2008 Sessions for Abhay Gupta

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 10N
Growth and Development

Session Chairs:

Abhay Gupta, The University of British Columbia


"Political Regime Changes: Implications for Economic Growth"
Yaroslava Babych, The George Washington University (Contact Author)

"A Tale of Three Countries: Economic Development in Argentina, Australia, and Canada from Independence to WWII"
Graciela Laura Kaminsky, The George Washington University
Pablo Vega-Garcia, The George Washington University (Contact Author)

"Indian Economy - TFP or Factor Accumulation: A Comprehensive Growth Accounting Exercise"
Abhay Gupta, The University of British Columbia (Contact Author)


Liutang Gong, Peking University
Nianqing Liu, Penn State University
Roger White, Franklin & Marshall College
