2006 Sessions for Regis Deloche

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 126H
Quantitative Methods

Session Chairs:

John L. Turner, University of Georgia


"A Hybrid Method to Solve Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models With Credit Constraint"
Zhiji Qi, Middle Tennessee State University (Contact Author)

"Bayes' Learning of Unknown Parameters, With Applications to the Shallow Lake Problem"
W. Davis Dechert, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Sharon I. O'Donnell, Baylor College of Medicine and Children's Nutrition Research Center (Contact Author)
William A. Brock, University of Wisconsin - Madison

"Ownership Structure and the Market for Corporate Control"
Daniel Ferreira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Emanuel Ornelas, University of Georgia and IBMEC - Rio
John L. Turner, University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"Walras's Correspondence and Aumann's Conjecture"
Regis Deloche, Universite de Franche-Comte (Contact Author)


Michael S. Rimler, Xavier University
Michael Ye, St. Mary's College of Maryland
