guest Lecture

  Session  61D*
Distinguished Guest Lecture
Introduction:  Roger Sherman,  University of Houston
   President, Southern Economic Association

James J. Heckman,  University of Chicago

Friday,  4:30p.m.

Session 62E*Presentation of the Fourteenth Annual Georgescu-Roegen Prize in Economics for the Best Article Published During the Past Year in the Southern Economic Journal
Session 63E*Post-Lecture Cash Bar and Job Market Poster-Fair

  Session  62E*
Presentation of the Fourteenth Annual Georgescu-Roegen Prize in Economics for the Best Article Published During the Past Year in the Southern Economic Journal
Presentation by:  Roger Sherman,  University of Houston
   President, Southern Economic Association

  Session  63E*
Post-Lecture Cash Bar and Job Market Poster-Fair
        Every Welcome! Come and greet old friends and see the dissertation posters of doctoral students who are in the job market.

Saturday,  8:30-10:15 a.m.

Session 65FWhat's On the Internet for Economists: An Update
Session 66F*Political Economy of Growth and Development
Session 67F*Trade Policy
Session 68FShocking Behavior
Session 69F*Restructuring Electric Markets
Session 70F*Micro-Econometrics (Applications)
Session 71F*Public Economics: Issues in Taxation
Session 72F*The New Urban Economic History
Session 73F*Economics of Homelessness
Session 74FMigration Choices and Outcomes
Session 75FLabor Market Policies
Session 76FEmpirical Studies of Potential Collusion
Session 77FEconomics in the Classroom
Session 78FThe Valuation of Property: Empirical Studies
Session 79FEconomics of Innovation
Session 80FPublic Policy and Industry Study I
Session 81FService Learning in the Economics Curriculum
Session 82FContemporary Research in Austrian Economics III
Session 83FGender Economic Crises and Finance

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  65F
What's On the Internet for Economists: An Update
Chairperson:  William L. Goffe,  State University of New York - Oswego

"What's on the Internet for Economists: An Update"
William L. Goffe,  State University of New York - Oswego
George Greenwade,  Sam Houston State University
Robert P. Parks,  Washington University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  66F*
Political Economy of Growth and Development
Chairperson:  Bryan Caplan,  George Mason University

"The Political Economy of Capital Accumulation in Africa"
Robin Grier,  University of Oklahoma
"Interest Groups and Investment: A Further Test of the Olson Hypothesis"
Dennis C. Coates,  University of Maryland - Baltimore
Jac C. Heckelman,  Wake Forest University
"Are Small Stock Markets Different?"
Jenny Minier,  University of Miami
Bryan Caplan,  George Mason University
Steve Knack,  World Bank

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  67F*
Trade Policy
Chairperson:  Paul Pecorino,  University of Alabama

"Tariffs and the Adoption of Clean Technology"
Rodney Ludema,  Georgetown University
"Tax Britannica"
Sami Dakhlia,  University of Alabama
John V. Nye,  Washington University
"The Banning of Export Instruments as an Obstacle to Free Trade: An Endogenous-Political-Organization Approach"
Devashish Mitra,  Florida International University
"The Peculiar Political Economy of NAFTA: Social Learning and Footloose Policy Preferences in a Simple Political Economy Model"
Keith Hall,  U.S. International Trade Commission
Douglas R. Nelson,  Tulane University
Paul Pecorino,  University of Alabama
Henry Thompson,  Auburn University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  68F
Shocking Behavior
Chairperson:  Victor V. Claar,  Hope College

"Aggregate Shocks and Income Distribution"
Donald L. Hooks,  University of Alabama
"Controlling for Supply Shocks in Assessing the Relationship Between Inflation and Dispersion"
William A. Bomberger,  University of Florida
"The Changing Correlation Between Real and Nominal Shocks"
James Perry Cover,  University of Alabama
C. James Hueng,  University of Alabama
"Anticipated Income, Unanticipated Income, and Consumer Credit"
Mark Wheeler,  Western Michigan University
Gaurango Banerjee,  University of Texas - Brownsville
Todd Easton,  University of Portland
Phong H. Trinh,  Texas A&M University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  69F*
Restructuring Electric Markets
Chairperson:  Monica Greer,  ACES Power Marketing

"The Cost of Distributing Electricity in Rural Cooperatives: Implications for Restructuring"
Monica Greer,  ACES Power Marketing
"The Impact of State-Level Regulation on SO2 Compliance Costs Implications for Deregulation"
Paul Sotkiewicz,  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
"Measuring Market Power in Deregulated Electricity Markets"
Narin Smith,  Auburn University
"The impact of Deregulation on the Market Value of Electric Utilities"
Raman Vishwanathan,  University of Kentucky
Monica Greer,  ACES Power Marketing
Frank A. Scott, Jr.,  University of Kentucky
Paul Sotkiewicz,  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Raman Vishwanathan,  University of Kentucky

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  70F*
Micro-Econometrics (Applications)
Chairperson:  Mary Beth Walker,  Georgia State University

"Spatial Determinants of the Duration of Unemployment for Welfare Recipients"
Keith Ihlanfeldt,  Georgia State University
William J. Smith,  Georgia State University
"Testing Stochastic Specifications in Fixed Effects Models"
Mary McGarvey,  University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Mary Beth Walker,  Georgia State University
"Quasi-Rents and Labor Market Turnover: A Stochastic Frontier Approach"
Lisa Ford Voekes,  University of Richmond
Ronald S. Warren, Jr.,  University of Georgia
"Measuring Market Power in Input and Output Markets: An Empirical Applciation to Banking"
Bob Adams,  U.S. Department of Justice
Lars-Hendrik Roeller,  Rice University
Robin Sickles,  Rice University
Dan Black,  Syracuse University
David Lang,  Washington University
Joseph Terza,  Pennsylvania State University
Michael Brien,  University of Virginia

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  71F*
Public Economics: Issues in Taxation
Chairperson:  Arthur Snow,  University of Georgia

"Corruption and Optimal Taxation"
James Alm,  Georgia State University
Raul A. Barreto,  University of Adelaide
"Income Tax Overwithholding Through Time: An Empirical Exploration"
Joseph J. Cordes,  George Washington University
Harvey Galper,  Barents Group LLC
Sheila Nataraj Kirby,  Rand Corporation
"The Impact of State Taxes on Border Employment in Multi-State MSA's"
J. William Harden,  University of North Carolina - Greensboro
William H. Hoyt,  University of Kentucky
Trisha L. Bezmen,  Old Dominion University
Roger Lagunoff,  Georgetown University
John V. Pepper,  University of Virginia

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  72F*
The New Urban Economic History
Chairperson:  Farley Grubb,  University of Delaware

"From 'Sixth City' to 'Mistake by the Lake': A Portrait of Cleveland, Ohio in the twentieth Century"
Fred Smith,  Davidson College
"The Pursuit of Opportunity: The Extent and Impact of Selective Black Migration"
Jacob L. Vigdor,  Duke University
"Human Capital and the Rise of U.S. Cities, 1900-1990"
Curtis Simon,  Clemson University
Mary Hansen,  American University
Farley Grubb,  University of Delaware

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  73F*
Economics of Homelessness
Chairperson:  Edgar Olsen,  University of Virginia

"Subsidized Housing, Emergency Shelters, and Homelessness: An Empirical Investigation Using Data from the 1990 Census"
Dirk W. Early,  Southwestern University
Edgar Olsen,  University of Virginia
"The Duration of Homelessness: Evidence from a National Survey"
Sam Allgood,  University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Ronald S. Warren, Jr.,  University of Georgia
"The Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill and the Growth in the U.S. Prison Population: 1971-1993"
Steven Raphael,  University of California - Berkeley
"The Optimal Level and Character of Public Housing as a Corrective for Homelessness"
M. S. Deepak,  University of Florida
Steven Slutsky,  University of Florida
Paul W. Grimes,  Mississippi State University
David B. Mustard,  University of Georgia

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  74F
Migration Choices and Outcomes
Chairperson:  Meghan Millea,  Mississippi State University

"A Logistic Model of Immigrant Location Choice"
Marvin E. Dodson III,  University of Arkansas - Little Rock
"The Effect of Migration Costs on Length of Stay: The Case of Return Migrants from Mexico"
Pia M. Orrenius,  Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
"What Prompts Workers to Remit? Evidence Using a Panel of Latin American and Caribbean Nations"
Alketa Hysenbegasi,  Western Michigan University
Susan Pozo,  Western Michigan University
"Quality Uncertainty and Wages Offered to Migrants"
Erika McEntarfer,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
T. Nicolaus Tideman,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Linda S. Ghent,  Eastern Illinois University
Tammy Rapp Parker,  University of Louisiana

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  75F
Labor Market Policies
Chairperson:  John Robst,  Health Care Financing Administration

"The Economics of Preemployment Drug Testing"
Jason Zimmerman,  South Dakota State University
"Prison Labor: Cost, Opportunity Costs, and Benefit"
Frederick W. Derrick,  Loyola College - Maryland
Thomas Hudson,  Loyola College in Maryland
Charles E. Scott,  Loyola College in Maryland
"The Response of Hours of Work to Increases in the Minimum Wage"
Kenneth A. Couch,  University of Connecticut
David C. Wittenberg,  Lewin Group
William Levernier,  Georgia Southern University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  76F
Empirical Studies of Potential Collusion
Chairperson:  Thomas E. Cooper,  Georgetown College

