2008 Sessions for Randall G. Holcombe

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 22B
Public Sector Economics


Gregory M. Randolph, Southern New Hampshire University

Session Chairs:

Gregory M. Randolph, Southern New Hampshire University


"Are Community Arrangements with NIMBYs Undermined by School Finance Reform?"
Justin M. Ross, Indiana University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Political Factors on Military Base Closures"
Scott A. Beaulier, Mercer University (Contact Author)
Joshua C. Hall, Beloit College
Allen Lynch, Mercer University

"Charter Versus Traditional Public Schools: A Panel Study of the Technical Efficiency"
Todd M. Nesbit, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College (Contact Author)
Kerry A. King, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Joseph Palardy, Youngstown State University

"Suppressing Liberty, Censoring Information, Wasting Resources, and Calling It Good for the Environment"
J. R. Clark, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (Contact Author)
Dwight R. Lee, Southern Methodist University

"Spatial Clustering and U.S. State Interest Group Populations"
Gregory M. Randolph, Southern New Hampshire University (Contact Author)


Justin M. Ross, Indiana University
Mark T Gillis, Duquesne University
Michael Tasto, Southern New Hampshire University
Gregory M. Randolph, Southern New Hampshire University
Randall G. Holcombe, Florida State University

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 14C
Topics in Austrian Economics


Emily Chamlee-Wright, Beloit College

Session Chairs:

Anthony John Evans, George Mason University


"A Reformulation of the Foundation of Welfare Economics"
Randall G. Holcombe, Florida State University (Contact Author)

"The Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle in Light of Schutz's Gradations of Ideal Types"
Gene Callahan, Cardiff University (Contact Author)
Steven G. Horwitz, St. Lawrence University

"The Limits of Monetary Policy"
Gerald Patrick O'Driscoll, Jr., Cato Institute (Contact Author)

"Informal Institutions and a Free Press"
Nabamita Dutta, West Virginia University
Sanjukta Roy, West Virginia University (Contact Author)


Christopher J. Coyne, West Virginia University
Nikolai G. Wenzel, Hillsdale College

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 14H
Topics in Applied Austrian Economics II


Emily Chamlee-Wright, Beloit College

Session Chairs:

Daniel Sutter, The University of Texas-Pan American


"Arrogance at Work: From Academic Failure to Business Failure and Rent Seeking"
Robert L. Bradley, Jr., Institute for Energy Research (Contact Author)

"Does the Lack of a Profit Motive Affect Hiring in Academe? Evidence from the Market for Lawyers"
Rex J. Pjesky, West Texas A&M University
Daniel Sutter, The University of Texas-Pan American (Contact Author)

"The Political Economy of Road Supply and Pricing"
Adrian Moore, Reason Foundation (Contact Author)


Randall G. Holcombe, Florida State University
Nicholas Curott, George Mason University
