2006 Sessions for Muriel Niederle

2:15 - 4:00 p.m.
Session 208R
Understanding Gender and Racial Differences Using Experiments


Douglas D. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University

Session Chairs:

Ragan Petrie, Georgia State University


"Discrimination in the Lab: Experiments Exploring the Impact of Performance and Appearance on Sorting"
Marco Castillo, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ragan Petrie, Georgia State University

"Can Affirmative Action Enhance Task Selection? An Experimental Approach"
Muriel Niederle, Stanford University
Carmit Segal, Harvard Business School
Lise Vesterlund, University of Pittsburgh

"The Trouble With (Subjective) Discount Rates: What Do Patterns of Impatience Among the Very Poor Tell Us?"
Erin Krupka, Carnegie Mellon University

"Trust as the Willingness to Pay to Avoid Vulnerability: An Experiment Measuring the Determinants of Trust Using Field Participants"
Bill McEvily, University of Toronto
Joseph Radzevick, Carnegie Mellon University
Roberto A. Weber, Carnegie Mellon University


Laura Razzolini, Virginia Commonwealth University
C. Monica Capra, Emory University
Russ Engel, Florida State University
Paul J. Ferraro, Georgia State University
