Sessions for Klas Sander

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 32B
Environment and Development


John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

Session Chairs:

Peter W. Schuhmann, University of North Carolina - Wilmington


"Differential Influence of Relative Poverty on Environmental Preferences: Evidence From Rural Indonesia"
Klaus Glenk, University of Goettingen (Contact Author)
Jan Barkmann, University of Goettingen
S. Schwarze, University of Goettingen
M. Zeller, University of Goettingen
R. Marggraf, University of Goettingen

"Agricultural Price Supports as a Conservation Tool: The Case of Shade-Coffee in the Coast of Oaxaca, Mexico"
Beatriz Avalos-Sartorio, Resources for the Future (Contact Author)
Allen Blackman, Resources for the Future

"Forest Resource Management Between Conservation and Poverty Alleviation: Simulation Results From Northwest Madagascar"
Klas Sander, The Global Environment Facility (GEF) (Contact Author)
Manfred Zeller, University of Goettingen

"Central Americans National Parks, Volcan Poas National Park in Costa Rica, Volcan Mombacho Natural Reserve in Nicaragua and La Tigra National Park in Honduras: Valuation and Variables"
Juan Aguirre, Center for Sustainable Development - Costa Rica (Contact Author)


Jagannadha Rao Matta, University of Florida
Juan Aguirre, Center for Sustainable Development - Costa Rica
Allen Blackman, Resources for the Future
Catherine M. Chambers, Central Missouri State University