"Collusion over the Business Cycle: An Empirical Test"
Azzeddine Azzam,  University of Nebraska - Lincoln
David I. Rosenbaum,  University of Nebraska - Lincoln
"Oligopolistic Collusion and Capital Structure: An Analysis of the Meat Packing Industry (1926-1967)"
W. Ken Farr,  Georgia College & State University
Richard A. Lord,  Montclair State University
"Enforcement of the NCAA Football Cartel: Theory and Evidence"
Brad R. Humphreys,  University of Maryland - Baltimore
Jane E. Ruseski,  Federal Trade Commission
"Estimating Reaction Functions for Duopolists in a Repeated Sealed Bid Auction"
Frank A. Scott, Jr.,  University of Kentucky
Jun-Byoung Oh,  Texas A&M University
Christopher R. Thomas,  University of South Florida

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  77F
Economics in the Classroom
Chairperson:  Ann Harper Fender,  Gettysburg College

"Teaching Environmental Economics in an Interdisciplinary Setting"
Jill Caviglia,  Salisbury State University
"Teaching Economics Courses: Experiments in Expanding the Product Line"
Valerie Englander,  St. John's University
Ralph Terregrossa,  St. John's University
"Using the Great Depression to Teach Economics and Quantitative Thinking"
Ann Harper Fender,  Gettysburg College
"To Cheat or Not to Cheat: An Analysis of Student Preferences"
Robert T. Burrus, Jr.,  University of North Carolina - Wilmington
Christopher F. Dumas,  University of North Carolina - Wilmington
Peter W. Schuhmann,  University of North Carolina - Wilmington
KimMarie McGoldrick,  University of Richmond
Benjamin Balak,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Eric O. Craft,  University of Richmond
Philip D. Taylor,  Wesleyan College

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  78F
The Valuation of Property: Empirical Studies
Chairperson:  Anthony M. Yezer,  George Washington University

"Income and Commute Distance as Factors Influencing the Impacts of Rail Transit Stations on Residential Property Values"
David Bowes,  University of Cincinnati
"Assessing the Value of Downtown Commercial Land"
Florenz Plassmann,  State University of New York - Binghamton
T. Nicolaus Tideman,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"Risk Aversion, Property Owner Behavior, and Expected Hurricane Damage"
Robert T. Burrus, Jr.,  University of North Carolina - Wilmington
Christopher F. Dumas,  University of North Carolina - Wilmington
J. Edward Graham,  University of North Carolina - Wilmington
Anthony P. Andrews,  Governors State University
Penelope B. Prime,  Kennesaw State University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  79F
Economics of Innovation
Chairperson:  Albert Link,  University of North Carolina - Greensboro

"The Welfare Effects of Research and Production Joint Ventures"
Kathy Combs,  University of St. Thomas
"Strategic Alliances in the Biotechnology Industry"
Maryann Feldman,  Johns Hopkins University
"Explaining Observed Licensing Arrangements: Toward a Broader Understanding of Technology Flows"
Albert Link,  University of North Carolina - Greensboro
John Scott,  Dartmouth College
Nicholas S. Vonortas,  George Washington University
David Levy,  George Mason University
John Jankowski,  National Science Foundation

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  80F
Public Policy and Industry Study I
Chairperson:  Ben-Chieh Liu,  Chicago State University and Chung Yuan Christian University

"The Effect of Institution on the Telecommunications Industry: Evidence from Asian-Pacific and Latin American Countries"
Luis Gutierrez,  University of Florida
Sang H. Lee,  Southeastern Louisiana University
"A Study on Industrial Material Flows of Taiwan"
Chungfang Ho Chang,  Chung Yuan Christian University
"National Health Insurance and Female Labor Supply: Evidence from Taiwan"
Shin-Yi Chou,  New Jersey Institute of Technology
Jin-Tan Liu,  National Taiwan University
"The Incidence of Terminal Handling Charge (THC): A Study on Far Eastern Freight Conference's Rates"
Dong-Hua Wang,  National Taiwan Ocean University
Chungfang Ho Chang,  Chung Yuan Christian University
Chih-Peng Chu,  National Dong Hwa University
Ben-Chieh Liu,  Chicago State University and Chung Yuan Christian University
Sang H. Lee,  Southeastern Louisiana University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  81F
Service Learning in the Economics Curriculum
Chairperson:  Kirsten K. Madden,  Millersville University

"Service Learning in the Microeconomics Principles Course: What Can You Achieve with Junior Achievement?"
Gail Mitchell Hoyt,  University of Kentucky
"Economics and the Real World: A Service Learning Program Application"
Myriam Quispe-Agnoli,  Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
"Errors in Perspective on Job Mismatch: Lessons from a Community Improvement Project"
Gail Corrado,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Kirsten K. Madden,  Millersville University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  82F
Contemporary Research in Austrian Economics III
Chairperson:  Roger Garrison,  Auburn University

"Murray Rothbard's Contributions to Austrian Monetary Theory"
Joseph T. Salerno,  Pace University
"Is f(k)<0? A Lachmannian Challenge to Growth Theory"
Howard Baetjer,  Towson University
"An Empirical Analysis of the Structure of Production"
Robert F. Mulligan,  Western Carolina University
"Sraffa on Hayek: Unexpected Influence"
Carlo Zappia,  University of Siena - Italy
Edward Stringham,  George Mason University
John Robert Subrick,  George Mason University
Tony Carrili,  Hampden-Sydney College
Roger Koppl,  Farleigh Dickinson University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  83F
Gender Economic Crises and Finance
Chairperson:  Simel Esim,  International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)

"Effects of Financial Instability on Poor Households and Gender Relationships"
Gary Dymski,  University of California - Riverside
"Wife, Mother, Businesswoman: The Effects of Competing Social Roles on Microfinance Borrower Default"
Rebecca Coke,  American University
"Gender and Savings: Analytical Framework"
Maria Floro,  American University
"Gender, Access to Credit and Credit Constraints in Developing Countries"
Manohar Sharma,  International Food Policy Research Institute
Jonathan Murdoch,  Princeton University
Sanjay Jain,  George Washington University

Saturday,  10:30-12:15 p.m.

Session 85GCasino Gambling and its Economic Effects
Session 86G*Topics in Industrial Organization I
Session 87G*Association Lecture
Session 88GInterest Rates
Session 89GTopics in International and Industrial Economics
Session 90G*Econometrics and Applications
Session 91G*Markets I
Session 92G*Decline in Black Family Incomes, 1990-1998
Session 93GChioices and Outcomes in the Family and Labor Markets
Session 94GEmpirical Studies of Trade and Growth
Session 95GFinance
Session 96GRent Seeking
Session 97GBanking II
Session 98GThe Economics of Health Insurance: Part One
Session 99GInternational Economics and Finance Society
Session 100GPublic Policy and Industry Study II
Session 101GApplied Economic Issues II
Session 102GVirginia Political Economy and Austrian Economics
Session 103GOutdoor Recreation Demand
Session 104GCommittee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession - COFFE Video

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  85G
Casino Gambling and its Economic Effects
Chairperson:  Douglas M. Walker,  Georgia College & State University

"Casino Gambling and Bankruptcy"
John D. Jackson,  Auburn University
Douglas M. Walker,  Georgia College & State University
"Crime and Visitors"
Earl L. Grinols,  University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
David B. Mustard,  University of Georgia
"Mitigation of Problem Gambling Industry and Regulatory Strategies for Addressing the Social Consequences of Permitted Casino Gambling"
William R. Eadington,  University of Nevada - Reno
"An Examination of Health Benefits Provided by Casino Operators: The Case of Michigan"
Richard McGowan,  Harvard Medical School

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  86G*
Topics in Industrial Organization I
Chairperson:  Marc Dudey,  Rice University

"Dynamics in the Higher Education Industry: Entry and Growth, 1955-95"
John Kwoka,  George Washington University
Christopher Snyder,  George Washington University
"The Spatial Competition Among Multi-Store Firms"
Debashis Pal,  University of Cincinnati
Jyotirmoy Sarkar,  Purdue University
"The Wheel of Retailing"
Marc Dudey,  Rice University
Peter Hartley,  Rice University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  87G*
Association Lecture
Speaker:  Kenneth G. Elzinga,  University of Virginia

"Teaching Principles of Economics"

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  88G
Interest Rates
Chairperson:  Catherine L. McDevitt,  Central Michigan University

"The Information Content of Money and Interest Rates for Output and Prices in the U.K"
David C. Black,  University of Toledo
Michael R. Dowd,  University of Toledo
"Are Net Discount Rates Stationary? Evidence from Two Structural Breaks"
Bradley Braun,  University of Central Florida
Junsoo Lee,  University of Central Florida
"Economic News and the Bond Market: Evidence from the Fed Funds Futures Market"
John D. Burger,  Loyola College in Maryland
"Testing the Expectations Hypothesis of the Term Structure of Interest Rates Under a Serially Correlated Data Generating Process for the Short-Term Interest Rate"
William E. Shambora,  Ohio University
Gazi Shbikat,  University of Tennessee
Lawrence Huiyan Zhang,  Johns Hopkins University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  89G
Topics in International and Industrial Economics
Chairperson:  Craig A. Depken II,  University of Texas - Arlington

