2008 Sessions for Akira Motomura

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 12D
Sports Labor Markets


John Charles Bradbury, Kennesaw State University

Session Chairs:

Peter A. Groothuis, Appalachian State University


"Correcting for Survival Effects in Cross Section Wage Equations Using Major League Baseball Data"
Peter A. Groothuis, Appalachian State University (Contact Author)
J. Richard Hill, Central Michigan University

"MoneyRoundBall, How Long Did the L'Difference Live? Market Inefficiency and Competition for International Players in the NBA"
Akira Motomura, Stonehill College (Contact Author)

"Asymmetric Information in Sports Labor Markets: Effects on Player Salaries in Hockey"
Philip K. Porter, University of South Florida (Contact Author)
Brad Kamp, University of South Florida

"Performance Under Pressure: Estimating the Returns to Mental Strength in Professional Basketball"
Christian Deutscher, University of Paderborn
Bernd Frick, University of Paderborn (Contact Author)
Joachim Prinz, University of Paderborn


John Charles Bradbury, Kennesaw State University
Akira Motomura, Stonehill College
