2008 Sessions for Roland K. Cheo

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 18B
Government Policies in Developing Economies

Session Chairs:

Suvayan De, West Virginia State University


"A One-Sector Neoclassical Growth Model with Endogenous Retirement: Existence of Multiple Steady States"
Liutang Gong, Peking University
Nianqing Liu, Penn State University (Contact Author)

"Does Patriotism Accelerate Growth?"
Suvayan De, West Virginia State University (Contact Author)
William T. Smith, University of Memphis

"Formal Political Institutions and Income Redistribution"
Jan Schnellenbach, University of Heidelberg (Contact Author)

"Experimental Evidence Under a Marxist or Market Economy: Prices, Wages, GDP and Welfare from Singapore and China Classroom Experiments"
Roland K. Cheo, National University of Singapore (Contact Author)


Jongbyung Jun, Suffolk University
Sharri C. Byron, University of Georgia
Trung T. Bui, Georgetown University
Graciela Laura Kaminsky, The George Washington University

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 20C
Menagerie of Panel Models

Session Chairs:

Oleksandr Movchan, North Carolina State University


"Integration and Cointegration Properties of Crime Rates in the United States"
Kalidas Jana, The University of Texas at Brownsville (Contact Author)

"A Rational Addiction-Treatment Model with Interacting Stocks"
Tamas Forgacs, California State University, Fresno (Contact Author)
Attila Cseh, Valdosta State University

"GMM Estimation for Non-Gaussian and Non-Linear State Space Models"
Oleksandr Movchan, North Carolina State University (Contact Author)

"Determinants of Major Switch During College"
Jorge Ibarra-Salazar, Tecnologico de Monterrey (Contact Author)
Misael Mauricio, Banorte


Jun Ma, University of Alabama
Gennady Lyakir, Champlain College
Kusum Mundra, Rutgers University
Roland K. Cheo, National University of Singapore
