Saturday 1:15 - 3:00 p.m. * |
Session 46C* Health and Environmental Quality |
Organizers: |
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University |
Session Chairs: |
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University |
Papers: |
"Air Quality and Forecasts: The Effects of Ozone Alerts on Driving and Outdoor Recreation Behavior in Atlanta" "Joint Estimation of Averting Expenditures and Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Services in Kathmandu Canyon" "Parents' Preferences for Children's Asthma Treatments and Adult Preference for Own Treatments: Risk-Risk and Risk-Dollar Tradeoffs" "Neighborhood Choice and Environmental Justice" |
Discussants: |
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. |
Session 105G Recreation |
Organizers: |
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University |
Session Chairs: |
Sarah L. Stafford, College of William and Mary |
Papers: |
"The Recreation Value and Economic Impact of North Carolina's Intracoastal Waterway and Shallow Draft Inlets" "A Localized RUM: Rethinking Travel Costs" "Using Alternative Specific Constants to Handle Unobserved Site Characteristics in Count Data Demand Systems" "Examining Louisiana Recreational Freshwater Anglers: A Cohort Analysis" |
Discussants: |
Daniel Phaneuf, North Carolina State University |
Monday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. |
Session 165N Sports As Public Goods |
Organizers: |
Dennis C. Coates, University of Maryland, Baltimore County |
Session Chairs: |
John Charles Bradbury, Kennesaw State University |
Papers: |
"Do Good Olympics Make Good Neighbors? Spillover Effects of the Salt Lake City Games" "An Application of CVM to Public Goods Generated by Amateur Sports and Recreation Programs" "Sports Subsidies, Inelastic Pricing, and Location Invariance" "DI Football as a Mega Event" |
Discussants: |
Not yet assigned |
Monday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. |
Session 176N Nonmarket Valuation |
Organizers: |
Craig E. Landry, East Carolina University |
Session Chairs: |
Craig E. Landry, East Carolina University |
Papers: |
"Amenity Valuation: A Disequilibrium Approach" "An Equilibrium Model for Evaluating the Distributional Welfare Impacts of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments in the Los Angeles Area" "Beach Site Selection and Expected Congestion" "The Provision Point Mechanism and Protest No Responses" |
Discussants: |
Constant I. Tra, University of Maryland |
Monday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. |
Session 179P Natural Hazards and Weather |
Organizers: |
Daniel Sutter, University of Oklahoma |
Session Chairs: |
Daniel Sutter, University of Oklahoma |
Papers: |
"Social Capital and Business Giving to Charity Following a Natural Disaster: An Empirical Assessment" "The Determinants of Hurricane Fatalities: The Roles of Demographics and Time" "Mitigating Disasters Through Collective Action: The Effectiveness of Tsunami Early warnings" "Environmental Benefits of Natural Hazard Mitigation" "The Magnitude and Duration of Hurricane Impacts on Beach Hotel Occupancy and Room Rental Rates--Results From a 17-Year Monthly Panel Dataset" |
Discussants: |
Not yet assigned |
Monday 2:15 - 4:00 p.m. * |
Session 209R* Topics in Health Economics |
Organizers: |
Frank A. Scott, University of Kentucky |
Session Chairs: |
Frank A. Scott, University of Kentucky |
Papers: |
"Mental Health and the Labor Market" "Body Mass and Labor Market Outcomes" "The Economic Impact of 100% Smoking Bans" "Entry and Competition of Special Services in Local Hospital Markets" |
Discussants: |
Kasey Buckles, University of Notre Dame |
Monday 2:15 - 4:00 p.m. |
Session 217R Stated Preference Methods |
Organizers: |
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University |
Session Chairs: |
Glenn C. Blomquist, Carl F. Pollard Professor of Health Economics, University of Kentucky |
Papers: |
"The Economic Benefits of a Reduction in Contaminated Sediments in Lake Michigan: An Application of Bootstrap Methodology" "A Benefit Cost Analysis of a Red Drum Stocking Program" "A Semi-Parametric Estimator for Observed and Contingent Behavior Data: An Application to Recretional Beach Visitation" |
Discussants: |
Raymond J. Rhodes, College of Charleston |