Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. |
Session 9A Industrial Organization Experiments |
Organizers: |
Douglas D. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University |
Session Chairs: |
Arthur Zillante, University of North Carolina - Charlotte |
Papers: |
"A Test of the Consistency of Risk Aversion Across Institutions" "Advance Production Duopolies With Posted Prices or Market-Clearing Prices" "The Use and Abuse of Prediction Markets" "Gossip and Lemons Market" |
Discussants: |
Douglas D. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. |
Session 117H Buyer Power |
Organizers: |
David E. Mills, University of Virginia |
Session Chairs: |
David E. Mills, University of Virginia |
Papers: |
"Do Buyer-Size Discounts Depend on the Curvature of the Surplus Function? Experimental Tests of Bargaining Models" "Super Market Buyer Power in Action" "Antitrust Standards for Monopolizating Behavior" |
Discussants: |
Douglas D. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University |
Sunday 2:15 - 4:00 p.m. |
Session 137K Markets and Information |
Organizers: |
Douglas D. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University |
Session Chairs: |
Juergen Huber, University of Innsbruck and Yale University |
Papers: |
"Information Processing in Strategic Environments: Herds and Cascades in Markets with Sequential Bids: An Experimental Analysis" "When Better Forecasting Abilities Can Be Harmful: Information From An Experimental Financial Market" "Rematching, Information and Sequence Effects in Extensively Repeated Posted Offer Markets" |
Discussants: |
Mathias Erlei, Clausthal University of Technology |
Monday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. * |
Session 167N* Experimental Methodology |
Organizers: |
Douglas D. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University |
Session Chairs: |
Douglas D. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University |
Papers: |
"On Rebate Subsidies, Matching Subsidies and the Methodology of Experiments" "Testing Game Theory With Nash Agents" "Removing the Confusion Confound in Public Goods Experiments" "Language Games of Reciprocity" |
Discussants: |
Catherine C. Eckel, University of Texas - Dallas |