"Copy Depth and Revenue Sharing Agreements: An Analysis of Recent Trends in the Video Industry"
Chiara Gratton,  California State University - Fullerton
Sudipta Sarangi,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"Transport Cost sharing and Spatial Competition"
Hyachya Kyureghain,  American University of Armenia
Sudipta Sarangi,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"The Closure of High-Sulfur Coal Mines as a Result of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments"
Julie Hunsaker,  Wayne State University
"Effects of Transportation Costs on U.S. Imports"
Trisha L. Bezmen,  Old Dominion University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  90G*
Econometrics and Applications
Chairperson:  Shiferaw Gurmu,  Georgia State University

"A Consistent Method for the Selection of Relevant Instruments"
Alastair Hall,  North Carolina State University
"Managed Care and Public Costs: Estimating the Treatment Effect of HMO Enrollment on Medicare Expenditures"
Joseph Terza,  Pennsylvania State University
"Widows Waiting to Wed: The Effects of Social Security Survivor Benefits on Remarriage"
Michael Brien,  University of Virginia
Stacy Dickert-Conlin,  Syracuse University
David A. Weaver,  Social Security Administration
"The Effects of Welfare and Marriage Markets on Pre-Marital Birth and First Marriage: A Nonparametric Competing Risks Analysis"
Jose Canals-Cerda,  University of Colorado - Boulder
Shiferaw Gurmu,  Georgia State University
Bryan W. Brown,  Rice University
Christopher R. Bollinger,  University of Kentucky
Mary Beth Walker,  Georgia State University
Donna Ginther,  Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  91G*
Markets I
Chairperson:  , 

"Automating Posted Prices on the Internet"
Cary Deck,  University of Arizona
"How Relevant is the Dominant Firm Model of Price Leadership?"
Stephen J. Rassenti,  University of Arizona
Bart J. Wilson,  University of Arizona
"Circuit Breakers"
Steve Elliot,  Michigan Technological University
Patrick Joyce,  Michigan Technological University
Dean Johnson,  Michigan Technological University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  92G*
Decline in Black Family Incomes, 1990-1998
Chairperson:  , 

"Why Did Black Family Income Drop in the 1990s?"
William A. Darity, Jr.,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Samuel Myers, Jr.,  University of Minnesota
"Family Environment and Intergenerational Wellbeing"
Patrick L. Mason,  Florida State University
"Thoughts on Black Family Income and Economic Justice"
Marcellus Andrews,  Wellesley College
William M. Rodgers III,  College of William and Mary

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  93G
Chioices and Outcomes in the Family and Labor Markets
Chairperson:  Jill Tiefenthaler,  Colgate University

"Childhood Family Circumstances and Adult Outcomes in the U.S."
Laura Nelson Chadwick,  University of Michigan
"The Role of College Major in Determining Lifetime Income"
J. Isaac Brannon,  University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
Kevin McGee,  University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
"Do Long Work Hours Contribute to Divorce?"
John H. Johnson IV,  University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Wayne Edwards,  Pennsylvania State University - Worthington Scranton
Pamela M. Schmitt,  U.S. Naval Academy

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  94G
Empirical Studies of Trade and Growth
Chairperson:  Linda Harris Dobkins,  Emory & Henry College

"International Trade, Growth, and Income Distribution"
Gyan Pradhan,  Westminster College
Kamal P. Upadhyaya,  University of New Haven
"Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade Between the United States and Industrial Nations"
Don P. Clark,  University of Tennessee
Denise L Stanley,  University of Tennessee
"Globalization and the Asian Economic Crisis"
Roy McLean,  University of Central Arkansas
Teresa A. Beckham,  Rhodes College
Bienvenido S. Cortes,  Pittsburg State University
Miguel D. Ramirez,  Trinity College

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  95G
Chairperson:  Jeffrey M. Gropp,  West Virginia University

"Derivatives Regulation: Public Choice vs. Efficiency Perspectives"
Christopher B. Colburn,  Old Dominion University
Peter Locke,  George Washington University and Commodities Futures Trading Commission
"Assessing the Benefits of Currency Futures in a Portfolio: An Application of Compromise Stochastic Dominance"
Larry Filer,  Old Dominion University
Daniel Fischmar,  Westminster College - Pennsylvania
Peter A. Groothuis,  Westminster College
"Implications of Innovative Financing by School Districts in Texas"
Shama Gamkhar,  University of Texas - Austin
Mona Koerner,  University of Texas - Austin
"The General Form of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory"
Russell Rhine,  University of North Dakota
David Y. Chen,  North Carolina A&T State University
Maretno Agus Harjoto,  University of Kentucky

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  96G
Rent Seeking
Chairperson:  Jac C. Heckelman,  Wake Forest University

"Durable Constitutional Rules and Rent Seeking"
Daniel Sutter,  University of Oklahoma
"Dividing the Federal Spending Pie: Is There a Small State Bias?"
Harold W. Elder,  University of Alabama
Jon P. Halvorson,  University of North Alabama
"The Disciplined Dictator: Using National Elections to Temper a Legislative Agenda Setter"
Jonathan M. Klick,  George Mason University
William Robert Nelson, Jr.,  George Mason University
Stefania Scandizzo,  Texas A&M University
Kurtis J. Swope,  U.S. Naval Academy

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  97G
Banking II
Chairperson:  Cynthia Royal Tori,  Valdosta State University

"Restructuring the Financial System in Saudi Arabia and the Causal Relationship Between Commercial Banks' Deposits and Credit to the Private Sector"
Abdullah H. Albatel,  King Saud University - Riyadh
"Competition, Endogenous Screening and Foreign Bank Entry"
Xiaofen Chen,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"The Development of Islamic Banking Since the Early Part of the 1960s and Whether It Has Been Causing any Friction to Traditional Banking in the West"
Mohamed A. Dabbagh,  Union College
"Internet Banking: Developments and Prospects"
Karen Furst,  Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
William W. Lang,  Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Daniel E. Nolle,  Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Sudip Ghosh,  Cleveland State University
Kevin T. Jacques,  John Carroll University
Bartholomew Moore,  Fordham University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  98G
The Economics of Health Insurance: Part One
Chairperson:  Jason Zimmerman,  South Dakota State University

"Utilization Differentials Among Medicare Enrollees: Does Pre-Medicare Access Matter?"
Said Atri,  State University of New York - Oswego
Glenn G. Graham,  State University of New York - Oswego
"The Effects of Managed Care Concentration on Physician Speciality Choice"
Luke Boulanger,  Boston Health Economics, Inc.
Karen Smith Conway,  University of New Hampshire
"Effects of Consumer Financial Contraints on Health Insurance Take-up Decisions"
Gary M. Fournier,  Florida State University
Nicole Yurgin,  Florida State University
"Do Medicaid Physician Fees for Prenatal Services Affect Birth Outcomes"
Bradley Gray,  Tulane University
Mary 'Femi' Alao,  Georgia State University
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes,  San Diego State University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  99G
International Economics and Finance Society
Chairperson:  Henry Thompson,  Auburn University

"The Real Interest Differential Model After Twenty Years"
Alan G. Isaac,  American University
Suresh De Mel,  University of Peradeniya
"Does Multinationality Matter? Evidence of Value Destruction in U.S. Multinational Corporations"
Reid Click,  George Washington University
Paul Harrison,  Federal Reserve Board
"Intertemporal Budget Policies and Macroeconomic Adjustment in a Small Open Economy"
Walt Fisher,  Institute for Advanced Studies
"IMF Program Spells: A Hazard Rate Analysis"
Joseph P. Joyce,  Wellesley College

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  100G
Public Policy and Industry Study II
Chairperson:  Shin-Yi Chou,  New Jersey Institute of Technology

"Static Analysis of Congestion Road Pricing for Hetergenous Travel Demand"
Chih-Peng Chu,  National Dong Hwa University
"Does Democracy Increase Crime? Evidence from ICVS and INTERPOL"
Ming Jen Lin,  University of Chicago
"Taiwan's Financial Liberalization and Capital Account Convertibility"
Yin K. Wen,  National Dong Hwa University
"Higher Education, Human Capital Circulation and Quality of Life Effects: USA and Taiwan"
Ben-Chieh Liu,  Chicago State University and Chung Yuan Christian University
"Impact of Rising Energy Costs on Economic Growth"
Yu Hsing,  Southeastern Louisiana University
Dong-Hua Wang,  National Taiwan Ocean University
Ben-Chieh Liu,  Chicago State University and Chung Yuan Christian University
Ming Jen Lin,  University of Chicago
Shin-Yi Chou,  New Jersey Institute of Technology
Yin K. Wen,  National Dong Hwa University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  101G
Applied Economic Issues II
Chairperson:  H. Youn Kim,  Western Kentucky University

"Comparative Statics Under Uncertainty with Two Choice Variables and Two Random Variables: A Mean-Standard Deviation Approach"
Gyemying Choi,  Financial Supervisory Service - Korea
Iltae Kim,  Chonnam National University
"Assessing Intertemporal Efficiency and Resource Allocation"
H. Youn Kim,  Western Kentucky University
Iltae Kim,  Chonnam National University
Junsoo Lee,  University of Central Florida

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  102G
Virginia Political Economy and Austrian Economics
Chairperson:  Edward J. Lopez,  University of North Texas

