2008 Sessions for Kartik Athreya

5:00 - 6:45 p.m.
Session 6P
Principals and Agents

Session Chairs:

Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University


"A Quantitative Theory of Information and Unsecured Credit"
Xuan Tam, University of Virginia (Contact Author)
Eric Young, University of Virginia
Kartik Athreya, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

"Incentives and Delegation of Authority to Multiple Agents"
Dongryul Lee, Virginia Tech University (Contact Author)

"Debt, Equity, and Information"
Matthias Buehlmaier, Vienna Graduate School of Finance (Contact Author)

"Carrots, Sticks, and Service-Learning in a Quasi-Experimental Environment"
Sara E. Helms, University of Alabama at Birmingham (Contact Author)
Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University


Kartik Athreya, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Sara E. Helms, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Brent Boning, CNA
Matthias Buehlmaier, Vienna Graduate School of Finance
