2006 Sessions for Gary M. Pecquet

1:15 - 3:00 p.m.
Session 52C
Business Cycles II

Session Chairs:

Ruby P. Kishan, Texas State University - San Marcos


"The Cyclical Behavior of Banks Price-Cost Margins"
Roger A Aliaga-Diaz, Drexel University (Contact Author)
Maria Pia Olivero, Drexel University

"The Behavior of Bank Loans Over the Business Cycle"
Jose Trinidad, Texas State University - San Marcos (Contact Author)
Ruby P. Kishan, Texas State University - San Marcos

"Animal Spirits Redux: Investment, Productivity and Multiple Steady States"
George A. Waters, Illinois State University (Contact Author)

"Does Opportunism Pay Off? A Study of Vote Functions and Policy Preferences"
Stefan Krause, Emory University (Contact Author)
Fabio Mendez, University of Arkansas - Fayetteville


Jean Sepulveda-Umanzor, Universidad del Desarrollo
Gary M. Pecquet, Shenandoah University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 101G
Public Choice II

Session Chairs:

Maria Kozhevnikova, Queens College of CUNY


"Explicit and Implicit Contracts and the Quality of Exports in the CIS and Eastern Europe"
Maria Kozhevnikova, Queens College of CUNY (Contact Author)

"Texas Treasury Notes and the Compromise of 1850"
Gary M. Pecquet, Shenandoah University
Clifford F. Thies, Shenandoah University (Contact Author)

"Economic Freedom and Growth Production"
Russell S. Sobel, James Clark Coffman Distinguished Chair, West Virginia University
Nathan J. Ashby, The College of Wooster (Contact Author)

"Do Rent-Seeking Groups Announce Their Sharing Rules?"
Kyung Hwan Baik, Sungkyunkwan University and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Dongryul Lee, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Contact Author)


Susan K. Feigenbaum, University of Missouri - St. Louis
Douglas J. Wakeman, Meredith College

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 104G

Session Chairs:

R. Morris Coats, Nicholls State University


"The Effect of Opening up ANWR to Drilling on the Current Price of Oil"
R. Morris Coats, Nicholls State University (Contact Author)
Gary M. Pecquet, Shenandoah University

"Environmental Regulations and the Increasing Seasonality of Gasoline Prices"
Michael C. Davis, University of Missouri - Rolla (Contact Author)

"Modeling Peak Oil"
Stephen P. Holland, University of North Carolina - Greensboro (Contact Author)

"The Pass-Through of Crude Oil Price to Petroleum Products"
Michael Ye, St. Mary's College of Maryland (Contact Author)
John Zyren, U.S. Department of Energy
Joanne Shore, U.S. Department of Energy

"A Disequilibrium Analysis of the U.S. Gasoline Market Using Panel Data"
Haixin Hu, University of Mississippi (Contact Author)
Walter J. Mayer, University of Mississippi


Carl A. Pasurka, Jr., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Eric J. Huszar, U.S. Department of Agriculture
