2007 Sessions for Randall P. Walsh

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 20A
Issues in Public Economics

Session Chairs:

Yongjing Zhang, George Mason University


"Estimating the Determinants of Lottery Demand Using Disaggregated Data"
Linda S. Ghent, Eastern Illinois University (Contact Author)
Alan P. Grant, Baker University

"Monopolistic Competition, Growth and Public Good Provision"
Paul Pecorino, University of Alabama (Contact Author)

"On Ricardian Equivalence in local Public Finance"
Wallace E. Oates, University of Maryland (Contact Author)
Spencer Banzhaf, Georgia State University
James Sanchirico, Resources for the Future
Randall P. Walsh, University of Colorado at Boulder

"Early 20th Century Drug Prescription Laws: A Public Choice Analysis"
Alexandre Padilla, Metropolitan State College of Denver (Contact Author)
Arthur A. Fleisher, III, Metropolitan State College of Denver
Shigeto Naka, University of Tsukuba
Shigeto Naka, University of Tsukuba


Sarah Hamersma, University of Florida
Linda S. Ghent, Eastern Illinois University
