Sessions for Harold R. Christensen

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 113G
U.S. Economic Development in the 19th Century

Session Chairs:

Jennifer Wilgus, Middle Tennessee State University


"Disposal of the Land Grant to the Illinois Central Railroad: County-Level Analysis, 1854-1904"
Harold R. Christensen, Centenary College of Louisiana (Contact Author)

"Market Structure and Monopoly Power in the Western States: Evidence From 1890 to 1910"
Brandon Dupont, Wellesley College (Contact Author)
Kyongwook Choi, Ohio University

"Technological Diffusion and Profitability of Blockade Running During the Civil War: The Lebergott Paradox Undone"
Bruce Hetherington, Oglethorpe University
Peter J. Kower, Oglethorpe University (Contact Author)

"The Tenements of New York and the Houses of Philadelphia, 1850-1930: Did Lot-Size Policy Matter?"
Michael R. Montgomery, University of Maine (Contact Author)


J. Rody Borg, Jacksonville University
Linda M. Hooks, Washington and Lee University

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 136H
Economic History of Monetary Economics

Session Chairs:

Michael R. Montgomery, University of Maine


"Eugene Meyer - From Laissez Faire to the Keynesian Revolution"
James L. Butkiewicz, University of Delaware (Contact Author)

"The International Lender of Last Resort: Europe in the Nineteenth Century"
Linda M. Hooks, Washington and Lee University (Contact Author)

"Equity Options and the Crisis of 1873"
Scott Mixon, UBS Investment Research (Contact Author)

"The Prohibition of Other Than Lawful Money in New Orleans During Its Occupation by Union Troops and the Early Reconstruction Period"
Gary M. Pecquet, Shenandoah University
Clifford F. Thies, Shenandoah University (Contact Author)


Harold R. Christensen, Centenary College of Louisiana
Brandon Dupont, Wellesley College
Peter J. Kower, Oglethorpe University
