2007 Sessions for Gabriel Picone

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 19D
International Economics II

Session Chairs:

Dennis Pearson, Austin Peay State University


"Explaining the Pharmaceutical Price Differences in the European Union"
Aysegul Timur, Hodges University (Contact Author)
Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida
Jeffrey S. DeSimone, University of Texas at Arlington & NBER

"Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Growth: Is the Impact Sensitive to the Level of Development?"
Stefan Ruediger, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (Contact Author)
Hamid Mohtadi, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee and University of Minnesota

"Foreign Direct Investment and Brain Drain"
Miao Wang, Marquette University (Contact Author)

"Vertical Specialization with Developed and Developing Countries"
Don P. Clark, University of Tennessee (Contact Author)

"Substitutability and Protectionism: Latin America’s Trade Policy and Imports from China and India"
Peri Agostinho Silva, Jr., University of North Dakota (Contact Author)
Marcelo Olarreaga, The World Bank
Giovanni Facchini, University of Illinois
Gerald Willmann, University of Kiel


Ayse Evrensel, Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Joshua Dennis Hall, Drexel University
Miao Wang, Marquette University

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 20K
African-Americans, Hispanics and the Labor Market

Session Chairs:

Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida


"Correspondence Testing of Racial Discrimination in Oklahoma Labor Markets"
Jonathan Robert McFadden, University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)
Aparna Mitra, University of Oklahoma

"Human Capital and Black-White Interracial Marriage"
Deniz Gevrek, University of Texas at Austin (Contact Author)

"Reparations for African Americans as a Transfer Problem: A Cautionary Tale"
William A. Darity, Jr., Duke University
Bidisha Lahiri, Oklahoma State University (Contact Author)

"Self-Employment and Ethnicity: The Case of Hispanics in the United States"
John Lunn, Hope College (Contact Author)
Todd Steen, Hope College


Khusrav Gaibulloev, University of Texas at Dallas
Jayanta Sarkar, Louisiana Tech University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 21N
Diversity and Inequality in Education

Session Chairs:

Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida


"Impact of School Finance Reform on Resource Equalization and Academic Performance: Evidence from Michigan"
Joydeep Roy, Economic Policy Institute and Georgetown University (Contact Author)

"Faculty Diversity in Higher Education: What Do We Know?"
William A. Darity, Jr., Duke University (Contact Author)
Bernard Holloway, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Within and Between Gender Disparities in Income and Education Benefits from Democracy"
Ruth Uwaifo, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)


Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida
Ruth Uwaifo, Georgia Institute of Technology