"The Architecture of the Discovery Process: Hierarchies vs. Polyarchies Revisited"
Daniel Sutter,  University of Oklahoma
"National Income Accounting and Public Policy"
Randall G. Holcombe,  Florida State University
"Market Structure and Entrepreneurship in Legislatures"
Edward J. Lopez,  University of North Texas
"Hayek and Bicameralism"
John Charles Bradbury,  North Georgia College & State University
Noel D. Campbell,  North Georgia College & State University
Steven G. Horwitz,  St. Lawrence University
Glen Whitman,  California State University - Northridge
Peter J. Boettke,  George Mason University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  103G
Outdoor Recreation Demand
Chairperson:  Peter A. Groothuis,  Westminster College

"Modeling Recreation Site Choice: Do Hypothetical Choices Reflect Actual Behavior?"
Wictor Adamowicz,  University of Alberta
Peter C. Boxall,  University of Alberta
Michel K. Haener,  University of Alberta
"Incomplete Demand Systems, Corner Solutions and Welfare Measurement"
Roger H. Von Haefen,  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
"Jointly Estimating Contingent Valuation and Behavior for Water Quality Improvements in the Neuse River"
William B. Clifford,  North Carolina State University
Thomas L. Hoban,  North Carolina State University
John C. Whitehead,  East Carolina University
"Conjoint Analysis of National Parks in Maine"
Bob Turner,  Colgate University
Michel K. Haener,  University of Alberta
Bob Turner,  Colgate University
Roger H. Von Haefen,  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
John C. Whitehead,  East Carolina University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  104G
Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession - COFFE Video

Saturday,  1:00-3:15 p.m.

Session 105H*The Economics of Art Markets
Session 106H*Topics in Industrial Organization II
Session 107H*Law and Economics
Session 108HExternalities and Regional Development
Session 110H*Micro-Econometrics (Theory)
Session 111H*Markets II
Session 112H*new Perspectives on Monetary and Financial History
Session 113H*Race as an Endogenous Variable: Theory, Measurement, and Policy
Session 114HTrade and Finance Models
Session 115HMacroeconomics II
Session 116HTopics in Public Choice
Session 117HPublic Finance in the Rest of the World
Session 118HThe Provision of Health Care Service
Session 119HInternational Economics and Finance Society
Session 120HTransforming and Reimaging Women and Courses in the Economics Curriculum
Session 121HThe Economics of Worker Benefits
Session 122HGraduate Student Paper Competition
Session 123HMeasuring and Valuing the Impact of Animal Waste on Water Quality

1:00-3:15 p.m.
  Session  105H*
The Economics of Art Markets
        (Please note the start time of 1:00 p.m.)
Chairperson:  John A. James,  University of Virginia

"The Careers of Modern Artists from Manet to Minimalism"
David W. Galenson,  University of Chicago
"The Excess Supply of Artists"
Pierre-Michel Menger,  Centre de Sociologie des Arts
"Rules versus Play in Early Modern Art Markets"
Neil B. DeMarchi,  Duke University
"An Empirical Study of Prices and Sales Rates for Impressionist and Contemporary Paintings"
Orley Ashenfleter,  Princeton University
Kathryn Graddy,  London School of Business
Diana Crane,  University of Pennsylvania
Michael Edelstein,  Queens College
M. Anne Hill,  Queens College
Roger Sherman,  University of Houston

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  106H*
Topics in Industrial Organization II
Chairperson:  Marc Dudey,  Rice University

"Optimal Design of Reseach Contracts"
Ian Gale,  Georgetown University
"Asymptotic Efficiency in Stackelberg Markets with Incomplete Information"
Jiangbo Zhang,  University of Kansas
Zhentang Zhang,  Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
"Herd Behavior with a Strategic Seller"
Subir Bose,  Iowa State University
"Joint Ventures and Cost-Reducing R&D: A Study of the Impact on Competition"
Mark R. Frascatore,  Clarkson University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  107H*
Law and Economics
Chairperson:  Paul Pecorino,  University of Alabama

"Found Money? Split-Award Satutes and Settlement of Punitive Damage Cases"
Andrew F. Daughety,  Vanderbilt University
Jennifer F. Reinganum,  Vanderbilt University
"Bargaining with Voluntary Transmission of Private Information: Does the Use of Final Offer Arbitration Impede Settlement?"
Amy Farmer,  University of Arkansas
Paul Pecorino,  University of Alabama
"Legal Fee Restrictions, Moral Hazard, and Attorney Profits"
Rudy Santore,  University of Tennessee
Alan D. Viard,  Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
"Opting Out: Private Ordering by Arbitration, Trade Association, and Integration"
Michael J. Meurer,  Boston University
Bruce Kobayashi,  George Mason University
Paul Pecorino,  University of Alabama

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  108H
Externalities and Regional Development
Chairperson:  Ronald L. Moomaw,  Oklahoma State University

"Assessing Transportation-related External Costs: Valuing Decreases in PM-10 Emissions Due to Mode Switching"
Mark Burton,  Marshall University
Michael A. Newsome,  Marshall University
"Agglomeration Effects in High-Tech Industries: Evidence from U.S. Counties"
Donald Grimes,  University of Michigan
Penelope B. Prime,  Kennesaw State University
"The Value of public Goods Generated by a Professional Sports Team: An Application of Contingent Valuation Method"
Peter A. Groothuis,  Westminster College
Bruce Johnson,  Centre College
John C. Whitehead,  East Carolina University
"Flood Insurance, Coastal Erosion and Beachfront Development"
Joseph J. Cordes,  George Washington University
Anthony M. Yezer,  George Washington University
Gregory Brock,  Georgia Southern University
Sanela Porca,  University of Tennessee

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  110H*
Micro-Econometrics (Theory)
Chairperson:  Bryan W. Brown,  Rice University

"The Efficiency Bound of Conditional Moment Restriction Models"
Chunrong Ai,  University of Florida
"Semiparametric Efficient Estimation and Prediction in Dynamic Nonlinear Systems"
Bryan W. Brown,  Rice University
Byung Jeon,  Rice University
"Nonparametric Estimation of Wages and Labor Force Participation"
John V. Pepper,  University of Virginia
Steven Stern,  University of Virginia
Peter Arcidiancono,  Duke University
Shiferaw Gurmu,  Georgia State University
Alastair Hall,  North Carolina State University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  111H*
Markets II
Chairperson:  , 

"Efficiency and the Winner's Curse"
Jacob K. Goeree,  University of Virginia
Theo Offerman,  University van Amsterdam
"Differentiated Product Competition and the Antitrust Litigation Model: An Experimental Analysis"
Douglas Davis,  Virginia Commonwealth University
Bart J. Wilson,  University of Arizona
"The Advertising Market in a Product Oligopoly"
Anthony Dukes,  University of Pittsburgh
Michelle Goeree,  University of Virginia

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  112H*
new Perspectives on Monetary and Financial History
Chairperson:  Curtis Simon,  Clemson University

"Creating the U.S.-Dollar Currency Union, 1760-1811: A Quest for Monetary Stability or a Grab for Sovereignty?"
Farley Grubb,  University of Delaware
"A Single Market? The Stock Exchanges of the United States and London, 1866-1885"
Benjamin Chabot,  University of Michigan
"Was the Crash of 1839 Just Like the Panic of 1837?"
John Wallis,  University of Maryland
Curtis Simon,  Clemson University
Fred Smith,  Davidson College

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  113H*
Race as an Endogenous Variable: Theory, Measurement, and Policy
Chairperson:  Patrick L. Mason,  Florida State University

"Race, Class, and the Economics of Identity: A Theory of Racism"
William A. Darity, Jr.,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
J. Stewart,  Pennsylvania State University
Patrick L. Mason,  Florida State University
"Is Race Endogenous? Some Preliminary Evidence on Latinos"
Philip R. Martinez,  Lane Community College
Patrick L. Mason,  Florida State University
"Race as Property"
Bill Spriggs,  Urban League
"A Test of the Functionality of Discrimination"
Darrick Hamilton,  University of Michigan
Samuel Myers, Jr.,  University of Minnesota

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  114H
Trade and Finance Models
Chairperson:  Peter D. Gulyn,  Federal Trade Commission

"Decentralized International Exchange"
Robert R. Reed,  Iowa State University
Kathleen Trask,  University of Kentucky
"Welfare Implications of Trade Reforms with an Active Government Budget Constraint"
Can Erbil,  Brandeis University
"Exchange Rate Movements and International Trade"
Vikram Kumar,  Davidson College
"Optimal Bank Runs Without Self-fulfilling Prophecies"
Haibin Zhu,  Duke University
Roy McLean,  University of Central Arkansas
David B. Yerger,  Lycoming College

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  115H
Macroeconomics II
Chairperson:  Michael R. Dowd,  University of Toledo

"Modeling and Analyzing Business Inventory Practices"
Jay M. Berman,  Bureau of Labor Statistics
"An Empirical Investigation of the Interest Rate and Output Sensitivity of Disaggregated Investment"
Tricia Coxwell,  University of Tennessee
"Predicting Sectoral Recessions Via Monetary Data"
Jean Gauger,  University of Tennessee
Hamzeh Jaradat,  University of Tennessee
"Changes in the Long-Run Relationship Between Hours, Employment, and Output in U.S. Manufacturing"
Stuart Glosser,  University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
Larry Filer,  Old Dominion University
Robert F. Mulligan,  Western Carolina University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  116H
Topics in Public Choice
Chairperson:  Clarence C. Morrison,  Indiana University

