2007 Sessions for Mohammed Mohsin

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 9N
Banking Issues in Developing Economies

Session Chairs:

William Miles, Wichita State University


"The Impacts of Increased Foreign Ownership on Domestic Banking Industry"
Aaron Kim, SungKyunKwan University (Contact Author)
Wonil Jeong, SungKyunKwan University
Y. Jeon, SungKyunKwan University

"Monetary Policy in a Small Open Developing Economy"
Mark Assibey-Yeboah, University of Tennessee (Contact Author)
Mohammed Mohsin, University of Tennessee

"Can Money Demand be Stable Under a Financial Crisis? Evidence from Korea"
Jae-Kwang Hwang, Virginia State University (Contact Author)



10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 13P
Alcohol, Retirement, and Taxes

Session Chairs:

Resul Cesur, Georgia State University,


"The Aggregate Spills of Alcohol: The Effects of Alcohol Sales (Consumption) on Growth and Income Distribution!"
Resul Cesur, Georgia State University, (Contact Author)

"A Hybrid Reform: Social Security on Dual Power (Paygo + Personal Accounts)"
Gordon Boronow, Stony Brook University (Contact Author)

"Consumer Response to Child Tax Credit"
Norbert Michel, Nicholls State University (Contact Author)
Nazneen Ahmad, Weber State University

"The Dynamic Effects of Tax Policies in a Small Open Economy"
Mohammed Mohsin, University of Tennessee (Contact Author)


Nazneen Ahmad, Weber State University
Norbert Michel, Nicholls State University
