Session 7A* | Politics and Growth |
Session 3A | Marriage and Family |
Session 18A | Issues in Developing Economies |
Session 1A* | Campaign Advisors |
Session 12A* | Economic Research at the US International Trade Commission |
Session 21A | Oligopoly and Imperfect Markets |
Session 17A | Economics of Health and Education |
Session 2A | Issues in Exchange Rates |
Session 8A* | Human Capital and Health |
Session 6A | Competition |
Session 13A | Economics of Education I: Elementary and Secondary Education |
Session 22A* | Successfully Earning a Ph.D. in Economics: Letting the Data Speak |
Session 20A | Adjustment and Convergence |
Session 19A* | Experimental Public Choice |
Session 5A | Topics on Inflation |
Session 4A* | Law and Economics |
Session 13B | Economics of Education II: Higher Education |
Session 20B | Innovation and International Industrial Organization |
Session 1B* | Governance, Politics, and Regulation |
Session 22B | Public Sector Economics |
Session 18B | Government Policies in Developing Economies |
Session 2B | Business Cycles |
Session 4B | The Games We Play |
Session 21B* | Applied Welfare Analysis |
Session 3B | Issues in Trade Policy |
Session 17B* | Monetary and Fiscal Policy |
Session 6B* | Decomposing Gaps in Inequality |
Session 5B* | Competition and Incentives in Education |
Session 12B* | Analyses of Consumer Expenditures |
Session 7B* | Human Capital, Productivity, and Technology |
Session 19B* | Domestic Political Economy of Trade Policy |
Session 21C | Volunteering, Charitable Giving, and Nonprofit Organizations |
Session 3C | Schools |
Session 6C | International Finance II |
Session 1C* | Environmental Economics |
Session 20C | Menagerie of Panel Models |
Session 18C* | Examining Economic Well-being of Households and Families: What Can Be Learned from National Survey Data |
Session 17C* | Empirical Studies of Information Disclosure |
Session 22C* | Applied Microeconomics |
Session 12C | International Trade and Finance |
Session 7C* | Multi-Sector General Equilibrium Models |
Session 5C | Assessing the Environmental and Energy Performance of U.S. Industries |
Session 2C* | Employment and Price Research Using Confidential BLS Data |
Session 19C* | Labor Market Effects of Trade |
Session 1D | Retail Trade and E-Commerce |
Session 20D | Market Power and Regulation |
Session 8D | Development Economics |
Session 4D* | Health, Education, and Welfare: Examining Labor Mobility |
Session 17D* | Empirical Estimation of Dynamic Models |
Session 7D* | Technology Adoption and Industrial Structure |
Session 5D | Industry Studies: Airlines and Telecommunications |
Session 3D | Health Plans |
Session 18D* | Determinants of State Economic Growth Rates |
Session 19D* | Multinational Firms and Outsourcing |
Session 6D | Noisy Signals |
Session 21D* | Political Behavior |
Session 22D* | Recent Federal Reserve Policy: An Evaluation |
Session 10D | How to... |
Session 2D* | Occupational Wages and Employment |
Session 2G | International Finance |
Session 18G* | Food Assistance and Food Outcomes |
Session 22G* | The Housing Market |
Session 20G* | Political Economy of Multilateral Trade Policy |
Session 5G* | Peers, Health, and Education |
Session 13G | Topics in Nonparametric and Semiparametric Estimation and Specification |
Session 17G* | Empirical Industrial Organization |
Session 10G* | Social Choice Theory |
Session 19G* | Measuring the Effects of Trade |
Session 21G | Airlines |
Session 11G* | Economics of the Arts 1 |
Session 6G | Different Perspectives on Relative Price Changes: Remittances and Economic Conditions |
Session 1G* | Teachers and Students |
Session 7G | Markets and Systems |
Session 4G* | “Non-Profit Organizations and the Reverse-Crowding-Out of Government Charity” |
Session 3G | Money and Financial Markets in the Euro Area and Beyond |
Session 13H | Topics in Nonparametric Time Series and Panel Models |
Session 18H* | Nonparametric Methods and Partial Identification |
Session 20H | Inflation Convergence, Exchange Rates, and PPP |
Session 10H | Institutions, Innovation and Growth |
Session 11H* | Economics of the Arts 2 |
Session 1H | Capital Flows |
Session 2H | Time Allocation |
Session 6H | Monetary Policy: Central Bank Preferences Regarding Inflation and Exchange Rates |
Session 17H | Housing and Property Values |
Session 4H* | Remittances and Immigration |
Session 21H | Economic History |
Session 7H | Health Policies and Outcomes |
Session 19H | Betting Markets |
Session 22H | Rent Seeking, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Freedom |
Session 3H* | Costs, Benefits, and Returns to Education |
Session 5H* | Can Genes and Hormones Explain Variability in Economic Outcomes |
Session 19J | International Environmental Policy |
Session 15J* | Regional and Local Labor Markets: Race, Ethnicity, and Poverty |
Session 3J* | Local Public Finance |
Session 2J | Unemployment |
Session 10J | Aspects of Higher Education Economics |
Session 11J | Pricing and Market Concentration |
Session 20J | Macroeconomic Theory |
