2006 Sessions for Lili Xie

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 248U
Stocks, Technology, and Growth in a Global Economy

Session Chairs:

Kiril Tochkov, Texas Christian University


"Money Demand Stability Under Currency Substitution in Selected African Countries"
Assande Desire Adom, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale (Contact Author)
Subhash C. Sharma, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
Akm Mahbub Morshed, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale

"Aid-Allocation Criteria of Donors: Altruism or Trade Benefits"
Javed Younas, West Virginia University (Contact Author)

"University Banking and Growth"
Lili Xie, Ball State University (Contact Author)

"Stock Investability and U.S. Portfolio Inflows in Emerging Market Economies"
Samila A. Jayasuriya, Ohio University (Contact Author)

"The Relationship Between Output Volatility and Growth at the Regional Level: The Case of China"
Kiril Tochkov, Texas Christian University (Contact Author)


Erika Dreyer Morris, University of Michigan
Jaejoon Woo, DePaul University
