2007 Sessions for Santiago Pinto

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 12D
Space and Location

Session Chairs:

Tami Gurley-Calvez, West Virginia University


"Geographic Location and Industry Dynamics"
Emma Bojinova, Department of Economics, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)

"Estimating the Amenity Value of Climate: A Dynamic Discrete Choice Model of Location Decisions"
Kelly C Bishop, Department of Economics, Duke University (Contact Author)

"A Monocentric City Model of Tenure Choice"
Santiago Pinto, West Virginia University
Justin M. Ross, West Virginia University (Contact Author)

"Education, Local Business Conditions and Employment Location by County: Spatial Estimation in Four Industries"
Penelope B. Prime, Mercer University (Contact Author)
Donald Grimes, University of Michigan
Mary Beth Walker, Georgia State University


Alan P. Grant, Baker University
Rachna Maheshwari, University of Virginia

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 19K
International Trade I


"Immigration, Outsourcing and Tax Policy: Evidences from OECD Countries"
Sudeshna Pal, West Virginia University (Contact Author)
Santiago Pinto, West Virginia University

"Intellectual Property Rights Protection, North-South Trade, and Biological Diversity"
Yang-Ming Chang, Kansas State University (Contact Author)
Kyle Ross, Kansas State University

"International Trade and the Returns to Education"
Edinaldo Tebaldi, Bryant University (Contact Author)

"The Lowdown on Mudbugs: Are Imports the Source of Injury for the United States Crawfish Industry?"
Lewis Gale, Weber State University (Contact Author)
Clifford Nowell, Weber State University


Edinaldo Tebaldi, Bryant University