Session 6J | Foreign Direct Investment and Outsourcing Dynamics, Determinants and Effects |
Session 1J | Legal Procedure |
Session 4J | Topics in Microeconomics |
Session 18J | Human Capital |
Session 22J | Freedom and Government Spending |
Session 21J | Applied Labor Economics |
Session 16J | Unobserved Components Models |
Session 5J | Economic Shocks and Health |
Session 7J* | Under Our Skin? Color, Human Capital, and Life Outcomes |
Session 13J | Health Issues |
Session 4L | Issues on Monetary Policy and Real Business Cycle in Open Economy |
Session 16L | Nonlinear Regression Analysis |
Session 22L* | School Vouchers: The Latest Evidence from the Field |
Session 20L | Risk and Behavior |
Session 17L | Elections and Government |
Session 10L | Health, Ethnicity and Inequality |
Session 2L | Universities and Training Programs |
Session 6L | Transmission Mechanisms: Monetary Policy and Rates of Information Arrivals |
Session 13L | Integrating Economics into the Business Curriculum |
Session 11L | Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital |
Session 19L | Sex, Disasters, and Social Values |
Session 21L | Research in Economic Education |
Session 18L | Microfinance and Well-being |
Session 15L | Measuring Innovation and Its Impact |
Session 5L | Development and Institutions |
Session 3L | Topics in Public Economics |
Session 1L* | Human Capital Choices & Outcomes |
Session 18M | Banks |
Session 22M | Open Economy Macro and Exchange Rates |
Session 1M* | Effects of Health and Social Insurance |
Session 10M | The Structure of Wages |
Session 4M | Empirical Analysis of Migration, Marriage and Corruption |
Session 19M | Natural Hazards and Weather II |
Session 3M | Empirical Studies on the Economics of Religion |
Session 15M | Young, Gifted and Disconnected: The Role of Race, Social and Public Policy on Human Capital Accumulation |
Session 21M | Innovative Pedagogical Practices in Economics |
Session 12M | Measuring Well-being and Human Capital |
Session 20M | Social Networks and Spillovers |
Session 17M | Health Effects and Investments |
Session 5M | Immigrants and Their Families |
Session 16M | Macroeconomic Policy Analysis |
Session 2M | Trade Policy |
Session 11M | Issues in Local Public Economics |
Session 6M | Industrial Organization: Mergers, R&D and Market Structure |
Session 13M | Impact of International Migration |
Session 10N | Growth and Development |
Session 21N | Topics in Applied Microeconomics |
Session 15N | The Immigrant Experience |
Session 8N | Firm Behavior and Performance |
Session 17N | International Investment |
Session 4N | Drinking, Substance Use and Lifestyles |
Session 20N | Industrial Organization |
Session 2N | Trade and Environmental Economics |
Session 3N | Sorting and Matching in the Labor Market |
Session 1N | Drugs and Health Care Costs |
Session 11N | Understanding Inequality |
Session 18N | Taxes, Subsidies and Spending |
Session 13N* | Local Public Economics |
Session 5N | Developing and Transitional Economies |
Session 19N | Open Economy Macroeconomics |
Session 6N | Differences in the Labor Market |
Session 7N | Labor and Housing Market Mobility |
Session 12N | Topics in Health Economics |
Session 9N | Racial and Behavioral Issues |
Session 22N | Issues in Law and Dispute Settlement |
Session 11O | Health, Education and Labor Markets |
Session 7O | Labor Markets and Sensitive Populations |
Session 19O | Environment and Industry II |
Session 17O | Collective Action and Free-Riding |
Session 15O | Wages and Compensation |
Session 18O | Development Economics |
Session 1O | Public Economics |
Session 3O | Economic Integration |
Session 9O | Leviathan and Fiscal Federalism |
Session 6O | Anti-Poverty Policies: Determinants and Effects |
Session 4O | Banks II |
Session 10O | Industry Studies and International Trade |
Session 16O | Poverty and Welfare |
Session 5O | Financial Markets |
Session 21O | Topics in Economic Growth |
Session 12O | Issues in Health and Aging |
Session 22O | Entertainment and Sports Industries |
Session 13O | Investments and Firms |
Session 20O | Housing Economics |
Session 8O | International Lending and Economic Integration |
Session 10P | Elections |
Session 1P | Shocks |
Session 16P | Exchange Rates |
Session 9P | Terror and Corruption |
Session 7P | Inflation |
Session 21P | Game Theory and Behavioral Economics |
Session 19P | Environment and Industry I |
Session 6P | Principals and Agents |
Session 15P | Natural Hazards and Weather I |
Session 20P | Health and Children |
Session 17P | Labor Markets and Growth |
Session 13P | Health and Uncertainty |
Session 4P | Monetary Policy |
Session 5P | Experiments and Equilibria |
Session 12P | Consumption, Wealth, and Happiness |
Session 22P | Immigration and Emigration |
Session 3P | Central Bank Policies |
Session 11P | Intergenerational Income Transfers |
Session 18P | Corruption, Gambling and National Defense |
Session 2P | Prices |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 1A* Campaign Advisors |
Organizers: |
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida |
Moderators: |
