Southern Economic Association 2006 Program


Saturday, 8:00 a.m.

Session 1A* Employee Involvement Mechanisms and Effects
Session 2A State and Local Fiscal Issues I
Session 3A Shock and Awe
Session 4A International Trade and Labor Markets
Session 5A Topics in Public Health
Session 6A* The Economic Impact of Disability Insurance
Session 7A* Search and Matching Models of the Labor Market
Session 8A Law and Economics
Session 9A Industrial Organization Experiments
Session 11A Special Topics in Health Economics I
Session 12A* Empirical Asset Pricing and Active Portfolio Management
Session 13A* Historical Episodes of Applied Economics
Session 14A Corporate Decisions
Session 15A Topics in Economic Growth and Development
Session 16A* Drug Pricing I
Session 17A Income Distribution and Growth
Session 18A New Developments in the Hotelling World
Session 19A Topics in Monetary Policy
Session 20A* Time Allocation and Human Capital Outcomes

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 1A*
Employee Involvement Mechanisms and Effects


John T. Addison, Hugh C. Lane Professor of Economic Theory, University of South Carolina

Session Chairs:

John T. Addison, Hugh C. Lane Professor of Economic Theory, University of South Carolina


"Works Councils and Rent Sharing in the Dual Apprenticeship System"
Thomas Zwick, Centre for European Economic Research (Contact Author)

"The Determinants of Employee Involvement Schemes: Australian Establishment Evidence"
John S. Heywood, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Lori Geddes, Eastern Washington University
Michelle Brown, University of Melbourne

"The Determinants of Productivity-Enhancing Work Practices - Evidence for Britain From the 2004 WERS"
John T. Addison, Hugh C. Lane Professor of Economic Theory, University of South Carolina
Clive R. Belfield, CUNY-Queens College

"Works Councils and Wages - Evidence From the German LIAB"
Paulino Teixeira, University of Coimbra (Contact Author)


Not yet assigned

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 2A
State and Local Fiscal Issues I

Session Chairs:

Timothy F. Page, University of New Hampshire


"Does Legalized Gambling Cause Economic Growth?"
Douglas M. Walker, Georgia College & State University (Contact Author)
John D. Jackson, Auburn University

"The Casino Effect: Do Casinos Spur Growth and What Type of Communities Benefit?"
Chad Cotti, University of South Carolina

"Fiscal Decentralization, Subnational Government Structure and Fiscal Empowerment"
Jamie Boex, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Rentanida R Simatupang, Georgia State University

"Assessing the Net Benefit Incidence of Overall Lottery Funded Programs: County Level Analysis for Florida"
J. Rody Borg, Jacksonville University (Contact Author)
Mary O. Borg, University of North Florida
Bradley Finch, Jacksonville University
Jonathon Hughes, Jacksonville University
Ryan Suske, Jacksonville University

"The Demand for Lottery Tickets: Instant Games Versus Lotto"
Alan P. Grant, Eastern Illinois University
Linda S. Ghent, Eastern Illinois University


Reagan Anne Baughman, University of New Hampshire
Michael J. Collins, U.S. Government Accountability Office

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 3A
Shock and Awe

Session Chairs:

James Peery Cover, University of Alabama


"Happiness and Globalization: The Impact of Sector-Level Shocks on Individual Happiness"
Cahit Guven, University of Houston (Contact Author)

"Crisis and Consumption Smoothing"
Qiang Zhang, University of Memphis (Contact Author)
Sung Jin Kang, Korea University

"Identifying Structural Supply and Demand Shocks and the Changes in the NAIRU Using a 4-Variable VAR"
Ting Qin, University of Alabama (Contact Author)
James Peery Cover, University of Alabama

"Demand and Supply in General Equilibrium: A Multisector Approach to Price and Output Movements"
Nathan S. Balke, Southern Methodist University (Contact Author)
Hiranya K. Nath, Sam Houston State University

"The Effects of Monetary Policy Using Structural Factor Analysis"
Dandan Liu, Bowling Green State University (Contact Author)


George A. Waters, Illinois State University
Michael C. Davis, University of Missouri - Rolla

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 4A
International Trade and Labor Markets

Session Chairs:

Mahmut Yasar, Emory University


"The Role of Human Capital in Networks Effects: Evidence From U.S. Exports"
Chong-Uk Kim, University of Oregon (Contact Author)

"International Trade and Migration"
Songhua Lin, Denison University (Contact Author)

