2008 Sessions for Catherine Tyler Mooney

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 20N
Industrial Organization


Catherine Tyler Mooney, University of Oklahoma

Session Chairs:

Catherine Tyler Mooney, University of Oklahoma


"An Analysis of Economics Doctoral Students' Initial Job Placements"
Susan Chen, Illinois State University (Contact Author)
Qihong Liu, University of Oklahoma

"The Competitive Effects of 'Consideration' Payments: Lessons from Radio Payola"
Adam D. Rennhoff, Middle Tennessee State University (Contact Author)

"Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out: Radio Listening in the New Millennium"
Catherine Tyler Mooney, University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)

"Low-Price Guarantees, Quality Choice, and Competition"
Qihong Liu, University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)
Susan Chen, Illinois State University
Jie Shuai, University of Oklahoma


Qihong Liu, University of Oklahoma
Susan Chen, Illinois State University
Adam D. Rennhoff, Middle Tennessee State University
Catherine Tyler Mooney, University of Oklahoma
