2006 Sessions for Spencer Banzhaf

1:15 - 3:00 p.m.
Session 46C*
Health and Environmental Quality


John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

Session Chairs:

John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University


"Air Quality and Forecasts: The Effects of Ozone Alerts on Driving and Outdoor Recreation Behavior in Atlanta"
Douglas S. Noonan, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)

"Joint Estimation of Averting Expenditures and Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Services in Kathmandu Canyon"
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University
Subhrendu Pattanayak, RTI International

"Parents' Preferences for Children's Asthma Treatments and Adult Preference for Own Treatments: Risk-Risk and Risk-Dollar Tradeoffs"
Glenn C. Blomquist, Carl F. Pollard Professor of Health Economics, University of Kentucky
Mark Dickie, University of Central Florida
Richard M. O'Connor, Independent Economist

"Neighborhood Choice and Environmental Justice"
Spencer Banzhaf, Georgia State University
Nicholas Flores, University of Colorado - Boulder
Joshua Sidon, University of Colorado - Boulder
Randall P. Walsh, University of Colorado - Boulder


John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University
Glenn C. Blomquist, Carl F. Pollard Professor of Health Economics, University of Kentucky
Spencer Banzhaf, Georgia State University
Douglas S. Noonan, Georgia Institute of Technology

2:15 - 4:00 p.m.
Session 203R
Merit Programs and Higher Education

Session Chairs:

Joydeep Roy, Economic Policy Institute and Georgetown University


"Test Scores, High School Achievement, and Academic Performance in College"
Gerald S. Oettinger, University of Texas - Austin (Contact Author)

"Can State Merit Aid Programs Have Unintended Consequences? A Closer Look"
Rajashri Chakrabarti, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Joydeep Roy, Economic Policy Institute and Georgetown University (Contact Author)

"Involuntary Volunteering: The Impact of Mandated Service in Public Schools"
Sara E. Helms, University of Alabama - Birmingham (Contact Author)

"Social Interactions and College Enrollment"
Jason M. Fletcher, Yale University (Contact Author)


Spencer Banzhaf, Georgia State University
Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 237T
Government Mandates and Public Education I

Session Chairs:

John M. Krieg, Western Washington University


"Do Households Value Competition Among Public Schools? A Natural Experiment"
Spencer Banzhaf, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Garima Bhalla, Georgetown University

"The Distributional Effects of the No Child Left Behind Act"
John M. Krieg, Western Washington University (Contact Author)

"Retention of High School Economics Knowledge and the Effect of the California State Mandate"
Chiara Gratton-Lavoie, California State University - Fullerton (Contact Author)
Andrew M. Gill, California State University - Fullerton


Todd Sorensen, University of Arizona
Tin-Chun Lin, Indiana University - Northwest
