2008 Sessions for Yoonbai Kim

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 13D
North Korean Economy and Beyond


Semoon Chang, University of South Alabama

Session Chairs:

James M. Lister, Korea Economic Institute


"U.S.-China Economic Relations and the North Korean Factor"
Suk H. Kim, University of Detroit Mercy

"Financial Integration in East Asia"
Yoonbai Kim, University of Kentucky
Xiaodan Zhao, Central College

"East Asia's Exchange Rate Coordination Framework and the Role of China, Japan, and Korea"
Inchul Kim, Sung Kyun Kwan University

"On the Opportunity Cost of Unemployment"
Young Back Choi, St. John's University (Contact Author)

"The Saga of Jeong Versus Onoda Cement"
Semoon Chang, University of South Alabama


Yoonbai Kim, University of Kentucky
Inchul Kim, Sung Kyun Kwan University
Suk H. Kim, University of Detroit Mercy
Yong J. Yoon, George Mason University

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 22M
Open Economy Macro and Exchange Rates

Session Chairs:

David Y. Chen, North Carolina A&T State University


"Endogenous Private Transfer and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics in a Two-Sector Dependent Economy"
Akm Mahbub Morshed, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (Contact Author)

"Asian International Reserves on Exchange Rate and U.S. Debt"
David Y. Chen, North Carolina A&T State University (Contact Author)

"Is Currency Devaluation Contractionary in Developed Economies"
Gil Kim, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)
Yoonbai Kim, University of Kentucky

"Real Exchange Rate Uncertainty, External Exposure and Investment: Evidence from Colombian Manufacturing Plants"
Asli Leblebicioglu, North Carolina State University (Contact Author)
Ivan Kandilov, North Carolina State University


Onnie Pipatchaipoom, Samford University
Tamon Asonuma, Boston University
Subhash C. Sharma, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Yoonbai Kim, University of Kentucky