"Factor Mobility and Wage Inequality"
Masao Oda, Kansai University - Japan
Robert Stapp, University of Arkansas (Contact Author)

"Outsourcing, Productivity, and Input Composition at the Plant Level"
Catherine J. Morrison Paul, University of California - Davis
Mahmut Yasar, Emory University (Contact Author)

"State-Level Variation in the Effects of Trade on Job-Displacement"
Roger White, Franklin & Marshall College (Contact Author)


Daniel L. Millimet, Southern Methodist University
Julie DeCourcy, Trinity University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 5A
Topics in Public Health

Session Chairs:

Thomas L. Traynor, Wright State University


"A Shot in the Dark: Uncertainty and Vaccine Demand and Supply"
Bryan L. Boulier, The George Washington University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Regional Economic Conditions on Traffic Safety"
Thomas L. Traynor, Wright State University (Contact Author)

"Is There a Link Between Environmental Pollution and Health Outcomes and Health Expenditure? Evidence From OECD Countries"
Junhua Yu, University of Alabama (Contact Author)


Donald Nichols, Washington University
Rexford E. Santerre, University of Connecticut

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 6A*
The Economic Impact of Disability Insurance


Mark Duggan, University of Maryland

Session Chairs:

Mark Duggan, University of Maryland


"Disability Risk and the Value of Disability Insurance"
Amitabh Chandra, Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research
Andrew Samwick, Dartmouth College

"Disability and Employment: Reinterpreting the Evidence in Light of Reporting Errors"
Brent Kreider, Iowa State University
John V. Pepper, University of Virginia

"The Effect of Plant Downsizing on Disability Pension Utilization"
Mari Rege, Case Western Reserve University
Khetil Telle, Statistics Norway
Mark Votruba, Case Western Reserve University

"Aching to Retire? The Rise in the Full Retirement Age and Its Impact on the Social Security Disability Rolls"
Mark Duggan, University of Maryland (Contact Author)
Perry Singleton, University of Maryland
Jae Song, Social Security Administration


Susan Chen, Purdue University
Shakeeb Khan, Duke University
Jesse Rothstein, Princeton University
Brent Kreider, Iowa State University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 7A*
Search and Matching Models of the Labor Market


Susan Vroman, Georgetown University

Session Chairs:

Susan Vroman, Georgetown University


"Modeling the Effects of Labor Market Reforms in a Developing Economy"
James Albrecht, Georgetown University
Lucas Navarro, Georgetown University
Susan Vroman, Georgetown University

"Equilibrium Wage Dispersion: An Example"
Martin Schindler, International Monetary Fund
Damien Gaumont, Universite de Paris II
Randall Wright, University of Pennsylvania

"Prejudice and Gender Differential in the Last Twenty Years: An Evaluation Estimating a Search Model of the US Labor Market"
Luca Flabbi, Georgetown University and IZA, Institute for the Study of Labor (Contact Author)

"Directed Research Without Wage Commitment and the Role of Labor Market Institutions"
Adrian M Masters, University at Albany, State University of New York (Contact Author)


Susan Vroman, Georgetown University
James Albrecht, Georgetown University
Adrian M Masters, University at Albany, State University of New York
Martin Schindler, International Monetary Fund

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 8A
Law and Economics


Randall G. Holcombe, Florida State University

Session Chairs:

Edward J. Lopez, San Jose State University


"On the Impossibility of "Just Compensation" When Property Is Taken: An Ethical and Epistemic Inquiry"
John Bratland, U.S. Department of the Interior (Contact Author)

"Competition and Consent in the History of English Law"
Todd J. Zywicki, George Mason University School of Law
Edward Stringham, San Jose State University

"Property, Emergence, and the Theory of Public Finance"
Richard E. Wagner, George Mason University (Contact Author)


Edward J. Lopez, San Jose State University
Joe Craig, University of Colorado - Boulder

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 9A
Industrial Organization Experiments


Douglas D. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University

Session Chairs:

Arthur Zillante, University of North Carolina - Charlotte


"A Test of the Consistency of Risk Aversion Across Institutions"
Russ Engel, Florida State University (Contact Author)

"Advance Production Duopolies With Posted Prices or Market-Clearing Prices"
David Goodwin, The Conference Board of Canada

"The Use and Abuse of Prediction Markets"
Robin Hanson, George Mason University
Chris Hibbert, CommerceNet
Ryan Oprea, University of California - Santa Cruz
David Porter, George Mason University
Dorina Tila, George Mason University

"Gossip and Lemons Market"
Bart J. Wilson, George Mason University
Arthur Zillante, University of North Carolina - Charlotte