"A Public Choice Analysis of the G.I. Bill"
Clair Smith,  George Mason University
"Competition Between Blacks and Hispanics in America's Cities: An assessment of the Impact of this Competition on the Economic Growth and Social Well-being of America's Metropolitan Areas"
Wendy P. Warcholik,  George Mason University
"The Effect of Bicameralism on Fiscal Policy: Evidence from the American States"
John Charles Bradbury,  North Georgia College & State University
W. Mark Crain,  George Mason University
Harold W. Elder,  University of Alabama
Daniel Sutter,  University of Oklahoma

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  117H
Public Finance in the Rest of the World
Chairperson:  Stephen J. Schmidt,  Union College

"Subnational Government Finance in the Russian Federation"
Roy Bahl,  Georgia State University
Sally Wallace,  Georgia State University
"Substitution Between Different Games of the U.K. National Lottery"
David Forrest,  University of Salford - England
O. David Gulley,  Bentley College
Robert Simmons,  University of Salford - England
"Do More Open Economies Have Bigger Governments? Another Look"
John Garen,  University of Kentucky
Kathleen Trask,  University of Kentucky
"Income Sharing Transfers and Dependence of State Governments in Mexico"
Jorge Ibarra-Salazar,  Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Rodrigo Pérez-Alanís,  Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Jonathan Fisher,  University of Kentucky
Evan Moore,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  118H
The Provision of Health Care Service
Chairperson:  Glenn G. Graham,  State University of New York - Oswego

"Determinants of Hospital Provision of Uncompensated Care: An Empirical Analysis of Georgia Hospitals"
Mary 'Femi' Alao,  Georgia State University
"Can a Letter Do the Trick? The Influence of a Simple Prescribing Report on Physician Pharmacy Costs"
Brian S. Armour,  Kerr L. White Institute
Jeff Etchason,  Kerr L. White Institute
"The Impact of Litigation on Nursing Home Quality"
Jennifer Troyer,  University of North Carolina - Charlotte
"Does Public Sector Vocational Rehabilitation Foster Return-to-Work Among Recipients of Social Security Disability payments?"
David H. Dean,  University of Richmond
Robert C. Dolan,  University of Richmond
Gary M. Fournier,  Florida State University
Richard A. Hofler,  University of Central Florida
Jason S. Palmer,  Ohio State University

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  119H
International Economics and Finance Society
Chairperson:  Henry Thompson,  Auburn University

"A Distance Measure of Factor Abundance and Tests of the Factor Proportions Theory"
Farhad Rassekh,  University of Hartford
Henry Thompson,  Auburn University
"Patent Valuations in the U.S. and the EU"
Keith Reutter,  Micronomics
Henry Thompson,  Auburn University
"Optimum Welfare and Revenue Maximizing Import Tariffs under Oligopoly: Alternative Rankings from Competing Assumptions"
Michael H. Slotkin,  Florida Institute of Technology
"Tourism Revenues and Residential Foreign Investment Flows in Spain: A Simultaneous Model"
Luis Sastre Jimenez,  UNED
"Intellectual Property Rights, Environmental Regulations, and Foreign Direct Investment"
Catherine Y. Co,  University of Nebraska - Omaha
John A. List,  University of Central Florida
Larry D. Qiu,  Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  120H
Transforming and Reimaging Women and Courses in the Economics Curriculum
Chairperson:  Margaret S. Coleman,  U.S. Bureau of the Census

"Using the Wow Effect in "Women and . . ." Courses"
Brigitte Bechtold,  Central Michigan University
"Internationalizing and Diversifying the Study of Women and Gender"
Karen Dugger,  Towson University
"Addressing Global Issues in a Woman and Economics Course"
Drue Barker,  Hollins College
"Exploring Public Policy Issues in a "Women in the Economy" Course"
Janice Peterson,  Institute for Women's Policy Research
Shyamala Raman,  Saint Joseph College

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  121H
The Economics of Worker Benefits
Chairperson:  Saranna Thornton,  Hampden-Sydney College

"Using Contingent Valuation to Value Benefits"
Rachel Willis,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Rachel E. Connelly,  Bowdoin College
Deborah DeGraff,  Bowdoin College
"The Economic Value of Families: Are Personal Networks Paramount to Job Success for Single Mothers?"
Jennifer Kelly,  University of Notre Dame
"Twice Penalized: Employment Discrimination Against Disabled Women"
Brett O'Hara,  U.S. Bureau of the Census
Saranna Thornton,  Hampden-Sydney College

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  122H
Graduate Student Paper Competition
Chairperson:  Peter J. Boettke,  George Mason University

"Interest: In the Austrian Tradition"
Robert P. Murphy,  New York University
"Privatization, Entrepreneurship and Discovery"
Adrian Moore,  University of California - Irvine
"Insider Trading, Agency Problems and the Separation of Property and Control"
Alexandre Padilla,  University of Aix-Marseille III
Bryan Caplan,  George Mason University
Sanford Ikeda,  State University of New York - Purchase
Peter Lewin,  University of Texas - Dallas

1:30-3:15 p.m.
  Session  123H
Measuring and Valuing the Impact of Animal Waste on Water Quality
Chairperson:  Charles Griffiths,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

"What Causes Fish Kills in North Carolina?"
Charles Griffiths,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Cynthia Morgan,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
"Benefits of Improved Water Quality in Shellfish Harvesting Waters: An Analysis of EPA's Proposed Regulations on Animal Agriculture"
Charles Griffiths,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Sabrina Ise-Lovell,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
"The Proximity of Animal Feeding Operations to Public Drinking Water Intakes: What Effect on Water Treatment Cost?"
Mark E. Smith,  U.S. Department of Agriculture
"The Impact of Animal Waste on Drinking Water Treatment Costs"
Charles Griffiths,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
William J. Wheeler,  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Jeffrey L. Jordan,  University of Georgia
Marc Ribaudo,  U.S. Department of Agriculture

Saturday,  3:30-4:20p.m.

Session 125J*Southern Economic Association Presidential Address
Session 126J*Southern Economic Association Business Meeting

  Session  125J*
Southern Economic Association Presidential Address
Introduction:  Marjorie B. McElroy,  Duke University
   President-Elect, Southern Economic Association

Roger Sherman,  University of Houston
President, Southern Economic Association

  Session  126J*
Southern Economic Association Business Meeting
Chairperson:  Roger Sherman,  University of Houston
   President, Southern Economic Association

Saturday,  5:00-6:00p.m.

Session 127KGeorge Mason University - Center for the Study of Public Choice - Cocktail Party
Session 128KUniversity of Kentucky - Department of Economics - Cocktail Party
Session 129KOklahoma State University - Eonomistics Society - Cocktail Party
Session 130KSociety for the Development of Austrian Economics - Cocktail Party & Dinner

  Session  127K
George Mason University - Center for the Study of Public Choice - Cocktail Party
        (Cash Bar)

  Session  128K
University of Kentucky - Department of Economics - Cocktail Party
        (Cash Bar)

  Session  129K
Oklahoma State University - Eonomistics Society - Cocktail Party

  Session  130K
Society for the Development of Austrian Economics - Cocktail Party & Dinner
        6:00-7:00 Cash Bar, 7:00-10:00 Dinner & Speaker
Speaker:  Peter Lewin,  University of Texas - Dallas

"The Development of Austrian Economics"

Sunday,  8:30-10:15 a.m.

Session 135M*The SEA: Provincial Dinosaur or Potential Dynamo?
Session 136MGrowth
Session 137M*Training and Employment for Low-Skill Workers
Session 138M*Measurement Error (Theory and Applications)
Session 139M*Bargaining and Public Goods
Session 140MWage-Employment Response to Demand Fluctuations
Session 141MPurchasing Parity and Price Movements
Session 142MAntitrust Policy
Session 143MAspects of Production
Session 144MExperiments in the Economics of Education
Session 145MTechnological Advancement and the Changing Context of Public Policy
Session 146MTopics in Forensic Economics I
Session 147MTopics in Internationa Finance
Session 148MThe Economics of Student Achievement
Session 149MTopics in Regional Economics
Session 150M*Local Public Finance
Session 151M*Health Econometrics

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  135M*
The SEA: Provincial Dinosaur or Potential Dynamo?
Moderator:  Charles T. Clotfelter,  Duke University

Charles T. Clotfelter,  Duke University
William A. Darity, Jr.,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Jonathan H. Hamilton,  University of Florida
Kathy J. Hayes,  Southern Methodist University
Joseph M. Jadlow,  Oklahoma State University
John J. Siegfried,  Vanderbilt University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  136M
Chairperson:  Usha Nair-Reichert,  Georgia Institute of Technology

"Transitional Dynamics Dominate Growth"
Bruce T. Elmslie,  University of New Hampshire
Norman H. Sedgley III,  University of New Hampshire
"Could It Happen Again?"
Robin Hanson,  George Mason University
"An Alternative Model of Growth: Technology Adoption and Efficiency"
Patrik T Hultberg,  University of Wyoming
"Is the U.S. Economy Characterized by Endogenous Growth? A Time-Series Test of Two Stochastic Growth Models"
Daniel G. Swaine,  Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Can Erbil,  Brandeis University
John R. Schroeter,  Iowa State University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  137M*
Training and Employment for Low-Skill Workers
Chairperson:  Stephen H. Bell,  Urban Institute

