Sessions for J. Robert Subrick

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 27B
Symposium on Economic Development, Transition Economics, and Globalization: Austrian and Public Choice Perspectives: II


Sanford Ikeda, Purchase College - SUNY

Session Chairs:

Alexandre Padilla, Metropolitan State College of Denver


"Escaping the Resource Curse: The Case of Botswana"
Scott Beaulier, Mercer University (Contact Author)

"Liberalism in the Post-9/11 World"
Peter J. Boettke, George Mason University
Christopher J. Coyne, Hampden-Sydney College (Contact Author)

"Did Trade Awaken the Chinese Giant?"
J. Robert Subrick, University of Maryland (Contact Author)

"The Relationship Between Economic Freedom and Crime"
Edward Stringham, San Jose State University (Contact Author)


Not yet assigned
