2007 Sessions for Evrim Dener

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 16C
Risk: Outcomes and Behavior


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University


"Self-Selection Bias and Earnings Risk Premium"
Priyanka Singh, University of Texas at Dallas (Contact Author)

"Estimating the Off-Setting Effects of Driver Behavior in Response to Safety Regulation: The Case of Formula One Racing"
Joel Potter, Kansas State University (Contact Author)

"The Effects of Venture Idea Type on Entrepreneurial Action"
Karen Campbell, Temple University (Contact Author)

"Identification and Estimation of a Continuous-Time Principal-Agent Model"
Denis Nekipelov, Duke University, Department of Economics (Contact Author)

"Product Improvement and Quality Uncertainty in a Durable Good Monopoly"
Evrim Dener, Southern Methodist University (Contact Author)


Priyanka Singh, University of Texas at Dallas
Samuel J Rauschenberg, Georgia College & State University
