2007 Sessions for Kenneth R. Troske

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 7A*
Impacts of Social Policy on Family Well-Being and Health


Gail M. Hoyt, University of Kentucky

Session Chairs:

Kenneth R. Troske, University of Kentucky


"Do Children Keep Mothers from Developing their Career? Evidence Using State Kindergarten Entrance Age Laws"
Rashmi Barua, Boston University (Contact Author)
Discussant: Kasey Buckles, University of Notre Dame

"Does Physician Quality Affect Hospital Length-of-Stay and Discharge Destination?"
Lara Gardner, Southeastern Louisiana University
Sharmila Vishwasrao, Florida Atlantic University
Discussant: Aparna Lhila, University Of Georgia

"Earned Income Tax Credit and the Educational Progress of Single Mothers"
Linda Carter, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)
Discussant: Kenneth R. Troske, University of Kentucky

"Do Public Goods Explain the Relationship Between Income Inequality and Birth Weight?"
Aparna Lhila, University Of Georgia (Contact Author)
Discussant: John Garen, University of Kentucky

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 7D*
Mothers and Public Policy


Sarah Hamersma, University of Florida

Session Chairs:

Sarah Hamersma, University of Florida


"Smoking and Pregnancy Outcomes Among Young Adults"
Angela Fertig, University of Georgia
Monica Gaughan, University of Georgia
Discussant: Scott Hankins, University of Kentucky

"The Effect of Minimum Wage Increases on Less-Educated Single Mothers"
Joseph J. Sabia, University of Georgia (Contact Author)
Discussant: Amalia R. Miller, University of Virginia

"The Consequences of Welfare Reform for Prenatal WIC Participation and Birth Outcomes"
Sarah Hamersma, University of Florida (Contact Author)
Discussant: Kenneth R. Troske, University of Kentucky

"The Earned Income Tax Credit and Poverty Among Single Mothers and Their Children"
Molly Dahl, Congressional Budget Office (Contact Author)
Thomas C DeLeire, Michigan State University
Discussant: Sally Wallace, Georgia State University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 11G*
Welfare and Microeconometrics


Shiferaw Gurmu, Georgia State University

Session Chairs:

Shiferaw Gurmu, Georgia State University


"The Impact of Welfare Reform on Leaver Characteristics, Employment, and Recidivism"
Peter R. Mueser, University of Missouri - Columbia (Contact Author)
Kenneth R. Troske, University of Kentucky
David Stevens, University of Baltimore
Discussant: Shiferaw Gurmu, Georgia State University

"Welfare Reform and Recidivism"
Shiferaw Gurmu, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
William J. Smith, University of West Georgia
Discussant: Jose J. Canals-Cerda, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

"The Effect of Welfare Reform on WIC Caseloads"
Christopher A. Swann, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Contact Author)
Discussant: Peter R. Mueser, University of Missouri - Columbia

"The Value of a Good Reputation Online: An Application to Art Auctions"
Jose J. Canals-Cerda, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (Contact Author)
Discussant: Christopher A. Swann, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 21K
Topics in Environmental Economics


John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

Session Chairs:

Scott R. Templeton, Clemson University


"Does Public Disclosure Reduce Pollution? Evidence from India’s Pulp and Paper Industry"
Allen Blackman, Resources for the Future
Thomas Lyon, University of Michigan
Urvashi Narain, Resources for the Future
Nicholas Powers, University of Michigan (Contact Author)

"Supply of Household Recyclable Materials: Evidence from a Field Experiment"
Glenn C Bloomquist, University of Kentucky
David Hardesty, University of Kentucky
Brandon Koford, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)
Kenneth R. Troske, University of Kentucky

"Addressing Onsite Sampling in Recreational Site Choice Models"
Paul R. Hindsley, East Carolina University (Contact Author)
Brad Gentner, National Marine Fisheries Service
Craig E. Landry, East Carolina University

"Aggregate Emissions Under Targeted Enforcement"
Lirong Liu, University of Tennessee (Contact Author)


Paul E. Chambers, University of Central Missouri
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University
Scott R. Templeton, Clemson University
George R. Parsons, University of Delaware

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 17N
Human Capital and Economic Growth

Session Chairs:

Kanybek D Nur-tegin, Florida Atlantic University


"Human Capital and Knowledge Spillover Effects on Worker Productivity in US States"
Kenneth P Sanford, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)
Kenneth R. Troske, University of Kentucky

"Effects of Structural Adjustment Policies on the Education Sector of Developing Countries"
Becky Haney, Oklahoma City University (Contact Author)
Shouro Dasgupta, Oklahoma City University

"Linkages Between Human Capital and Real GDP: An Empirical Analysis of Bangladesh"
Nazneen Ahmad, Weber State University (Contact Author)
Joseph French, University of Northern Colorado

"Accounting for Skilled and Unskilled Labor Augmented Technical Change in US Output Growth"
Bulent Unel, Louisiana State University (Contact Author)


Nazneen Ahmad, Weber State University
Bulent Unel, Louisiana State University
