2008 Sessions for Katherine Terrell

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 6B*
Decomposing Gaps in Inequality


Susan Vroman, Georgetown University

Session Chairs:

Susan Vroman, Georgetown University


"The Black-White Wage Gap Among US Women Across the Distribution: Derek Neal Redux"
Aico Van Vuuren, Free University Amsterdam
James Albrecht, Georgetown University
Susan Vroman, Georgetown University

"Measuring the Role of Self-Employment in Earnings Inequality"
Brian Bucks, Federal Reserve Board (Contact Author)
Kevin B. Moore, Federal Reserve Board

"Wage Ceilings and Floors: The Gender Gap in Ukraine's Transition"
Katherine Terrell, University of Michigan (Contact Author)
Ina Ganguli, Harvard University

"The Homeownership Rate Gap Across Segregated Neighborhoods"
Paul Carrillo, The George Washington University
Anthony M. Yezer, George Washington University


Paul Carrillo, The George Washington University
Susan Vroman, Georgetown University
James Albrecht, Georgetown University
Brian Bucks, Federal Reserve Board

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 8H
Issues in Economic Development


Julie L. Hotchkiss, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Session Chairs:

Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere, Georgia Institute of Technology


"Determinants of Outward Direct Investment from Developing Countries: A Firm-Level Study of China"
Yi Song, George Washington University (Contact Author)

"Electrification and the Household"
Louise Grogan, University of Guelph
Asha Sadanand, University of Guelph

"Are Women from Low-Income Urban Households More Likely to be Credit Constrained? Evidence from the Philippines"
Hazel Jean Malapit, American University (Contact Author)

"Foreign Aid and the Real Exchange Rate - A Theoretical Model"
Sharri C. Byron, University of Georgia (Contact Author)


Catherine S. Norman, Johns Hopkins University
Katherine Terrell, University of Michigan
Xavier Gine, The World Bank
Jonathan Munemo, The World Bank
