2008 Sessions for Jason A. Aimone

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 9A
Managerial Economics Experiments


Cary A. Deck, University of Arkansas

Session Chairs:

Emmanuel Dechenaux, Kent State University


"Information, Institutions, and the Holdout Problem: Theory and Experimental Evidence"
Kurtis J. Swope, United States Naval Academy (Contact Author)
John Cadigan, Gettysburg College
Pamela M. Schmitt, United States Naval Academy
Robert Shupp, Michigan State University

"Groupsize, Competition, and the Holdout Problem"
Pamela M. Schmitt, United States Naval Academy (Contact Author)
Kurtis J. Swope, United States Naval Academy
John Cadigan, Gettysburg College
Robert Shupp, Michigan State University

"Good Versus Bad Leaders"
Vera Holovchenko, The University of Texas at Dallas (Contact Author)
Catherine C. Eckel, The University of Texas at Dallas
Yufei Ren, The University of Texas at Dallas

"Precise and Imprecise Cheap-Talk in the Traveler's Dilemma: An Experimental Investigation"
Emmanuel Dechenaux, Kent State University (Contact Author)
Sujoy Chakravarty, Indian Institute of Technology
Jaideep Roy, Brunel University


Jason A. Aimone, George Mason University
Sara Godoy, University of Valencia
Sandra Ludwig, University of Munich
Emmanuel Dechenaux, Kent State University

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 9L
Trust and Other Regarding Preferences


Cary A. Deck, University of Arkansas

Session Chairs:

Laura Razzolini, Virginia Commonwealth University


"Gift Exchange Behavior: High School Versus Undergraduate Students"
Mark F. Owens, Middle Tennessee State University (Contact Author)

"Betraying Trust: An Experimental Study"
Jason A. Aimone, George Mason University (Contact Author)
Daniel Houser, George Mason University

"Experimental Evidence on Inequality Aversion: Do Dictators Give to Help the Less Fortunate?"
Laura Razzolini, Virginia Commonwealth University (Contact Author)
Oleg Korenok, Virginia Commonwealth University
Edward Millner, Virginia Commonwealth University


James C. Cox, Georgia State University
Mark F. Owens, Middle Tennessee State University
Cary A. Deck, University of Arkansas

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 9M
Information and Risk


Cary A. Deck, University of Arkansas

Session Chairs:

Jason A. Aimone, George Mason University


"Be My Guinea Pig: A Laboratory Study of Public Information in a One-Armed Bandit Problem"
David M. Bruner, Appalachian State University (Contact Author)
John Boyce, University of Calgary
Mike McKee, Appalachian State University

"Does Deceptive Advertising Reduce Turnout? Theory and Laboratory Evidence"
Sandra Ludwig, University of Munich (Contact Author)
Daniel Houser, George Mason University
Thomas Stratmann, George Mason University

"High Stakes Behavior with Low Payoffs: Inducing Preferences with Holt-Laury Choices"
Jason A. Aimone, George Mason University (Contact Author)
John Dickhaut, University of Minnesota
Daniel Houser, George Mason University
Dorina Tilla, George Mason University


Jason A. Aimone, George Mason University
Li Hao, George Mason University
David M. Bruner, Appalachian State University