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida |
Panelists: |
Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Peterson Institute for International Economics |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 2A Issues in Exchange Rates |
Session Chairs: |
David O. Cushman, Westminster College |
Papers: |
"A Panel Unit Root Test Approach to Testing for Nonlinear Trends in Real Exchange Rates" "Nonlinear Dynamics of Real Exchange Rates for Sectoral Data" "Explaining Real Exchange Rate Volatility" "Heterogeneous Information, Foreign Exchange Intervention, and Exchange Rate Reversion: A Coordination Channel Perspective and Nonlinear Analysis" |
Discussants: |
Stefan C. Norrbin, Samford University |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 3A Marriage and Family |
Session Chairs: |
Hsin-Ling Hsieh, Northern Michigan University |
Papers: |
"I’ll Marry You If You Get Me a Job: Cross-Nativity Marriages and Immigrant Employment Rates" "Does Marriage Delay Really Pay Off? Exploiting Marriage Market Shocks as a Natural Experiment" "Can Marriage Destroy Marriage? Lessons from the Netherlands" "After School Special: The Wage Effect of Adjusting Work Schedules for After School Childcare" "The Effects of National Health Insurance on Elderly Living Arrangements" |
Discussants: |
Elizabeth Weber Handwerker, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 4A* Law and Economics |
Organizers: |
Paul H. Rubin, Emory University |
Session Chairs: |
Hugo M. Mialon, Emory University |
Papers: |
"The Effect of Attorney Compensation on the Timing of Settlement" "Open Access and Dynamic Efficiency" "Tolerance and HIV" |
Discussants: |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 5A Topics on Inflation |
Session Chairs: |
Kamal P. Upadhyaya, University of New Haven |
Papers: |
"Inflation Dynamics: Testing the NKPC with Procyclical Marginal Cost" "The Inflation-Unemployment Trade-off: Significance of the Interest Rate" "The Evolution of Forward-looking Agent Behavior in Inflation Dynamics" "Inflation Targeting in Canada: An Expected Loss Analysis by a DSGE Model with Trade Costs" |
Discussants: |
Aaron L. Jackson, Bentley College |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 6A Competition |
Session Chairs: |
Beth A. Freeborn, The College of William and Mary |
Papers: |
"Varying the Intensity of Competition in a Rent Seeking Experiment" "Strategic Behavior in Oligopolistic Markets with Exchange Contracts: An Examination of California's Gasoline Market Institutions" "An Empirical Test of Peak-Load Pricing and Agglomeration Effects in the Lodging Industry" |
Discussants: |
Steven Slutsky, University of Florida |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 7A* Politics and Growth |
Organizers: |
Jenny Minier, University of Kentucky |
Session Chairs: |
Chris Papageorgiou, International Monetary Fund |
Papers: |
"The Distributional Consequences of Government Spending" "Pacifying Monogamy: The Mystery Revisited" "Labor Market Institutions and the Effect of Inequality on Development" "Democracy and Industrial Diversification: Theory and Evidence" |
Discussants: |
William Blankenau, Kansas State University |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 8A* Human Capital and Health |
Organizers: |
M. Melinda Pitts, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta |
Session Chairs: |
Mary Beth Walker, Georgia State University |
Papers: |
"Determinants of Physical Activity" "Work, Weathering, and Preterm Birth" "New Mother, Employment, and Compensating Wage Differentials" "The Effect of Welfare Reform on Human Capital Acquisition" |
Discussants: |
David E. Frisvold, Emory University |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 12A* Economic Research at the US International Trade Commission |
Organizers: |
Robert M. Feinberg, American University |
Session Chairs: |
Robert M. Feinberg, American University |
Papers: |
"Cargo Security Measures and Trade Costs" "Commodity Trade Analysis in a General Equilibrium Framework" "Tariff Aggregation with Nontraded Goods" "The Nature of US-China Trade in Advanced Technology Products" |
Discussants: |
Benjamin H. Liebman, St. Joseph's University |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 13A Economics of Education I: Elementary and Secondary Education |
Organizers: |
Sarah M. Estelle, Rhodes College |
Session Chairs: |
Marshall K. Gramm, Rhodes College |
Papers: |
"A Hard Day’s Night: Evening Schools and Child Labor in the United States, 1870-1910" "School Input and Student Achievement: Evidence from Standardized Tests in Texas" "Examining the Effect of Instructional Time on Student Performance" "Maternal College Enrollment: The Social and Academic Impact on Children" |
Discussants: |
M. Kathleen Thomas, Mississippi State University |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 17A Economics of Health and Education |
Session Chairs: |
Dennis Pearson, Austin Peay State University |
Papers: |