"Transitions from Welfare and the Employment Prospects of Low-Skill Workers"
David C. Ribar,  George Washington University
"Net Impacts of Job Corps During the First Thirty Months Following Program Entry"
John Burghardt,  Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Peter Z. Schochet,  Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
"To Train or Not to Train: Optimal Treatment Assignment Rules Under the New Welfare System"
John V. Pepper,  University of Virginia
Stephen H. Bell,  Urban Institute
Jonathan E. Jacobson,  Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  138M*
Measurement Error (Theory and Applications)
Chairperson:  Terra McKinnish,  University of Colorado - Boulder

"Measurement Error in Mixed and Continuous-discrete Variables: How Badly is the Return to Formal Training Estimated?"
Harley Frazis,  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Mark Loewenstein,  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
"I Didn't Tell and I Won't Tell: Dynamic Response Error in the SIPP"
Christopher R. Bollinger,  University of Kentucky
"Panel Data and Measurement Error"
Terra McKinnish,  University of Colorado - Boulder
"The Earnings of the Highly Educated: Some Issues of Data Quality"
Dan Black,  Syracuse University
Seth Sanders,  University of Maryland
Lowell Taylor,  Carnegie Mellon University
William J. Smith,  Georgia State University
Jose Canals-Cerda,  University of Colorado - Boulder
Mary McGarvey,  University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Chris Ruhm,  University of North Carolina - Greensboro

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  139M*
Bargaining and Public Goods
Chairperson:  , 

"An Experimental Evaluation of the Serial Cost Sharing Rule"
Bob Dorsey,  University of Mississippi
Laura Razzolini,  University of Mississippi
"Learning to (dis) Trust"
Robert Slonim,  Case Western Reserve University
"Individual Motives for Giving"
Susan K. Laury,  Georgia State University
Melayne Morgan McInnes,  University of South Carolina

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  140M
Wage-Employment Response to Demand Fluctuations
Chairperson:  Mary Ellen Benedict,  Bowling Green State University

"Temporary Employment and the Natural Rate of Unemployment"
Maria Ward Otoo,  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
"Aggregate Unskilled Wages, Prices, and Technology: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis"
Michael Mamo,  Western Michigan University
"Labor Market Disruptions and Wage Differences: A Natural Experiment from Israel"
Jennifer Olmsted,  U.S. Department of Agriculture
Edward Sayre,  Kenyon College
"Segmented Labor Markets and Segmented Incomes: Implications of Contingent-Work in Chile"
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes,  San Diego State University
Anthony J. Barkume,  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
J. Isaac Brannon,  University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  141M
Purchasing Parity and Price Movements
Chairperson:  J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.,  James Madison University

"A Bayesian Test of the Real Exchange Rates in the Post Bretton Woods Era"
Francis W. Ahking,  University of Connecticut
"Purchasing Power Under the Gold Standard"
Natalie D. Hegwood,  Sam Houston State University
David H. Papell,  University of Houston
"Purchasing Power Parity: Error Correction Models and Structural Breaks"
Ridrigo Peruga Urrea,  Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Amalia Morales Zumaquero,  Universidad de Malaga - Spain
"Should Cointegrating Regressions of the Monetary Model Include Short-Run Interest Rates? A Test of Rational Expectations and Sticky Prices"
Michael D. Goldberg,  University of New Hampshire
Stephanie M. Brewer,  Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Pamela M. Schmitt,  U.S. Naval Academy

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  142M
Antitrust Policy
Chairperson:  William Levernier,  Georgia Southern University

"Complements Integration and Leverage: The Case of the Middleman"
Christopher Garmon,  Federal Trade Commission
"Tying Arrangements and the Relevant Market for Determining Monopoly Power"
Philip K. Porter,  University of South Florida
Christopher R. Thomas,  University of South Florida
"Multimarket Contact and Pricing in U.S. Rail Freight"
Stephen J. Schmidt,  Union College
"The Determinants of Mergers: Evidence from the 90s"
Roxana Toma,  University of Kentucky
Keith Brown,  Federal Communications Commission
Thomas E. Cooper,  Georgetown College
David I. Rosenbaum,  University of Nebraska - Lincoln

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  143M
Aspects of Production
Chairperson:  Robert F. Mulligan,  Western Carolina University

"Organizational Type and Efficiency in the Costa Rican Coffee Processing Sector"
Roberto Mosheim,  University of Puerto Rico
"Productivity Differences Between Public and Private Firms: The Case of Turkey"
Klaus G. Becker,  Texas Tech University
Serap Asik Turut,  Middle East Technical University
"Maintenance and Repair Expenditures, Capital Intensity and Productive Efficiency in Canadian Manufacturing"
J.K. Mullen,  Clarkson University
Martin Williams,  Northern Illinois University
"Keys to Success in the Internet Economy"
William F. Huneke,  UUNET Technologies and University of Maryland
Elbert V. Bowden,  Appalachian State University
Wasseem Mina,  Georgia State University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  144M
Experiments in the Economics of Education
Chairperson:  Jill Caviglia,  Salisbury State University

"Teachers, Race and Student Achievement in a Randomized Experiment"
Thomas S. Dee,  Swarthmore College
"A Preliminary Examination of the Edgewood Voucher "Experiment:" Issues and Data"
John Merrifield,  University of Texas - San Antonio
"School Choice in a Large Texas School District"
Daniel M. O'Brien,  University of Texas - Dallas
James C. Murdoch,  University of Texas - Dallas
Anthony P. Andrews,  Governors State University
David Bowes,  University of Cincinnati
John D. Worth,  U.S. Treasury Department

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  145M
Technological Advancement and the Changing Context of Public Policy
Chairperson:  Daniel B. Klein,  Santa Clara University

"Technological Advancement and the Changing Context of Public Policy Justification: Trends and Themes"
Fred Foldvary,  Santa Clara University
Daniel B. Klein,  Santa Clara University
"Rationales for Publicly Funded Highways in Light of New Technologies"
Peter Samuel,  Tollroads Newsletter
"Fending the Airshed: Using Remote Sensing to Reduce Auto Emissions"
Daniel B. Klein,  Santa Clara University
"The Entrepreneurial Community in Light of Advancing Business Practice and Technology"
Spencer MacCallum, 
Gabriel Roth, 

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  146M
Topics in Forensic Economics I
Chairperson:  George A. Schieren,  Appalachian State University

"The Influence of Patent Law on Innovation and Technology"
O. William Kerr,  Navigant Consulting/PENTA
Gauri Prakash-Canjels,  Navigant Consulting/PENTA
"Child Cost Economics and Litigation Issues"
R. Mark Rogers,  Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
"Relevance of Defendant Financial Records in Assessing Punitive Damages: Will Practices Change with Daubert/Kumho?"
Wendell Sweetser,  Forensic Econometrics
Sophie M. Korczyk,  Analytical Services
Manuel R. Smith,  U.S. Department of Education
Rick R. Gaskins,  Gaskins Associates, PC

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  147M
Topics in Internationa Finance
Chairperson:  Tammy Rapp Parker,  University of Louisiana

"Fixed and Floating Exchange Rates: The Experience of the American Colonies with Paper Money"
Clifford F. Thies,  Shenandoah University
"Korean Currency Crisis and Over-Investment in the Perspective of Long-Run Equilibirum"
Chang-Jin Kim,  University of Washington
Kwanghee Nam,  Korea Economic Research Institute
Rhee Chong-ook,  Seoul Women's University
"Relationship Between a Country's Creditworthiness and Financial Market Development: A Cross-Country Analysis"
Kalamogo Coulibaly,  American University
Marshall K. Gramm,  Texas A&M University
Mikhail I. Melnik,  Georgia State University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  148M
The Economics of Student Achievement
Chairperson:  Eric O. Craft,  University of Richmond

"Do Parents Supply Less Effort to Their Child's Education When School Quality Improves?"
Karen Smith Conway,  University of New Hampshire
Andrew J. Houtenville,  Cornell University
"The Enrollment Effect of Merit-Based Aid: The Case of the HOPE Scholarship"
Christopher Cornwell,  University of Georgia
David B. Mustard,  University of Georgia
Deepa J. Sridhar,  University of Georgia
"The Effects of Merit-Based Education Subsidies on Student Achievement: An Analysis of Georgia's HOPE Scholarship"
Elizabeth A. Perry,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"The Effect of Class Size on Marginal Benefits as Measured by Student Performance, Learning Environment and Results"
Edward C. Kokkelenberg,  State University of New York - Binghamton
Yu Zhu,  State University of New York - Binghamton
Ann Harper Fender,  Gettysburg College
Stuart Glosser,  University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  149M
Topics in Regional Economics
Chairperson:  Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong,  University of South Florida

"Labor Supply to Informal Activity in Non-Metropolitan Wisconsin"
John Larrivee,  Duke University
"The Effects of City Fiscal Conditions on MSA Housing Markets"
Paul L. Hettler,  Duquesne University
Florenz Plassmann,  State University of New York - Binghamton
Rickard E. Wall,  Linköping University/EKI

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  150M*
Local Public Finance
Chairperson:  Gregory Besharov,  Duke University

"The Capitalization of School Report Cards"
David Figlio,  University of Florida
"A Historical Test of the Tiebout Equilibirum: Reduced Country-Level Stratification from 1850 to 1990"
Koleman Strumpf,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
"The Optimal Division of Tax Base Among Multiple Levels of Government"
William H. Hoyt,  University of Kentucky
"Influence Costs in the Provision of Local Public Goods"
Gregory Besharov,  Duke University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  151M*
Health Econometrics
Chairperson:  Brent Kreider,  University of Virginia

"Diagnosis Measurement Error and Instrumental Variables"
Brent Kreider,  University of Virginia
"Assessing the Effects of Substance Abuse on Employment Status"
Joseph Terza,  Pennsylvania State University
"Drugs, Alcohol, Employment, and Wages"
Samuel H. Zuvekas,  Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
"Does WIC Participation Increase Prenatal Care Utilization?"
Chris Swann,  State University of New York - Stony Brook

Sunday,  10:30-12:15 p.m.

