2008 Sessions for Aysegul Timur

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 1N
Drugs and Health Care Costs

Session Chairs:

Rachel Wilson, Middle Tennessee State University


"Do Decreasing Prices in the Pharmaceutical Industry Provide Evidence of Price Convergence in the European Union?"
Aysegul Timur, Hodges University (Contact Author)
Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida
Jeffrey S. DeSimone, The University of Texas at Arlington

"Financial Performance and Patient Safety in Hospitals"
Nakcheon Choi, Boston University (Contact Author)

"Who Pays for Drug Quality?"
Jie Chen, College of Staten Island/City University of New York (Contact Author)
John A. Rizzo, Stony Brook University

"Health Care Cost in the Age of Google: An Empirical Analysis of the Internet's Impact on Health Care Costs"
Rachel Wilson, Middle Tennessee State University (Contact Author)


Nayoung Lee, University of Southern California
Don P. Clark, The University of Tennessee
Jie Chen, College of Staten Island/City University of New York
Aysegul Timur, Hodges University

5:00 - 6:45 p.m.
Session 20P
Health and Children

Session Chairs:

Dennis Pearson, Austin Peay State University


"Availability of Physical Activity Facilities: Physical Activity Participation and Weight Status of Children and Adolescents"
Zeynep Isgor, University of Illinois at Chicago (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Maternal Employment and Child Care Choices on Childhood Overweight"
Mai N. Hubbard, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Father’s Heavy Alcohol Consumption on Children’s Health in Russia"
Jelena Zurovac, University of Washington (Contact Author)

"The Influence of Birth Order on Risk Attitudes and Behaviors"
Erica Morgan, University of South Carolina (Contact Author)


Bosu Seo, University of Manitoba
Jane Uebelhoer, Marymount University
Aysegul Timur, Hodges University
Paul J. Ferraro, Georgia State University
