2008 Sessions for Kejun Song

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 20M
Social Networks and Spillovers

Session Chairs:

Devesh Roy, International Food Policy Research Institute


"How Do People Create Capital Through 'Social Networks'? Dense Versus Sparse Networks"
Pedro Romero Aleman, George Mason University (Contact Author)

"'When I’m Sixty-Four': Retirement of School Teachers 'With a Little Help from My Friends'"
Kristine Brown, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ron Laschever, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Contact Author)

"Determinants of Social Attitudes in American Communities"
Abdul Munasib, Oklahoma State University
Devesh Roy, International Food Policy Research Institute (Contact Author)

"Knowledge Spillovers and Local Growth of Industries: Evidence from Patent Statistics"
Kejun Song, University of California, Irvine (Contact Author)


Isabelle G Bajeux-Besnainou, The George Washington University
Sumit Joshi, The George Washington University
Ahmed S. Rahman, U.S. Naval Academy

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 22N
Issues in Law and Dispute Settlement

Session Chairs:

Scott Wentland, George Mason University


"Estimating a Model of Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization"
Mostafa Beshkar, Purdue University (Contact Author)

"Intellectual Property Rights and Strategic Differentiation in R&D Competition"
Kejun Song, University of California, Irvine (Contact Author)

"More Tickets, Fewer Accidents: How Cash-Strapped Towns Make for Safer Roads"
Michael Makowsky, 101M Stephens Hall (Contact Author)
Thomas Stratmann, George Mason University

"Political Beliefs and Tort Awards: An Empirical Study of the ‘Impartial’ Jury"
Scott Wentland, George Mason University (Contact Author)


Bharat Bhole, Rochester Institute of Technology
Michael R. Hammock, Rhodes College
Thushyanthan Baskaran, University of Heidelberg
Giovanni Facchini, University of Essex