Session 153N*What Should Be Taught in Introductory Economics?
Session 154NMacroeconomics III
Session 155N*Welfare Participation and Outcomes
Session 156N*Labor Econometrics (Applications)
Session 158NStrategic Behavior in Market
Session 159NCurrency Crises
Session 160NPublic Economics and Policy
Session 161NTaxing and Spending: Part Two
Session 162NContemporary Research in Austrian Economics IV
Session 163NGender/Childcare Issues in Transition Economics
Session 164NRoundtable on Earnings and Work Experience of Disabled Workers - Data for Assessment
Session 165NBanking I
Session 166NEfficient Pricing in Telephony and Electric Markets

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  153N*
What Should Be Taught in Introductory Economics?
Chairperson:  James O'Neil,  University of Delaware

"What Should Be Taught in Introductory Economics?"
W. Lee Hansen,  University of Wisconsin - Madison
Michael Salemi,  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
John J. Siegfried,  Vanderbilt University
Stephen Buckles,  Vanderbilt University
Kenneth G. Elzinga,  University of Virginia
Gail Mitchell Hoyt,  University of Kentucky
Clark Ross,  Davidson College
Allen Sanderson,  University of Chicago

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  154N
Macroeconomics III
Chairperson:  Todd Easton,  University of Portland

"Barter Income and Monetary Exchange"
Frank G. Steindl,  Oklahoma State University
"The Relationship Between Sectoral Price Changes and Output Growth: A General Equilibrium Analysis"
Nathan S. Balke,  Southern Methodist University
Hiranya K. Nath,  Southern Methodist University
"Mode-Locking and Business Cycle Formation"
Roderick V. Jensen,  Wesleyan College
David D. Selover,  Old Dominion University
David C. Black,  University of Toledo
Michael R. Dowd,  University of Toledo
Clifford F. Thies,  Shenandoah University

8:30-10:15 a.m.
  Session  155N*
Welfare Participation and Outcomes
Chairperson:  Thomas M. Fraker,  Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

"Long-Run Net Impacts of Iowa's Welfare Reform"
Thomas M. Fraker,  Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Jonathan E. Jacobson,  Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Robert B. Olsen,  Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
"The Effects of a Higher Minimum Wage on Welfare Participation"
Mark D. Turner,  Johns Hopkins University
"Welfare and Non-marital Fertility: A State Fixed Effects Approach"
Julie Hudson,  Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
"Employment and Welfare Reform in the NSAF"
Pamela Loprest,  Urban Institute
Douglas Wissoker,  Urban Institute
Burt S. Barnow,  Johns Hopkins University
Seth Sanders,  University of Maryland

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  156N*
Labor Econometrics (Applications)
Chairperson:  Christopher R. Bollinger,  University of Kentucky

"Financial Aid and Student Bargaining Power"
David Lang,  Washington University
"Academic Labor Markets for Scientists"
Donna Ginther,  Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
"Why are Economic Expansions Unhealthy?"
Chris Ruhm,  University of North Carolina - Greensboro
"Living Rationally Under the Volcano? Heavy Drinking and Smoking Among the Elderly"
Peter Arcidiancono,  Duke University
Krista Perreira,  Duke University
Holger Sieg,  Duke University
Frank Sloan,  Duke University
Terra McKinnish,  University of Colorado - Boulder
Mark Loewenstein,  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
John V. Pepper,  University of Virginia

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  158N
Strategic Behavior in Market
Chairperson:  John Charles Bradbury,  North Georgia College & State University

"Strategic Pricing in a Market with Switching Costs and an Inflation Constraint"
David Ridley,  Duke University
"Counterfeit Good and Vertical Product Differentiation"
Stefania Scandizzo,  Texas A&M University
"Factors Influencing the Establishment of an EMS by Small Manufacturing Firms"
Maureen L. Sirois,  University of New Hampshire
Rajshree Agarwal,  University of Central Florida
Gerald Granderson,  Miami University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  159N
Currency Crises
Chairperson:  William E. Shambora,  Ohio University

"Consistent Prediction and Inference in the Empirics of Currency Crises"
David M. Arseneau,  University of Virginia
"The Growth of Short-Term Foreign Debt and Currency Crises: Is There a Relation?"
Wasseem Mina,  Georgia State University
"The Maturity Composition of International Lending by U.S. Banks"
Neven Valev,  Georgia State University
David T. Flynn,  Indiana University
Andrew L.H. Parkes,  East Central University
Jon Vilasuso,  West Virginia University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  160N
Public Economics and Policy
Chairperson:  Mark Thornton,  Columbus State University

"Incentive Contracting with Multiple Agents in the Public Sector: The Effects of Performance on Financing and the Role of Relative Performance Evaluation"
Jason S. Palmer,  Ohio State University
"Merger Activity and Unemployment in the United States"
Franklin G. Mixon, Jr.,  University of Southern Mississippi
Kamal P. Upadhyaya,  University of New Haven
"Cycles, Thresholds, Growth: The Politics of Fiscal Policy"
Chetan Ghate,  Colorado College
Paul J. Zak,  Claremont Graduate University
"Measuring the Porter Hypothesis in a General Equilibrium Framework"
Cynthia Tubb,  University of Tennessee
Rebecca J. Campbell,  Southwest Texas State University
Mark Stewart,  Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology - Australia
Kathleen Thomas,  University of Texas - Dallas

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  161N
Taxing and Spending: Part Two
Chairperson:  Karen Smith Conway,  University of New Hampshire

"Constructing Confidence Intervals for the Suits Index: Theory and an Application"
John E. Anderson,  University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Paul A. Shoemaker,  University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Atrayee Ghosh Roy,  Morningside College
"The Revenue Impacts of Cross-Border Lottery Shopping in the Presence of Spatial Autocorrelation"
Thomas A. Garrett,  Kansas State University
Thomas L. Marsh,  Kansas State University
"Municipal Bonds and Public Sector Capital Investment: Do Budget Stabilization Funds Matter?"
Jeffrey M. Gropp,  West Virginia University
Gary A. Wagner,  West Virginia University
"Tax Evasion and Uncertain Audit Policy"
Arthur Snow,  University of Georgia
Ronald S. Warren, Jr.,  University of Georgia
Paul L. Hettler,  Duquesne University
William H. Hoyt,  University of Kentucky

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  162N
Contemporary Research in Austrian Economics IV
Chairperson:  Steven G. Horwitz,  St. Lawrence University

"From Austrian Economics to von Neumann: Could Morgenstern Find His Way Back to Vienna?"
Mie Augier,  Stanford University
"Former Monopolies' Rent Seeking Activities and the Diffusion of the Deregulation Process: An Austrian Approach"
Jean-Philippe Bonardi,  Tulane University
"The Many Meanings of Unintended Consequences"
Stephan Boehm,  University of Graz - Austria
"Learning in Economics: The Austrian Insights"
Pierre Garrouste,  Universite Lumiere Lyon 2
Ivan Pongracic,  Indiana Wesleyan
Adrian Moore,  University of California - Irvine
William N. Butos,  Trinity College
Roger Koppl,  Farleigh Dickinson University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  163N
Gender/Childcare Issues in Transition Economics
Chairperson:  Drue Barker,  Hollins College

"The Demise of State Run Child Care in Bulgaria: Causes and Implications"
Mieke Meurs,  American University
Jolanta Krol,  American University
Assen Asenov,  American University
"Changes in Married Women's Labor Force Participation in Bulgaria's Transion from Plan to Market"
Lisa Giddings,  University of Wisconsin - LaCross
"Child Care and Women's Labor Force Participation in Romania"
Monica Fong,  World Bank
Michael Lokshin,  World Bank
Brigitte Bechtold,  Central Michigan University
Margaret S. Coleman,  U.S. Bureau of the Census

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  164N
Roundtable on Earnings and Work Experience of Disabled Workers - Data for Assessment
        Co-sponsored by the American Academy of Economic and Financial Experts (AAEFE) and The American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)
Chairperson:  Thomas R. Ireland,  University of Missouri - St. Louis

John M. McNeil,  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
James D. Rodgers,  Pennsylvania State University

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  165N
Banking I
Chairperson:  O. David Gulley,  Bentley College

"Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit"
Marshall K. Gramm,  Texas A&M University
"The Risk Based Capital Requirements and the U.S. Loan Market: A Pooled Regression Analysis"
Sudip Ghosh,  Cleveland State University
"Do Merger Activities Increase CEO and Board of Director Compensation? An Analysis if the U.S. Banking Industry"
Maretno Agus Harjoto,  University of Kentucky
"The Impact of the Basle Risk-Based Capital Standards on Bank Portfolio Composition"
Kevin T. Jacques,  John Carroll University
John D. Burger,  Loyola College in Maryland
Donald L. Schunk,  University of South Carolina

10:30-12:15 p.m.
  Session  166N
Efficient Pricing in Telephony and Electric Markets
Chairperson:  Bill Dickens,  Florida Public Service Commission

"Are Real Time Electric Prices Efficient?"
Bill Dickens,  Florida Public Service Commission
Nicholas Economides,  New York University
Marc Jamison,  University of Florida
Robert Graniere,  Ohio State University
Karen Palmer,  Resources for the Future
J. Gregory Sidak,  American Enterprise Institute

Sunday,  12:30-2:15 p.m.

