2007 Sessions for Srideep Ganguly

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 20G
Exchange Rates I

Session Chairs:

Ayse Evrensel, Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville


"An Investigation of Common Trends and Cycles in ASEAN Exchange Rates"
Puneet Vatsa, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (Contact Author)
Subhash C. Sharma, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

"Foreign Exchange Risk Exposure: Evidence from Asian Markets"
Dilara Tas, Vassar College (Contact Author)
Subhash C. Sharma, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Hungchih Li, National Cheng Kung University

"Nominal Exchange Rate Volatility, Relative Price Volatility, and the Real Exchange Rate"
Srideep Ganguly, University of South Carolina (Contact Author)
Janice Boucher Breuer, University of South Carolina

"VAR Estimation of Portfolio Balance Models for the Canadian-U.S. Exchange Rate"
David O. Cushman, Westminster College (Contact Author)


Ayse Evrensel, Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Lian An, University of North Florida

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 11R
Monetary and Financial Economics


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Eric R. Dodge, Hanover College


"Monetary Policy in Transition: Exchange Market Pressure in the Czech Republic"
Gennady Lyakir, University of Memphis (Contact Author)

"Financial Linkages between the U.S. and Latin America: Evidence from Daily Data"
Srideep Ganguly, University of South Carolina (Contact Author)

"Foreign Bank Penetration, Shock Propagation and Monetary Policy in Emerging Countries"
Ji Wu, Drexel University (Contact Author)

"Testing for a Nonlinear Long-run Relationship among House Prices and Market Fundamentals"
Jian Zhou, University of Illinois at Chicago (Contact Author)

"Effect of the Political Regime on Asset Returns in Emerging Markets: An Empirical Investigation"
Nabamita Dutta, West Virginia University (Contact Author)


Gennady Lyakir, University of Memphis
