2006 Sessions for Abdul Munasib

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 193P
Determinants of Educational Achievement

Session Chairs:

Tin-Chun Lin, Indiana University - Northwest


"Can Too Much TV Ground You for Life? TV Viewing and Child Outcomes"
Samrat Bhattacharya, FTAM
Abdul Munasib, Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University (Contact Author)

"Mixture Model Interpretation of Early Childhood Development Programs"
Paul V. Hamilton, Marshall University and Center for Business and Economic Research (Contact Author)

"The Effects of Spanish-Language Background on Schooling and Achievement Test Scores"
Luis Locay, University of Miami
Tracy L. Regan, University of Miami (Contact Author)
Arthur Diamond, University of Nebraska - Omaha

"The Impact of Teacher Quality on Public School Performance: Evidence from Pennsylvania"
Tin-Chun Lin, Indiana University - Northwest (Contact Author)

"The Intended and Unintended Consequences of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act: Evidence From Wisconsin"
Rajashri Chakrabarti, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Contact Author)


Albert A. Okunade, University of Memphis
Scott L. Tori, Valdosta State University

2:15 - 4:00 p.m.
Session 215R
Growth in Industrialized Economies

Session Chairs:

Dennis Pearson, University of Tennessee - Chattanooga


"Economic Freedom, Entrepreneurship, Migration, and Economic Growth"
J. R. Clark, Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise, University of Tennessee - Chattanooga
Dennis Pearson, University of Tennessee - Chattanooga (Contact Author)

"Leisure Externalities: Implications for Growth and Welfare"
Mihaela Iulia Pintea, Florida International University (Contact Author)

"Is There Evidence of the Resource Curse in the U.S. and Canada?"
Leslie J. Dunn, West Virginia University (Contact Author)

"Community Development and Local Social Capital"
Jeffrey L. Jordan, University of Georgia (Contact Author)
Abdul Munasib, Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University


Robert E. Moore, Georgia State University
Amy D. Gibson, Christopher Newport University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 223T
Migration, Communities, and Location

Session Chairs:

Justin M. Ross, West Virginia University


"Employment Cost of Dislocation: HOPE VI in Atlanta"
Bulent Anil, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
David L. Sjoquist, Georgia State University
Sally Wallace, Georgia State University

"Migration, Demographics, and Voting Outcomes"
Robert R. Dunn, West Virginia University (Contact Author)

"Home Market Effect and Pollution Haven Activities"
Seok-Joon Hwang, Keimyung University (Contact Author)
Jaejoon Woo, DePaul University

"Socializing Behavior and Social Attitude in American Communities"
Abdul Munasib, Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University (Contact Author)
Devesh Roy, International Food Policy Research Institute

"The Role of Uncertainty and Risk Aversion in the Propensity to Migrate"
Justin M. Ross, West Virginia University (Contact Author)


David W. Shideler, Murray State University
Brian J. Osoba, University of Texas - El Paso
