2007 Sessions for Geoffrey K Turnbull

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 3B*
Spatial Modeling in Public and Regional Economics


Mary Beth Walker, Georgia State University

Session Chairs:

Mary Beth Walker, Georgia State University


"Habit Formation in Dynamic Panels with Spatial Effects"
Georgia Korniotis, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Contact Author)
Discussant: Jonathan Rork, Georgia State University

"When Reciprocity Spills Over"
Jonathan Rork, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Gary Wagner, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Discussant: Mary G. McGarvey, University of Nebraska - Lincoln

"Home Voters, Contagion Effects, and Revealed Preferences"
Geoffrey K Turnbull, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Mary Beth Walker, Georgia State University
Discussant: Gary Wagner, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 4N
The Economics of Public School Education

Session Chairs:

Julie Trivitt, Arkansas Tech University


"School Quality, House Prices and Liquidity"
Velma Zahirovic-Herbert, University of Georgia (Contact Author)
Geoffrey K Turnbull, Georgia State University

"Efficiency Analysis of Public Education in Illinois"
Paul D. Melvin, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (Contact Author)
Subhash C. Sharma, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

"The Intended and Unintended Consequences of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act: Evidence from Wisconsin"
Rajashri Chakrabarti, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Contact Author)

"A Multiple-Models Assessment for Risk of Dropping Out of School"
John Robst, University of South Florida (Contact Author)

"Discount Rates and Drop-Outs Rates: Children's View of the Future"
Jeffrey L. Jordan, University of Georgia (Contact Author)
Ragan Petrie, Georgia State University
Marco Castillo, Georgia Institute of Technology
Paul J. Ferraro, Georgia State University


John Robst, University of South Florida
Julie Trivitt, Arkansas Tech University