"Do Health Care Consumers Look at Their Provider's Report Cards? An Investigation of the Impact of Cardiac Report Cards in Pennsylvania" "Diabetes Patients and Their Choices" "Health & Wealth: A Dynamic Demand for Medical Care" "Cost Burden of the ‘Presenteeism’ Health Outcome In a Diverse Nursing and Pharmacy Workforce: Implications for Practice Models and Health Policies" "The Impact of Gifted Education Programs on Student Achievement" "Equal Treatment as a Means of Evaluating Public School Assignment Mechanisms" |
Discussants: |
John A. Rizzo, Stony Brook University |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 18A Issues in Developing Economies |
Session Chairs: |
Justin May, The College of William and Mary |
Papers: |
"Intra-Household Resource Allocation and Gender-based Returns to Loans in Rural Bangladesh" "Household Attitudes to Price Risk with Multiple Commodities" "International Water Contracts and Household Outcomes: Evidence from Albania" |
Discussants: |
Luis Gonzalez, University of Kentucky |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 19A* Experimental Public Choice |
Organizers: |
Thomas Stratmann, George Mason University |
Session Chairs: |
Thomas Stratmann, George Mason University |
Papers: |
"Institutions and Behavior: Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Democracy" "Experimental Studies of Costly Voting and Information Aggregation in Committees" "Altruism and Political Participation" "Pork Versus Public Goods: An Experimental Study of Public Good Provision Within a Legislative Bargaining Framework" |
Discussants: |
Jason Arentz, George Mason University |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 20A Adjustment and Convergence |
Session Chairs: |
Sandra McPherson, Millersville University |
Papers: |
"Adjustment of Inputs and Measurement of Technical Efficiency: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis" "Common Smooth Transition Trend-Stationarity" "Do City Price Indices Converge Faster at the Regional Level in the U.S.?" "The Canadian Beveridge Curve: A Panel Data Analysis" |
Discussants: |
Hamilton Fout, Kansas State University |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 21A Oligopoly and Imperfect Markets |
Session Chairs: |
Maria Arbatskaya, Emory University |
Papers: |
"Buyer Power and Industry Structure" "Governments and Producers’ Surplus in a Multinational Mixed Oligopoly" "Referrals in Search Markets" |
Discussants: |
Chia-Mei Liu, U.S. Department of Transportation |
Friday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 22A* Successfully Earning a Ph.D. in Economics: Letting the Data Speak |
Organizers: |
John J. Siegfried, Vanderbilt University |
Session Chairs: |
John J. Siegfried, Vanderbilt University |
Papers: |
"Successfully Earning a Ph.D. in Economics: Letting the Data Speak" |
Discussants: |
Jeffrey Groen, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 1B* Governance, Politics, and Regulation |
Organizers: |
Courtney LaFountain, The University of Texas at Arlington |
Session Chairs: |
Steven Yamarik, University of California, Long Beach |
Papers: |
"Do Revolving Door Laws Advance the Public Interest? Evidence from State Public Utility Commissions" "Corruption and Investment Across US States" "Good Government, Good Health: Cross-Country Evidence on Institutional Quality and Public Health Outcomes" "Testing the Political Business Cycle Using State-Level Data" |
Discussants: |
Noel Johnson, George Mason University |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 2B Business Cycles |
Session Chairs: |
Scott Sumner, Bentley College |
Papers: |
"Asset Pricing in a Small, Open Economy" "Model-Consistent Learning and the Kalman Filter: Timing Matters" "Will Economist s Ever Again Be Able to Forecast a Recession?" |
Discussants: |
Stefan Avdjiev, Southern Methodist University |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 3B Issues in Trade Policy |
Session Chairs: |
Yaya Sissoko, Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
Papers: |
"External Economies and International Trade" "Reward, Punishment, and the Byrd Amendment" "Trade and Informal Labor Markets" "West Africa’s Evolving Competitive Exposure in U.S. Import Markets" |
Discussants: |
Michael E. S. Hoffman, U.S. Government Accountability Office |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 4B The Games We Play |
Session Chairs: |
Lolita A. Paff, Pennsylvania State University |
Papers: |
"Deal or No Deal? How Are Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Risk Related to Learning in Microeconomics?" "Using Interactive Games and Examples to Teach Basic Economic Concepts" "Estimating the Impact of Relative Expected Grade on Student Evaluations of Teachers" "Determinants of Auction Bids for PlayStation 3's Under Conditions of Constrained Supply" |
Discussants: |
Charles Sawyer, Texas Christian University |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 5B* Competition and Incentives in Education |
Organizers: |
Steven Craig, University of Houston |
Session Chairs: |
Steven Craig, University of Houston |
Papers: |
