2006 Sessions for Jesse Rothstein

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 6A*
The Economic Impact of Disability Insurance


Mark Duggan, University of Maryland

Session Chairs:

Mark Duggan, University of Maryland


"Disability Risk and the Value of Disability Insurance"
Amitabh Chandra, Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research
Andrew Samwick, Dartmouth College

"Disability and Employment: Reinterpreting the Evidence in Light of Reporting Errors"
Brent Kreider, Iowa State University
John V. Pepper, University of Virginia

"The Effect of Plant Downsizing on Disability Pension Utilization"
Mari Rege, Case Western Reserve University
Khetil Telle, Statistics Norway
Mark Votruba, Case Western Reserve University

"Aching to Retire? The Rise in the Full Retirement Age and Its Impact on the Social Security Disability Rolls"
Mark Duggan, University of Maryland (Contact Author)
Perry Singleton, University of Maryland
Jae Song, Social Security Administration


Susan Chen, Purdue University
Shakeeb Khan, Duke University
Jesse Rothstein, Princeton University
Brent Kreider, Iowa State University

3:15 - 5:00 p.m.
Session 65D*
Techie Applied Micro


Jonah B Gelbach, University of Maryland and Florida State University College of Law

Session Chairs:

Jonah B Gelbach, University of Maryland and Florida State University College of Law


"Explaining Recent Changes in Child Poverty"
Austin Nichols, Urban Institute (Contact Author)

"Identification and Estimation of Firms' Marginal Cost Functions With Incomplete Knowledge of Strategic Behavior"
Adam M. Rosen, University College London (Contact Author)

"Mismatch in Law School"
Jesse Rothstein, Princeton University (Contact Author)


Jacob L. Vigdor, Duke University
Edward J. Vytlacil, Columbia University
David C. Ribar, University of North Carolina - Greensboro
