2006 Sessions for John Bratland

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 8A
Law and Economics


Randall G. Holcombe, Florida State University

Session Chairs:

Edward J. Lopez, San Jose State University


"On the Impossibility of "Just Compensation" When Property Is Taken: An Ethical and Epistemic Inquiry"
John Bratland, U.S. Department of the Interior (Contact Author)

"Competition and Consent in the History of English Law"
Todd J. Zywicki, George Mason University School of Law
Edward Stringham, San Jose State University

"Property, Emergence, and the Theory of Public Finance"
Richard E. Wagner, George Mason University (Contact Author)


Edward J. Lopez, San Jose State University
Joe Craig, University of Colorado - Boulder

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 95G
Mineral Resource Theory: Austrian and Institutionalist Perspectives


Randall G. Holcombe, Florida State University

Session Chairs:

Peter Lewin, University of Texas - Dallas


"Austrian Insights Into Mineral Resource Theory"
Robert L. Bradley, Jr., Institute for Energy Research (Contact Author)

"An Institutionalist Theory of Mineral Resources"
Thomas R. DeGregori, University of Houston (Contact Author)

"Exploration and Development of Resources As Viewed From Lachmann's Theory of Capital"
John Bratland, U.S. Department of the Interior (Contact Author)

"From Industrial Waste to Wealth: Incentives, Geography and By-Product Development"
Pierre Desrochers, University of Toronto at Mississauga (Contact Author)


Peter Lewin, University of Texas - Dallas
