2006 Sessions for Christopher J. Coyne

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 110H
Entrepreneurship and Economics


Todd M. Nesbit, Pennsylvania State University - Erie

Session Chairs:

Todd M. Nesbit, Pennsylvania State University - Erie


"Contagious Capitalism"
Peter T. Leeson, West Virginia University
Russell S. Sobel, James Clark Coffman Distinguished Chair, West Virginia University

"Does the Form of City Government Influence Entrepreneurship?"
Steven F. Kreft, Indiana University (Contact Author)
Elham Mafi-Kreft, Indiana University

"Institutions, Entrepreneurship and the Return on Human Capital"
Joshua C. Hall, West Virginia University (Contact Author)

"An Econometric Investigation of the Relationship Between Small Business Activity and Economic Growth Among the States"
Donald Bruce, University of Tennessee
John Deskins, Creighton University (Contact Author)
Bruce Hill, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Jonathan C. Rork, Vassar College


Christopher J. Coyne, Hampden-Sydney College
Jason R. Henderson, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
E. Frank Stephenson, Berry College
Robert A. Lawson, Professor of Economics & George H. Moor Chair, Capital University

2:15 - 4:00 p.m.
Session 147K*
Better Off Stateless? The Political Economy of Failed and Weak States


Peter J. Boettke, George Mason University

Session Chairs:

Peter J. Boettke, George Mason University


"The Public Choice Case Against Empire"
Christopher J. Coyne, Hampden-Sydney College (Contact Author)

"What Future? Optimistic Readings of Pessimistic States"
Scott A Beaulier, Mercer University (Contact Author)

"Is Somalia An Outlier?"
Peter T. Leeson, West Virginia University (Contact Author)


Not yet assigned
