Sessions for Rolf Färe

1:15 - 3:00 p.m.
Session 62C
U.S. Environmental Policy: The Green Industry, Productivity, and Technological Change


Ronald J. Shadbegian, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Session Chairs:

William Hogan, University of Massachusetts


"Green Pastures for the Green Industry? An Examination of Environmental Goods Producers"
Randy Becker, U.S. Bureau of the Census (Contact Author)
Ronald J. Shadbegian, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

"Environmental Regulation in the Electric Utility Industry: Are There Productivity Gains From Emissions Trading"
Ronald J. Shadbegian, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Cynthia L. Morgan, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Contact Author)

"Sources of Change in Pollution Abatement Costs: A Joint Production Perspective"
Rolf Färe, Oregon State University
Shawna Grosskopf, Oregon State University
Carl A. Pasurka, Jr., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Contact Author)

"Abatement Choices of Electric Utilities Under a Marketable Pollution Permit"
Elaine Frey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Contact Author)


Amanda I. Lee, Office of Management and Budget
Matthew Clark, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
William Hogan, University of Massachusetts