Douglas D. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University
Jack Stecher, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
Cary A. Deck, University of Arkansas

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 11A
Special Topics in Health Economics I


Richard C. Lindrooth, Medical University of South Carolina

Session Chairs:

Richard C. Lindrooth, Medical University of South Carolina


"Riding Under the Influence: Can Public Policies Influence Motorcyle Safety and Reduce Fatalities?"
Michael T. French, University of Miami (Contact Author)
Jenny Homer, University of Miami
Gulcin Gumus, Florida International University

"Data Control Estimation of Hospital Models With Missing Information"
W. David Bradford, Medical University of South Carolina
Clara E. Dismuke, Medical University of South Carolina (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Hospital Safety Reports and a Tiered Hospital Network on Inpatient Referrals"
Dennis P. Scanlon, Pennsylvania State University (Contact Author)
Jon B. Christianson, University of Minnesota
Eric W. Ford, Tulane University
Coleen Lucas, Pennsylvania State University

"The Causal Effect of Hospital IT & Nursing Labor on Costs"
Jeffrey McCullough, Medical University of South Carolina (Contact Author)
Richard C. Lindrooth, Medical University of South Carolina


W. David Bradford, Medical University of South Carolina
Clara E. Dismuke, Medical University of South Carolina
Dennis P. Scanlon, Pennsylvania State University
Melayne Morgan McInnes, University of South Carolina

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 12A*
Empirical Asset Pricing and Active Portfolio Management


Chris Kirby, Clemson University

Session Chairs:

Chris Kirby, Clemson University


"Hedge Fund Risk Analysis"
Nicolas P.B. Bollen, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)

"Taxes, Factor Mimicking Portfolios, and Empirical Asset Pricing"
Mark LaPlante, University of Texas - Dallas (Contact Author)

"Momentum Profits When Mean Stock Returns Vary Across Economic Regimes"
Chris Stivers, University of Georgia (Contact Author)


Not yet assigned

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 13A*
Historical Episodes of Applied Economics


Robert B. Ekelund, Jr., Auburn University

Session Chairs:

Robert B. Ekelund, Jr., Auburn University


"Market Supply-Side Influences: Max Weber Revisited"
Robert D. Tollison, BB&T Senior Fellow, Clemson University (Contact Author)

"The Mystery of Adam Smith's Invisible Hand Revealed"
Mark Thornton, Ludwig von Mises Institute (Contact Author)

"Welfare Reform and the Spread of HIV"
Rand W. Ressler, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Melissa S. Waters, Southern University and A&M College
R. Carter Hill, Louisiana State University


Bob Hebert, Auburn University
John D. Jackson, Auburn University
Audrey D. Kline, University of Louisville

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 14A
Corporate Decisions

Session Chairs:

Linda M. Hooks, Washington and Lee University


"Product Liability Litigation: An Issue of Merck and Lawsuits Over Vioxx"
Kurt W. Rotthoff, Clemson University (Contact Author)

"A VAR Analysis of Dividend Payouts"
Benjamin Russo, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Contact Author)
Stanislav Radchenko, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Caleb Cox, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

"Deposit Insurance Incentives for Banks in Pre-Depression Texas"
Linda M. Hooks, Washington and Lee University (Contact Author)

"Peer Effects and Dividend Policy"
Fang Yang, Middle Tennessee State University (Contact Author)

"Residential Mortgage Sales and Securitization By Commercial Banks"
Yixiu Zhou, Middle Tennessee State University (Contact Author)


Yuriy Kitsul, Georgia State University
Liping Zheng, University of New Hampshire
Stefan Avdjiev, Southern Methodist University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 15A
Topics in Economic Growth and Development


Marcelo A Mello, Faculdades IBMEC/RJ and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Session Chairs:

Marcelo A Mello, Faculdades IBMEC/RJ and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


"Where Has All the Money Gone? Foreign Aid and the Quest for Growth"
Santanu Chatterjee, University of Georgia (Contact Author)
Paola Giuliano, International Monetary Fund

"Dual Economies as a Response to Long-Run Development"
Heinrich Hock, Florida State University (Contact Author)
Dietrich Vollrath, University of Houston

"Cross-Country Estimates of the Marginal Product of Capital, 1950-2000"
Marcelo A Mello, Faculdades IBMEC/RJ and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Contact Author)

"Tax Enforcement and Optimal Monetary Policy"
Marcelo A Arbex, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Contact Author)


