2007 Sessions for Sharri C Byron

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 7N
Growth and Development

Session Chairs:

Paul Kagundu, Georgia State University


"Long Run Economic Growth in Latin America: A Panel Data Analysis (1980 – 2004)"
Flavio Vilela Vieira, Federal University of Uberlândia (Contact Author)

"An Endogenous Growth Model with Non-Renewable Resources: Optimal Fiscal Strategy, Balanced Growth and Transitional Dynamics"
Sharri C Byron, University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"International Financial Integration and Economic Growth: Accounting for the Efficiency Effect"
Indrit Hoxha, University of Houston (Contact Author)


Paul Kagundu, Georgia State University
Flavio Vilela Vieira, Federal University of Uberlândia

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 9R
Public Economics


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Mary Lois White, Albright College


"Cars and Hybrids and SUVs, Oh My!: Investigating Automobile Emissions Policies in a Behavioral Framework"
Benjamin Andrew Chupp, Department of Economics, Georgia State University (Contact Author)

"Electoral Incentives and Public Money: Results from the Indian Parliamentary System"
Prithviraj Guha, New York University

"Intrametropolitan Decentralization: Overlapping Jurisdictions and Efficent Local Public Good Provision"
Stephen Billings, University of Colorado (Contact Author)

"An Endogenous Growth Model with Non-Renewable Resources: Optimal Fiscal Strategy, Balanced Growth and Transitional Dynamics"
Sharri C Byron, University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"Understanding Unemployment Experiences of Different Skill Groups"
Gonul Sengul, University of Texas at Austin (Contact Author)


Mary Lois White, Albright College
Stephen Billings, University of Colorado
