2006 Sessions for Mary A. Burke

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 108H*
Health Care Economics Using Hospital Discharge Data


Cyril F. Chang, University of Memphis

Session Chairs:

Cyril F. Chang, University of Memphis


"Effects of a Distance-Based Obstetrical Management Program on Patterns of Care for High Risk Pregnancies"
Glen P. Mays, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Curtis Lowery, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Judith McGhee, Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services
Helen H. Kay, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
E. Albert Reece, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

"The Diffusion of a Medical Innovation: Is Success in the Stars?"
Gary M. Fournier, Florida State University (Contact Author)
Mary A. Burke, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Kislaya Prasad, Florida State University

"Insurance Matters: Prevalence and Costs of Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations in Tennessee by Insurance Type"
Cyril F. Chang, University of Memphis (Contact Author)

"Tennessee Health Care in Black and White: Difference in Cost of Care"
Rebecca A Pope, University of Memphis (Contact Author)
Cyril F. Chang, University of Memphis


Gary M. Fournier, Florida State University
Cyril F. Chang, University of Memphis
Glen P. Mays, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Luciana Echazu, University of Memphis

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 250U
Social Norms and Deviants

Session Chairs:

Mark W. Frank, Sam Houston State University


"Racial Disparities in Obesity Among Women: Biology, Social Norms, and the Puzzle of Gender Specificity"
Mary A. Burke, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Frank W. Heiland, Florida State University (Contact Author)

"Affirmative Action Policy: Evidence From India"
Nishith Prakash, University of Houston (Contact Author)

"Media Substitution Among Young Adults: A Spirited Case Study"
Mark W. Frank, Sam Houston State University (Contact Author)

"A Dynamic Analysis of the Effects of Community Policing on Gang Participation"
Alan Seals, Middle Tennessee State University (Contact Author)


Larry T. McRae, Appalachian State University
James M. Payne, Calhoun Community College