"Leaving No Child Behind: Two Paths to School Accountability" "Implicit Pay-for-Performance in the Market for Public School Principals" "Are Charter Schools Perceived to Be Better Than Regular Public Schools? Evidence from a New Approach Using Private School Enrollment Patterns" "Surge, Stay-the-Course, or Pull-Out: How Public School Districts Respond to Accountability Incentives" |
Discussants: |
Steven Craig, University of Houston |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 6B* Decomposing Gaps in Inequality |
Organizers: |
Susan Vroman, Georgetown University |
Session Chairs: |
Susan Vroman, Georgetown University |
Papers: |
"The Black-White Wage Gap Among US Women Across the Distribution: Derek Neal Redux" "Measuring the Role of Self-Employment in Earnings Inequality" "Wage Ceilings and Floors: The Gender Gap in Ukraine's Transition" "The Homeownership Rate Gap Across Segregated Neighborhoods" |
Discussants: |
Paul Carrillo, The George Washington University |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 7B* Human Capital, Productivity, and Technology |
Organizers: |
Jenny Minier, University of Kentucky |
Session Chairs: |
Peter Rangazas, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis |
Papers: |
"Job Creation, Job Destruction, and External Financial Dependence: Theory and Evidence from the US" "Analyzing Skilled and Unskilled Labor Efficiencies in US" "Government Education Expenditures in Early and Late Childhood" "Reforms, Distance to Frontier, and Growth" |
Discussants: |
Areendam Chanda, Louisiana State University |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 12B* Analyses of Consumer Expenditures |
Organizers: |
Geoffrey Paulin, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Session Chairs: |
Geoffrey Paulin, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Papers: |
"Comparison of Estimates from the Consumer Expenditure Survey with Other Data: CE Expenditures with New 2002 Benchmark Personal Consumption Expenditures from the National Income and Product Accounts and CE Imputed Income with Current Population Survey" "Cellular Phone Expenditures Catch Up to Residential Telephone Expenditures" "Comparison of Expenditure Patterns by Married Couples and Unmarried Partners" "Inter-Ethnic Variation in Food Expenditures Among Asian Consumers" |
Discussants: |
Geoffrey Paulin, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 13B Economics of Education II: Higher Education |
Organizers: |
Sarah M. Estelle, Rhodes College |
Session Chairs: |
Teresa Beckham Gramm, Rhodes College |
Papers: |
"A Dynamic Analysis of Educational, Occupational and Family Choices of Women" "The Effects of High School Coursework on College Progression: Evidence from the NLSY97" "College Major Choice of Student Athletes" "Dorms Versus Homes: What is the Academic Cost of Living at Home During College?" |
Discussants: |
Sarah M. Estelle, Rhodes College |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 17B* Monetary and Fiscal Policy |
Session Chairs: |
Paul Pecorino, University of Alabama |
Papers: |
"Tax & Spend: Don't Tax & Still Spend" "Stabilizing Monetary Policy Rules Under Trend Inflation" "Better off Without the Euro? Evaluating Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Performance for Denmark, Sweden, and the U.K." "The Price-Output Correlation and the Variance of Output" |
Discussants: |
Paul Pecorino, University of Alabama |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 18B Government Policies in Developing Economies |
Session Chairs: |
Suvayan De, West Virginia State University |
Papers: |
"A One-Sector Neoclassical Growth Model with Endogenous Retirement: Existence of Multiple Steady States" "Does Patriotism Accelerate Growth?" "Formal Political Institutions and Income Redistribution" "Experimental Evidence Under a Marxist or Market Economy: Prices, Wages, GDP and Welfare from Singapore and China Classroom Experiments" |
Discussants: |
Jongbyung Jun, Suffolk University |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 19B* Domestic Political Economy of Trade Policy |
Organizers: |
Emily J. Blanchard, University of Virginia |
Session Chairs: |
Xenia Matschke, University of Connecticut |
Papers: |
"Free Trade Agreements and the Consolidation of Democracy" "Free-Riding on Protection for Sale" "Protection and International Sourcing" "Antidumping as Strategic Trade Policy under Asymmetric Information" |
Discussants: |
Anna Maria Mayda, Georgetown University |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 20B Innovation and International Industrial Organization |
Session Chairs: |
Maggie Chen, George Washington University |
Papers: |
"Business Environment and New Firm Creation: An International Comparison" "Commercialization of Innovation and Firm Performance" "Spatial Interdependence in the Multinational Subsidiary Network" |
Discussants: |
Andrew Nelson, Colorado College |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 21B* Applied Welfare Analysis |
Organizers: |
John A. Bishop, East Carolina University |
Session Chairs: |
John A. Bishop, East Carolina University |