Not yet assigned

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 16A*
Drug Pricing I


Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida

Session Chairs:

Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida


"Drug Pricing and Canadian Imports"
Simon P. Anderson, University of Virginia
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida

"Payments, Promotion, and the Purple Pill"
David Ridley, Duke University (Contact Author)


Darius Lakdawalla, Rand Corporation
Christopher M. Snyder, Dartmouth College
William Encinosa, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 17A
Income Distribution and Growth


John A. Bishop, East Carolina University

Session Chairs:

John A. Bishop, East Carolina University


"Labor Market Efficiency and Earnings Growth"
Jong-Rong Chiou, Tam Kang University
Andrew Grodner, East Carolina University
Haiyong Liu, East Carolina University

"Economic Growth and Inequality Revisited"
Christopher K. Johnson, University of North Florida
Hoseong Kim, University of Alabama

"Interdistributional Lorenz Curves and European Convergence"
John A. Bishop, East Carolina University
Victor K. Chow, West Virginia University
Lester A. Zeager, East Carolina University

"What Do We Know About the Value of Owner Occupied Housing Services? Rental Equivalence and Other Approaches"
Thesia I. Garner, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Uri Kogan, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Kathleen Short, U.S. Census Bureau


Kathleen Short, U.S. Census Bureau
John A. Bishop, East Carolina University
Jong-Rong Chiou, Tam Kang University
Haiyong Liu, East Carolina University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 18A
New Developments in the Hotelling World


Michael R. Caputo, University of Central Florida

Session Chairs:

Michael R. Caputo, University of Central Florida


"Measuring Scarcity in Nonrenewable Resource production: New Duality Results and Implications for Econometric Tests of the theory"
Janie M. Chermak, University of New Mexico
Robert H. Patrick, Jr., Rutgers University (Contact Author)

"Oil and Strategic Development of Substitute Technology"
Kaz Miyagiwa, Emory University (Contact Author)
Yuka Ohno, Rice University

"A Dynamic Model of Food and Clean Energy"
Ujjayant Chakravorty, University of Central Florida (Contact Author)
Bertrand Magne, University of Toulouse I
Michel Moreaux, University of Toulouse I

"The Exhaustive Testable Implications of the Vertically Integrated Nonrenewable Resource Extracting Model of the Competitive Firm"
Michael R. Caputo, University of Central Florida (Contact Author)


Ujjayant Chakravorty, University of Central Florida
Janie M. Chermak, University of New Mexico
Robert H. Patrick, Jr., Rutgers University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 19A
Topics in Monetary Policy


Julie K. Smith, Lafayette College
Kristin A. Van Gaasbeck, California State University - Sacramento

Session Chairs:

Kristin A. Van Gaasbeck, California State University - Sacramento


"A Model of Credit Card Liquidity: To Smooth or Not to Smooth"
Ryan R. Brady, U.S. Naval Academy
Kristin A. Van Gaasbeck, California State University - Sacramento (Contact Author)

"Better Measures of Core Inflation?"
Julie K. Smith, Lafayette College (Contact Author)

"Inflation Targeting and Financial Market Efficiency"
Roisin O'Sullivan, Smith College (Contact Author)
Marc Tomljanovich, Drew University

"Long-Run Wealth With Progressive Taxation: The Complete Markets Case"
Daniel R. Carroll, University of Virginia
Eric Young, University of Virginia

"Generalized Quasi-Geometric Discounting"
Eric Young, University of Virginia (Contact Author)


Ryan R. Brady, U.S. Naval Academy
Linda M. Hooks, Washington and Lee University
Robert R. Reed, University of Kentucky
Tinni Sen, Virginia Military Institute
Eric Young, University of Virginia

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 20A*
Time Allocation and Human Capital Outcomes


Edward J. Schumacher, Trinity University

Session Chairs:

Edward J. Schumacher, Trinity University


"Recess and the Gender Gap"
Angela K. Dills, Clemson University (Contact Author)

"Gender Differentials in Response to Competition"
Joseph Price, Cornell University (Contact Author)

"Nursing Labor Supply and U.S. Healthcare Labor Markets: Evidence From the Past 30 Years"
Edward J. Schumacher, Trinity University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Employment During School on College Student Academic Performance"
Jeff S. DeSimone, University of South Florida and NBER (Contact Author)


Inas Rashad, Georgia State University and NBER
Dhaval Dave, Bentley College and NBER
Richard B. Smith, University of South Florida - St. Petersburg
Farasat A. S. Bokhari, Florida State University