2007 Sessions for Scot Carson

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 15A*
Economic History of the South


Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University

Session Chairs:

William H Phillips, University of Georgia


"Capital Intensity in Cotton Gin Manufacturing: Post-bellum Revival of the Southern Industry"
William H Phillips, University of Georgia (Contact Author)
Discussant: Craig Heinicke, University of Richmond

"Slave Prices, Geography and Insolation in 19th Century African-American Stature."
Scot Carson, University of Texas Permian Basin (Contact Author)
Discussant: John Levendis, Loyola University

"Did Jim Crow Lead the Mob? Lynching and Legal Institutions, 1882-1930"
William Arthur Carden, Rhodes College (Contact Author)
Discussant: Scot Carson, University of Texas Permian Basin

"A Case of “Gross Favoritism” for Agricultural Workers? The Selective Service System and Southern U.S. Paternalism During World War II"
Craig Heinicke, University of Richmond (Contact Author)
Discussant: John Levendis, Loyola University