Papers: |
"Reconciling Micro and Macro Estimates of Dwelling Services" "Metropolitan Growth and the Sen Index of Poverty" "Spanish Labor Market Efficiency: A Stochastic Frontier Approach" "Regional Convergence In Taiwan" |
Discussants: |
Lester A. Zeager, East Carolina University |
Friday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 22B Public Sector Economics |
Organizers: |
Gregory M. Randolph, Southern New Hampshire University |
Session Chairs: |
Gregory M. Randolph, Southern New Hampshire University |
Papers: |
"Are Community Arrangements with NIMBYs Undermined by School Finance Reform?" "The Impact of Political Factors on Military Base Closures" "Charter Versus Traditional Public Schools: A Panel Study of the Technical Efficiency" "Suppressing Liberty, Censoring Information, Wasting Resources, and Calling It Good for the Environment" "Spatial Clustering and U.S. State Interest Group Populations" |
Discussants: |
Justin M. Ross, Indiana University |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 1C* Environmental Economics |
Organizers: |
Joshua Kneifel, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session Chairs: |
Joshua Kneifel, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Papers: |
"The Effect of Fuel Contracting Constraints on SO2 Trading Program Compliance" "Where You Stand Depends on Where You Sit: Regional Incidence of US Climate Policy" "Measuring the Life-Cycle Environmental and Economic Performance" |
Discussants: |
Joshua Kneifel, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 2C* Employment and Price Research Using Confidential BLS Data |
Organizers: |
Gregory M. Kurtzon, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Session Chairs: |
Gregory M. Kurtzon, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Papers: |
"The Structure of Labor Costs with Overtime Work in U.S. Jobs" "Price Differentials Across Outlets in Consumer Price Index Data, 2002-2007" "Panel Data Estimates of Age-Rent Profiles for Rental Housing [with an Application to Aging Bias in the Consumer Price Index for Housing]" |
Discussants: |
Edward J. Schumacher, Trinity University |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 3C Schools |
Session Chairs: |
Julie Trivitt, Arkansas Tech University |
Papers: |
"Race, Gender, Impatience and School Discipline" "An Empirical Analysis of Teacher Spillover Effects in Secondary School" "The Academic Impact of Massachusetts Charter Schools" "Unitary Status and Academic Achievement in Florida" |
Discussants: |
Brian E. Chezum, St. Lawrence University |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 5C Assessing the Environmental and Energy Performance of U.S. Industries |
Organizers: |
Carl A. Pasurka, Jr., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
Session Chairs: |
Carl A. Pasurka, Jr., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
Papers: |
"Comparison of Energy Efficiency Frontiers Across Multiple Manufacturing Sectors" "Spatial Patterns in Regulatory Enforcement: Testing for Environmental Justice" "Water Quality and Performance in the United States Water Industry" "Toxic Releases: An Environmental Performance Index for Coal-Fired Electric Power Plants" |
Discussants: |
Gale A. Boyd, Duke University |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 6C International Finance II |
Session Chairs: |
Joseph French, University of Northern Colorado |
Papers: |
"Testing International Financial Contagion with Structural Breaks" "Further Evidence on Gains from International Diversification" "Dual Effect of Financial Liberalization: Does Positive Effect Really Outweigh Negative Effect?" "The Changing Dynamics of Foreign Portfolio Investment in the United States" |
Discussants: |
Marshall Stocker, Choate Investment Advisors, LLC |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 7C* Multi-Sector General Equilibrium Models |
Organizers: |
Jenny Minier, University of Kentucky |
Session Chairs: |
Nils-Petter Lagerlof, York University |
Papers: |
"Economic Recovery from Natural Disasters: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach" "Reconciling Kuznets and Habbakuk in a Unified Growth Theory" "Entry Barriers, Competition, and Technology Adoption" "Appropriate Medical Inventions" |
Discussants: |
Santanu Chatterjee, University of Georgia |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 12C International Trade and Finance |
Session Chairs: |
Unro Lee, University of the Pacific |
Papers: |
"Is All Trade and Finance Created Equal?" "Globalization, Job Losses and the Predictors of Economic Anxiety" "The Impact of Inflation Targeting Regime on the Relationship Between Stock Returns and Inflation: International Evidence" "New Internet Measurement Versus Cross-Country Interactions and Globalization" |
Discussants: |
Haiwen Zhou, Old Dominion University |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 17C* Empirical Studies of Information Disclosure |
Organizers: |
Federico Ciliberto, University of Virginia |
Papers: |
