2008 Sessions for Andrew Hussey

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 13M
Impact of International Migration

Session Chairs:

David E.R. Gay, University of Arkansas


"Analyzing the Effects of Immigration with Endogenous Human Capital: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach"
Serife Genc, University of Pittsburgh (Contact Author)

"Coming to America: The Effect of Immigration on Local Labor Market"
Chong-Uk Kim, Sonoma State University (Contact Author)
Kevin Henrickson, Gonzaga University

"Emigration's Impact on Employment of Those Left Behind: Evidence from Mexico"
Arina Viseth, University of Delaware (Contact Author)

"Friedrich A. Hayek: The 'Arkansas Traveler' Concludes"
David E.R. Gay, University of Arkansas (Contact Author)


Mehmet Erdem Yaya, University of Alabama
Gerardo Gomez-Ruano, Boston University
Gordon Betcherman, The World Bank
Andrew Hussey, University of Memphis

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 6N
Differences in the Labor Market

Session Chairs:

Mette Verner, University of Aarhus


"Gender Differences in Income Inequality Among Immigrant Populations to the United States"
Mehmet Erdem Yaya, University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Gary Hoover, University of Alabama

"Gender, Unemployment and Underemployment in South Africa Reexamined: What Time-use Data Reveals"
Maria Floro, American University
Imraan Valodia, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Hitomi Komatsu, American University (Contact Author)

"Gender Differences in Rank Within the Academic Profession: The Case of Denmark"
Mette Verner, University of Aarhus (Contact Author)

"Human Capital Augmentation Versus the Signaling Value of MBA Education"
Andrew Hussey, University of Memphis (Contact Author)


Yan Li, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire
Hitomi Komatsu, American University
Andrew Hussey, University of Memphis
Mehmet Erdem Yaya, University of Alabama
