2008 Sessions for John C. Whitehead

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 16C


John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

Session Chairs:

John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University


"License Buyback Auctions: An Experimental Analysis"
Matthew A. Freeman, University of Rhode Island (Contact Author)
Richard Woodward, Texas A&M University

"Evaluating the Role of Variable and Model Selection in Propensity Score Based Weights: An Application to Recreation Site Choice Models"
Paul R. Hindsley, Eckerd College (Contact Author)

"Inter-dependent Resource Economic Theory: Dynamical Bioeconomic Model of Marine Sand and Fisheries"
Tae-goun Kim, Mississippi State University (Contact Author)
Thomas A. Grigalunas, University of Rhode Island
James Opaluch, University of Rhode Island

"Rethinking Fishery Economics"
James R. Kahn, Washington and Lee University (Contact Author)


Peter A. Groothuis, Appalachian State University
D. Matt Massey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Matthew A. Freeman, University of Rhode Island
James R. Kahn, Washington and Lee University

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 15D
Evaluating Environmental Impacts


Sarah L. Stafford, The College of William and Mary

Session Chairs:

Okmyung Bin, East Carolina University


"Measuring the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Real Estate in North Carolina – A Hedonic Price Approach"
Okmyung Bin, East Carolina University (Contact Author)
Ben Poulter, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Christopher F. Dumas, University of North Carolina Wilmington
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

"Estimating the Effect of School Indoor Air Quality on Academic Outcomes"
Tess Stafford, The University of Texas (Contact Author)

"Random Error and Simulation Models with an Unobserved Dependent Variable as Applied to the Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act"
Scott Farrow, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Contact Author)


Okmyung Bin, East Carolina University
Scott Farrow, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Catherine M. Chambers, University of Central Missouri

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 16G
Stated Preferences


John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

Session Chairs:

Will Wheeler, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


"Exploring Respondent’s Perception of Bid Design Precision in Nonmarket Valuation"
Christopher Azevedo, University of Central Missouri (Contact Author)
John R. Crooker, University of Central Missouri
Brian D. Pattiz, Iowa State University

"Estimating Willingness of Citizens to Pay for Recycling"
Glenn C. Blomquist, University of Kentucky
David Hardesty, University of Kentucky
Margaret Hughes, University of Kentucky
Brandon C. Koford, Valdosta State University (Contact Author)
Fred Morgan, University of Kentucky
Kenneth R. Troske, University of Kentucky

"Using Dynamic Models to Capture Sequence Effects in Multiple Responses Revealed and Stated Preference Surveys"
Bin Sun, The Ohio State University
Timothy C. Haab, The Ohio State University (Contact Author)
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

"The Decision to Manage Invasive Weeds: Which Factors Matter?"
Jennifer A. Thacher, University of New Mexico (Contact Author)
Kristine M Grimsrud, University of New Mexico
Janie M. Chermak, University of New Mexico
Kate Krause, University of New Mexico


Timothy C. Haab, The Ohio State University
Christopher Azevedo, University of Central Missouri
John R. Crooker, University of Central Missouri
Brandon C. Koford, Valdosta State University

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 16H
Environmental Management


John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

Session Chairs:

Timothy C. Haab, The Ohio State University


"The Impact of Beach Nourishment on Beach Hotel Room Rentals"
Catherine M. Chambers, University of Central Missouri (Contact Author)
Christopher F. Dumas, University of North Carolina Wilmington

"Flood Insurance Coverage in the Coastal Zone"
Craig E. Landry, East Carolina University (Contact Author)
Mohammad Jahan-Parvar, East Carolina University

"Do Benefits Really Transfer? A Fish Tale Across 3 Rivers"
Lynne Lewis, Bates College (Contact Author)

"Encouraging Wildlife Habitats: A New Jersey Case Study"
Edmund M. Tavernier, Rutgers University (Contact Author)


Edmund M. Tavernier, Rutgers University
Lynne Lewis, Bates College
Craig E. Landry, East Carolina University
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 12L
Economic Impact of Sports Events


John Charles Bradbury, Kennesaw State University

Session Chairs:

Bruce K. Johnson, Centre College


"Hotel Tax Collections and a Local Mega-Event"
Dennis C. Coates, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Contact Author)

"Willingness to Pay for Downtown National Hockey League Arenas"
Bruce K. Johnson, Centre College (Contact Author)
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University
Dan Mason, University of Alberta
Gordon Walker, University of Alberta

"The Effects of Ticket Prices, Arena Amenities and Capacity on the Latent Demand for Hockey Games"
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University (Contact Author)
Bruce K. Johnson, Centre College
Dan Mason, University of Alberta
Gordon Walker, University of Alberta


Philip K. Porter, University of South Florida
Peter A. Groothuis, Appalachian State University

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 19M
Natural Hazards and Weather II


Daniel Sutter, The University of Texas-Pan American

Session Chairs:

Jeffrey Czajkowski, Austin College


"Natural Disasters and Foreign Direct Investment"
Monica P. Escaleras, Florida Atlantic University (Contact Author)
Charles A. Register, Florida Atlantic University

"Risk Perception and the Credibility of Hazard Warnings: Evidence from Tornado Warnings"
Kevin Simmons, Austin College
Daniel Sutter, The University of Texas-Pan American (Contact Author)

"A Computational Approach to Dynamically Modeling the Destructive Risk Embedded in Hurricane Evacuation Decisions"
Jeffrey Czajkowski, Austin College (Contact Author)
Richard Woodward, Texas A&M University

"The Effect of Hurricane Katrina Exodus on Houston Wages: Structural Break Point Estimation"
Robert McComb, Texas Tech University
Young-Kyu Moh, Texas Tech University (Contact Author)
Anita Schiller, Texas Tech University


John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University
Jamie Brown Kruse, East Carolina University

5:00 - 6:45 p.m.
Session 15P
Natural Hazards and Weather I


Daniel Sutter, The University of Texas-Pan American

Session Chairs:

Daniel Sutter, The University of Texas-Pan American


"The Effect of Hurricane Katrina Exodus on Houston Wages"
Dakshina G. De Silva, Texas Tech University
Robert McComb, Texas Tech University
Anita Schiller, Texas Tech University
Andres J. Vargas, Texas Tech University (Contact Author)

"Why Exactly Do I Want to Evacuate? A Better Understanding of the Costs of Not Evacuating for a Hurricane"
Jeffrey Czajkowski, Austin College (Contact Author)
Kevin Simmons, Austin College
Daniel Sutter, The University of Texas-Pan American

"Climate Change and Marine Recreation"
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University (Contact Author)
Ben Poulter, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Christopher F. Dumas, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Jamie Brown Kruse, East Carolina University (Contact Author)


Monica P. Escaleras, Florida Atlantic University
Daniel Sutter, The University of Texas-Pan American