"Inspector Objectivity" "Competition Between the Credit Rating Agencies and the Quality of Information Provision" "The Anatomy of U.S. Personal Bankruptcy Under Chapter 13" "Semiparametric Identification of Multidimensional Screening Models" |
Discussants: |
Federico Ciliberto, University of Virginia |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 18C* Examining Economic Well-being of Households and Families: What Can Be Learned from National Survey Data |
Organizers: |
John J. Hisnanick, U.S. Census Bureau |
Session Chairs: |
Kathleen Short, U.S. Census Bureau |
Papers: |
"Mortgage Choice and Debt Burdens" "Comparing and Contrasting U.S. National, Regional, and State-Level Income Inequality, 2000-2006." "The Dynamics of Labor Force Participation Among Low-Income Single Mothers: The Role of Paid Work Experience in Welfare Reform Outcomes" "Juggling Act: Caregiving for an Elderly Family Member and Female Labor Market Earnings" |
Discussants: |
Anthony M. Yezer, George Washington University |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 19C* Labor Market Effects of Trade |
Organizers: |
Emily J. Blanchard, University of Virginia |
Session Chairs: |
Kara Reynolds, American University |
Papers: |
"Industry Mobility Following Trade-Induced Job Displacement" "Trade Shocks and Labor Adjustment: A Structural Empirical Approach" "Where the Girls Are: Trade Liberalization and Labor Market Segregation in Columbia" "International Trade and Labor Market Risk in the U.S." |
Discussants: |
Jenny Minier, University of Kentucky |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 20C Menagerie of Panel Models |
Session Chairs: |
Oleksandr Movchan, North Carolina State University |
Papers: |
"Integration and Cointegration Properties of Crime Rates in the United States" "A Rational Addiction-Treatment Model with Interacting Stocks" "GMM Estimation for Non-Gaussian and Non-Linear State Space Models" "Determinants of Major Switch During College" |
Discussants: |
Jun Ma, University of Alabama |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 21C Volunteering, Charitable Giving, and Nonprofit Organizations |
Organizers: |
Sara E. Helms, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
Session Chairs: |
Sara E. Helms, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
Papers: |
"Time or Money: A COPPS Investigation into Charitable Giving" "Using Benefit Cost Analysis to Assess Nonprofit Performance" "Competition for Funding in the Nonprofit Sector" |
Discussants: |
Brian Duncan, University of Colorado Denver |
Friday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 22C* Applied Microeconomics |
Organizers: |
Arthur Snow, University of Georgia |
Session Chairs: |
Arthur Snow, University of Georgia |
Papers: |
"Watershed Development Restrictions and Land Prices: Empirical Evidence from Southern Appalachia" "The Long-Term Effects of Studying Economics on Attitudes and Civic Behavior" "Measuring Structural Competitive Imbalance in Major League Baseball" |
Discussants: |
Ronald S. Warren, Jr., University of Georgia |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 1D Retail Trade and E-Commerce |
Session Chairs: |
Jeffrey W. Hoffman, University of Kentucky |
Papers: |
"Wal-Mart and Urban Food-at-Home Markets" "Going Natural: An Instrument of Competition Among Retail Formats?" "Impact of Internet and Other Web-based ICTs on the Determinants of Agglomeration" |
Discussants: |
Ali Dadpay, Marketing Analytics |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 2D* Occupational Wages and Employment |
Organizers: |
Jay Stewart, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Session Chairs: |
Jay Stewart, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Papers: |
"What Are Establishment Fixed Effects?" "Manufacturers' Use of Employment Services" "A Discussion of the Challenges of Matching FDI and Trade in Services Data from BEA with BLS Data on Employment Patterns" |
Discussants: |
Barry Hirsch, Georgia State University |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 3D Health Plans |
Session Chairs: |
John Robst, University of South Florida |
Papers: |
"Uninsurance and Spillovers in the US Health Care System: Evidence from AMI Patients" "Incentives in Managed Care Careve-Out Plans" "HMO and the Erosion of Patient Trust: Revisited" |
Discussants: |
Yulia Khodneva, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 4D* Health, Education, and Welfare: Examining Labor Mobility |
Organizers: |
Sarah Hamersma, University of Florida |
Session Chairs: |
Sarah Hamersma, University of Florida |
Papers: |
"Do Charter Schools 'Cherry-Pick' Good Teachers?" "The Effect of Medical Malpractice Liability on Physician Supply" "Temporary Help Work: Compensating Differentials and Multiple Jobs" |
Discussants: |
Matthew Kim, University of St. Thomas |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 5D Industry Studies: Airlines and Telecommunications |
Session Chairs: |
Paan Jindapon, The University of Alabama |
Papers: |
