Sessions for Hicham Hadni

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 17A
Graduate Student Session 1 - The Economics of Investment and Saving


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Kevin Rogers, Mississippi State University


"Does the Choice of the Listing Level Matter? Evidence From Foreign Firms Cross-Listing"
Hicham Hadni, University of Delaware (Contact Author)

"Divided Attention: Implications for Consumption and Portfolio Choice"
Diego Nocetti, University of Memphis (Contact Author)

"Corruption and Saving in a Panel of Countries"
Mushfiq-us Swaleheen, University of Alabama (Contact Author)

"Returns in the Post-IPO Market: How Quickly Do They Become Efficient?"
Alexander Moltchanov, University of Miami (Contact Author)


Petr Zemcik, CERGE-EI
