2007 Sessions for Young-Kyu Moh

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 14D
International Economics & Finance Society


Henry Thompson, Auburn University

Session Chairs:

Neven T. Valev, Georgia State University


"Stationarity, Nonlinearity and Persistence in Real Exchange Rates"
Rehim Kilic, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)
Discussant: Levent Bulut, Emory University

"Nonlinear Dynamics of the Real Exchange Rates for Traded and Nontraded Goods"
Young-Kyu Moh, Texas Tech University (Contact Author)
Discussant: Neven T. Valev, Georgia State University

"External Debt Holding Costs and Current Account Adjustments"
Levent Bulut, Emory University (Contact Author)
Discussant: Young-Kyu Moh, Texas Tech University

"Funding for the Long Run: Credit Maturity and Economic Growth"
Neven T. Valev, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Nikola Tasic, Georgia State University
Discussant: Rehim Kilic, Georgia Institute of Technology
