2006 Sessions for John W. Mayo

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 117H
Buyer Power


David E. Mills, University of Virginia

Session Chairs:

David E. Mills, University of Virginia


"Do Buyer-Size Discounts Depend on the Curvature of the Surplus Function? Experimental Tests of Bargaining Models"
Hans-Theo Normann, University of London
Bradley J. Ruffle, Ben-Gurion University
Christopher M. Snyder, Dartmouth College

"Super Market Buyer Power in Action"
Ronald W. Cotterill, University of Connecticut (Contact Author)

"Antitrust Standards for Monopolizating Behavior"
Roger D. Blair, University of Florida (Contact Author)
John Edward Lopatka, A. Robert Noll Distinguished Professor of Law, Pennsylvania State University


Douglas D. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University
Adam D. Rennhoff, Drexel University
John W. Mayo, Georgetown University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 178N
Regulation and Regulated Industries

Session Chairs:

John W. Mayo, Georgetown University


"Understanding Regulatory Discretion: Evidence From the FDA"
Jeffrey T. Macher, Georgetown University
John W. Mayo, Georgetown University (Contact Author)
Jackson A. Nickerson, Washington University in Saint Louis

"Estimating the Effects of a la Carte Pricing: The Case of Cable Television"
Adam D. Rennhoff, Drexel University (Contact Author)
Kostas Serfes, Drexel University

"Fundamental Drivers of Electricity Prices in the Pacific Northwest"
Chi-Keung Woo, Energy and Environmental Economics Inc.
Ira Horowitz, Graduate Research Professor Emeritus, University of Florida (Contact Author)
Nate Toyama, Sacramento Municipal Utilities District
Arne Olson, Energy and Environmental Economics Inc.
Aaron Lai, Infoatlas, Inc.
Raymond Wan, Infoatlas, Inc.

"Modeling the Economic Impacts of Sectorally Differentiated Supply Availabilities of Electricity - A CGE Analysis of Lifeline Losses Following a Potential Earthquake in Memphis, Tennessee"
Gauri S. Guha, Arkansas State University (Contact Author)
Adam Rose, Pennsylvania State University


Tracy L. Regan, University of Miami

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 243U
Games: Formal and Applied

Session Chairs:

Amy D. Gibson, Christopher Newport University


"The Influence of Domestic Politics on the Provision of Military Activity by Alliance Members: A Two-Level Model"
Amy D. Gibson, Christopher Newport University (Contact Author)

"Testing for Nash Equilibrium in a Three-Way Duel"
Marco A Castaneda, University of Kentucky
Luis Gonzalez, University of Kentucky
Frank A. Scott, University of Kentucky

"Strategic Revisions of College Textbook"
Shutao Cao, University of Texas - Austin
Jianqing Chen, University of Texas - Austin
Li Li, University of Texas - Austin (Contact Author)

"Is Competitive Balance Desirable in Big-time College Basketball Conferences?"
John F.R. Harter, Eastern Kentucky University (Contact Author)


John W. Mayo, Georgetown University
M. Northrup Buechner, St. John's University
