2008 Sessions for Sara E. Helms

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 17A
Economics of Health and Education

Session Chairs:

Dennis Pearson, Austin Peay State University


"Do Health Care Consumers Look at Their Provider's Report Cards? An Investigation of the Impact of Cardiac Report Cards in Pennsylvania"
Justin Tsung-Yi Wang, Lehigh University (Contact Author)

"Diabetes Patients and Their Choices"
Nasim Lari, North Carolina State University (Contact Author)

"Health & Wealth: A Dynamic Demand for Medical Care"
Jennifer Kohn, Rutgers University (Contact Author)

"Cost Burden of the ‘Presenteeism’ Health Outcome In a Diverse Nursing and Pharmacy Workforce: Implications for Practice Models and Health Policies"
Carol Warren-Blakemore, Clinical Neuroscience Solutions, Inc. (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Gifted Education Programs on Student Achievement"
Patrick Ryan Murphy, Florida State University (Contact Author)

"Equal Treatment as a Means of Evaluating Public School Assignment Mechanisms"
Umut Ozek, University of Florida (Contact Author)


John A. Rizzo, Stony Brook University
Colin Knapp, University of Florida
Maryanne Clifford, Eastern Connecticut State University
Matthew Fehnel, West Chester University
Marco Castillo, Georgia Institute of Technology
Sara E. Helms, University of Alabama at Birmingham

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 21C
Volunteering, Charitable Giving, and Nonprofit Organizations


Sara E. Helms, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Jeremy Thornton, Samford University

Session Chairs:

Sara E. Helms, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Jeremy Thornton, Samford University


"Time or Money: A COPPS Investigation into Charitable Giving"
Sara E. Helms, University of Alabama at Birmingham (Contact Author)
Jeremy Thornton, Samford University

"Using Benefit Cost Analysis to Assess Nonprofit Performance"
Joseph J. Cordes, George Washington University (Contact Author)
Catherine Coventry, George Washington University

"Competition for Funding in the Nonprofit Sector"
Debra Yurenka, University of Chicago (Contact Author)


Brian Duncan, University of Colorado Denver
Joseph J. Cordes, George Washington University
Debra Yurenka, University of Chicago

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 7H
Health Policies and Outcomes

Session Chairs:

Minghua Li, Franklin Pierce University


"Do Precursor Laws Matter? An Investigation into the Methamphetamine Market in the US"
Sara E. Helms, University of Alabama at Birmingham (Contact Author)
Bryce S. Sutton, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Melissa Woodley, Samford University
Yulia Khodneva, University of Alabama at Birmingham

"Effect of State Health Mandates on Employer-Provided Health Insurance"
Katharine C. Wolchik, Lehigh University (Contact Author)
Justin Tsung-Yi Wang, Lehigh University

"SCHIP and Parents' Well-being"
Minghua Li, Franklin Pierce University (Contact Author)


Katharine C. Wolchik, Lehigh University
Minghua Li, Franklin Pierce University
Scott Imberman, University of Houston

5:00 - 6:45 p.m.
Session 6P
Principals and Agents

Session Chairs:

Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University


"A Quantitative Theory of Information and Unsecured Credit"
Xuan Tam, University of Virginia (Contact Author)
Eric Young, University of Virginia
Kartik Athreya, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

"Incentives and Delegation of Authority to Multiple Agents"
Dongryul Lee, Virginia Tech University (Contact Author)

"Debt, Equity, and Information"
Matthias Buehlmaier, Vienna Graduate School of Finance (Contact Author)

"Carrots, Sticks, and Service-Learning in a Quasi-Experimental Environment"
Sara E. Helms, University of Alabama at Birmingham (Contact Author)
Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University


Kartik Athreya, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Sara E. Helms, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Brent Boning, CNA
Matthias Buehlmaier, Vienna Graduate School of Finance
