2007 Sessions for W. Kip Viscusi

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 5A*
Research on Health and the Value of Life


Kathryn H. Anderson, Vanderbilt University

Session Chairs:

Kathryn H. Anderson, Vanderbilt University


"The Mortality Cost to Smokers"
Joni Hersch, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)
W. Kip Viscusi, Vanderbilt University Law School
Discussant: Kathryn H. Anderson, Vanderbilt University

"Economic Value of Family Caregiving: Time and Motion Survey Estimates"
Shelley White-Means, University of Tennessee
Discussant: Kathryn H. Anderson, Vanderbilt University

"The Value of a Child’s Life: A Parental Perspective"
Shelby Gerking, University of Central Florida (Contact Author)
Discussant: Kathryn H. Anderson, Vanderbilt University