Session 171PEconomic Development
Session 172PBehavioral Economics
Session 173PThe Economics of Welfare
Session 174P*Education Policy
Session 175P*Risk Preferences and Individual Decision Making
Session 176PEconomics of Utilities and Transportation
Session 177PExchange Rates and Interest Rates
Session 178PThe Economics of Health Insurance: Part Two
Session 179PNatural Resource Economics: Selected Topics
Session 180PContemporary Research in Austrian Economics V
Session 182PTopics in Forensic Economics II

12:30-2:15 p.m.
  Session  171P
Economic Development
Chairperson:  , 

"Foreign Direct Investment in Chile and Mexico: A Critical Survey of Recent Trends and Analysis of Major Determinants"
Miguel D. Ramirez,  Trinity College
"The Rapid Changes in the Earning Inequality in Korea After the Financial Crisis"
Sung-Joon Park,  Korea Economic Research Institute
"Capital Flight and Income Inequality"
Mikhail I. Melnik,  Georgia State University
"Entrepreneurial Activity: Similarities and Differences Across 21 Countries"
Maria Minniti,  Babson College
Mohamed A. Dabbagh,  Union College
Sylvestre Gaudin Hultberg,  University of Wyoming

12:30-2:15 p.m.
  Session  172P
Behavioral Economics
Chairperson:  Henry E. Kilpatrick, Jr.,  Brown, Williams, Scarbrough & Quinn, Inc.

"Estimating Bounded Rationality and Pricing Performance Uncertainty"
Carl Nicholas McKinney, Jr.,  Texas A&M University
John Van Huyck,  Texas A&M University
"What Could Have Been and What Is: Cognitive Dissonance as a Behavioral Determinant"
Douglas M. Walker,  Georgia College & State University
"Systematically Biased Beliefs About Economics"
Bryan Caplan,  George Mason University
"Do Informational Inefficiencies Still Exist?"
Nicholas G. Rupp,  Valdosta State University
Philip K. Porter,  University of South Florida
Martin Williams,  Northern Illinois University

12:30-2:15 p.m.
  Session  173P
The Economics of Welfare
Chairperson:  Laura Tiehen,  U.S. Department of Agriculture

"Benefit Banking: An Alternative Explanation of Welfare Caseload Declines"
Jeffrey Alwang,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Gautam Hazarika,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Bradford Mills,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"Do Welfare-to-Work Employees Have a Reduced Probability of Quitting? Evidence from a Case Study"
Jill Gunderson,  Georgia State University
"Has Welfare Reform Led to Increased Use of Private Nonprofit Food Assistance?"
Laura Tiehen,  U.S. Department of Agriculture
Branko Jovanovic,  Texas A&M University
John Robst,  Health Care Financing Administration
Bisakha Sen,  University of Central Florida

12:30-2:15 p.m.
  Session  174P*
Education Policy
Chairperson:  David Figlio,  University of Florida

"Educational Lobbying Across States"
Eugenia F. Toma,  University of Kentucky
"Competition and Compensation in Education"
Lori L. Taylor,  Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
"Start the Day Strong: School Breakfast and Kindergarten Gain Scores"
F. Joshua Winicki,  USDA-ERS
David Figlio,  University of Florida

12:30-2:15 p.m.
  Session  175P*
Risk Preferences and Individual Decision Making
Chairperson:  , 

"Biases in Forecasting the Risk Attitudes of Others"
Catherine Eckel,  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Philip Grossman,  St. Cloud University
"Financial Risks and Gender - Experimental Evidence and Theoretical Framework"
Hans Wolfgang Brachinger,  Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Matthias Gysler,  Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Renate Schubert,  Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
"Measuring Risk Attitudes in the Lab"
Charles A. Holt,  University of Virginia
Susan K. Laury,  Georgia State University

12:30-2:15 p.m.
  Session  176P
Economics of Utilities and Transportation
Chairperson:  Vladimir V. Starkov,  West Virginia University

"War of Attritions in Network: An Empirical Study of the U.S. Domestic Aireline Industry"
Jun-Byoung Oh,  Texas A&M University
"The Importance of Transportation Cost for Market Forms and Competition"
Rickard E. Wall,  Linköping University/EKI
"Quality and Price Effects in an Industry Post-strike: Theory and Evidence from the Airline Industry"
Pamela M. Schmitt,  U.S. Naval Academy
"Divestiture Prices of Power Plants as Indicators of Future Market Power"
Vladimir V. Starkov,  West Virginia University
Craig A. Depken II,  University of Texas - Arlington
J.K. Mullen,  Clarkson University

12:30-2:15 p.m.
  Session  177P
Exchange Rates and Interest Rates
Chairperson:  Francis W. Ahking,  University of Connecticut

"Asymmetric Behavior of Exchange Rates"
Michael D. Bradley,  George Washington University
Dennis W. Jansen,  Texas A&M University
"Is the Long Run Relation Between Spot and Forward Exchange Rates Stable?"
Matt McPherson,  West Virginia University
Jon Vilasuso,  West Virginia University
"Interest Rate Parity Relationships"
Andrew L.H. Parkes,  East Central University
Mark C. Snead,  Oklahoma State University
"A Macroeconomic Analysis of Labor Mobility in the European Union"
Tammy Rapp Parker,  University of Louisiana
Usha Nair-Reichert,  Georgia Institute of Technology
Neven Valev,  Georgia State University

12:30-2:15 p.m.
  Session  178P
The Economics of Health Insurance: Part Two
Chairperson:  Kosali Ilayperuma Simon,  Michigan State University

"Do Physicians Respond to Financial Incentives?"
Lori Melichar,  University of Maryland
"An Ounce of Prevention: Only for the Insured? An Analysis of the Near Elderly Population"
Heather Bednarek,  Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Barbara Schone,  Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
"Labor Market Competition, the Wage-Fringe Tradeoff, and Links Between Worker and Firm Elasticities of Demand for Health Insurance"
Bowen Garrett,  Urban Institute
Len M. Nichols,  Urban Institute
"How Do Employers Decide What Health Insurance Options to Offer?"
Phillip Cooper,  Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Jessica Vistnes,  Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Kosali Ilayperuma Simon,  Michigan State University
Bradley Gray,  Tulane University
Michael Lettau,  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Diana Stech,  University of Maryland
Ginger Zhe Jin,  University of Maryland

12:30-2:15 p.m.
  Session  179P
Natural Resource Economics: Selected Topics
Chairperson:  Michael H. Thomas,  Florida A&M University

"Toward the Efficient Production of the Discommodity of Animal Odor: A Hedonic Price Approach to Economics of Scale"
Peter Goldsmith,  University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Nicholas Stratis,  Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Michael H. Thomas,  Florida A&M University
"Basis Risk Estimation on Rice Cross-hedging"
Yoshie Saito,  Temple University
Steven C. Turner,  University of Georgia
"A Count Data Analysis of Violations of the Axioms of Revealed Preference Using Laboratory Data"
Samiran Banerjee,  Georgia Institute of Technology
James H. Murphy,  Georgia Institute of Technology
"Corporate Environmental Advertising: The Response of Mexican Consumers"
Mayra Bosada,  Periódico El Norte
Irma Gómez,  Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Nicolas Gutiérrez,  Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Deborah Aiken,  Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Edward C. Kokkelenberg,  State University of New York - Binghamton

12:30-2:15 p.m.
  Session  180P
Contemporary Research in Austrian Economics V
Chairperson:  Peter J. Boettke,  George Mason University

"On the Microfoundations of Microeconomics"
Thomas McQuade,  Trinity College
"Private Water Supply in Nineteenth Century London: Re-assessing the Externalities"
Nicola Tynan,  George Mason University
"Competition as a Cognitive Process and the Sources of Law"
Maria Pia Paganelli,  George Mason University
"Labor Market Policies in Transition Countries: an Austrian Economics Assessment"
Horst Feldmann,  Universitat Tubingen - Germany
Veronique de Rugy,  University of Paris
Steven G. Horwitz,  St. Lawrence University
Robert F. Mulligan,  Western Carolina University
Mark Steckbeck,  George Mason University

12:30-2:15 p.m.
  Session  182P
Topics in Forensic Economics II
Chairperson:  Rick R. Gaskins,  Gaskins Associates, PC

"The "Income-Variance" Risk Factor and Jones & Laughlin vs. Pieffer Guidelines for Calculation of Present Value"
Charles Breeden,  Marquette University
"Inflationary Expectations and Real Rates - Clues from Treasury-TIPPS Spreads"
Melvin W. Harju,  Louisiana State University
Timothy Vines,  Louisiana State University
Robert W. Pulsinelli,  Western Kentucky University
William E. Cobb,  Economic Consultants & Associates
George A. Barrett,  Michael L. Brookshire & Associates