2007 Sessions for Dan Lovallo

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 15G
Behavior and Game Theory


Douglas D. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University

Session Chairs:

Erte Xiao, University of Pennsylvania


"Blind Movie Viewing: Behavioral Game Theory and Cold Opening to Critics"
Alexander L Brown, California Institute of Technology (Contact Author)
Colin Camerer, California Institute of Technology
Dan Lovallo, University of Western Australia
Discussant: Subhasish Dugar, University of Calgary

"Do the Right Thing: But Only if Others Do So"
Cristina Bicchieri, University of Pennsylvania (Contact Author)
Erte Xiao, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: TBA

"A Laboratory Study of Holdout and Efficiency in a Multilateral Bargaining Game"
Kurtis J. Swope, United States Naval Academy (Contact Author)
Pamela M. Schmitt, United States Naval Academy
Robert Shupp, Michigan State University
John Cadigan, Gettysburg College
Discussant: Rimvydas Baltaduonis, George Mason University