"Do Firms Overstate Their Costs? A Test on Moral Hazard in Telecommunications Subsides" "The Importance of Past Violations on the Probability of Future Violations: An Empirical Analysis in Airline Safety" "Refund Contracts and Price Discrimination in Airlines" "On-Time Performance and Airline Market Power" |
Discussants: |
Monica E. Hartmann, University of St. Thomas |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 6D Noisy Signals |
Session Chairs: |
Logan Kelly, Bryant University |
Papers: |
"News About Productivity and Asset Prices in a Stochastic General Equilibrium Setting" "Rating System Design: Transforming Preferences to Rating Scores" "The Currency Equivalent Index and the Current Stock of Money" |
Discussants: |
David Y. Chen, North Carolina A&T State University |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 7D* Technology Adoption and Industrial Structure |
Organizers: |
Jenny Minier, University of Kentucky |
Session Chairs: |
Jenny Minier, University of Kentucky |
Papers: |
"Learning Abroad and Technology Adoption" "Trade Liberalization and Firm-Level Productivity" "Digital Information, the Internet, and Corruption: Evidence from American States and Across Countries" |
Discussants: |
Lei Fang, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 8D Development Economics |
Session Chairs: |
Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University |
Papers: |
"Uranium Sales and Economic Well-being in Niger: Is there ‘Dutch Disease’?" "Estimating the Welfare Impact of Intragenic and Transgenic GM Food Labeling Policies Using Data from Experimental Auctions" "Estimating the Community Economic Impact of Microfinance Institutions: The Case of Bangladesh" "Assessing The Economic Implications of an Egypt-U.S. Free Trade Agreement" "Trade Liberalization, Effective Human Capital and the Dynamics of Income Inequality" "Real Interest Rates and Fiscal Policy: A Global Study" |
Discussants: |
Javed Younas, Central Michigan University |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 10D How to... |
Session Chairs: |
Joseph Calhoun, Florida State University |
Papers: |
"Making the Indifference-Curve Approach to Excess Burden More Understandable" "Macroeconomic Facts for Managers" "A Note on Scarcity" "Does the Order of Test Questions Matter in Economics?" |
Discussants: |
Aleksandra Markovic, The George Washington University |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 17D* Empirical Estimation of Dynamic Models |
Organizers: |
Federico Ciliberto, University of Virginia |
Papers: |
"Plant Selection and Productivity Dispersion in the Ready-Mix Concrete Industry" "A Dynamic Model of Competition in the U.S. Airline Industry" "Strategic Deterrence in a Dynamic Game: Evidence from the Airline Industry" |
Discussants: |
Ginger Zhe Jin, University of Maryland |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 18D* Determinants of State Economic Growth Rates |
Organizers: |
Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University |
Session Chairs: |
Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University |
Papers: |
"Growth and Volatility in the U.S. States: Registered Interest Organizations and Institutional Sclerosis" "Corruption, Investment, and Growth in U.S. States" "A Matched Pairs Analysis of State Growth Differences" "Knowledge Matters: The Long-Run Determinants of State Income Growth" |
Discussants: |
Garett Jones, George Mason University |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 19D* Multinational Firms and Outsourcing |
Organizers: |
Emily J. Blanchard, University of Virginia |
Session Chairs: |
Elias Dinopoulos, University of Florida |
Papers: |
"Intellectual Property Rights, Multinational Firms, and Economic Growth" "Liquidity Constraints and Linkages with Multinationals" "Finding Vertical Multinational Enterprises" "Agglomeration, Backward and Forward Linkages: Evidence from South Korean Investment in China" |
Discussants: |
Mariana Spatareanu, Rutgers University |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 20D Market Power and Regulation |
Session Chairs: |
Jason E. Taylor, Central Michigan University |
Papers: |
"Resale Price Maintenance as Exclusion: Did the Supreme Court Discover the Missing Theory?" "The Effects of Compatibility on Competition Between Proprietary and Open Two-Sided Platforms" "A Panel Examination of the Efficient-Cartel Hypothesis: The National Industrial Recovery Act, 1933-1935" "An Economic Analysis of the Aldo Moro Kidnapping and Assassination" |
Discussants: |
Rosa Ferrer, Vanderbilt University |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 21D* Political Behavior |
Organizers: |
Deborah Fletcher, Miami University |
Session Chairs: |
Deborah Fletcher, Miami University |
Papers: |
"Information Versus Access: Why Do Firms Become Politically Active?" "Inefficient Redistribution and Inefficient Redistributive Politics" "Political Reputation, Negative Campaigning, and Strategic Shirking" |
Discussants: |
Lawrence W. Kenny, University of Florida |
Friday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 22D* Recent Federal Reserve Policy: An Evaluation |
Organizers: |
James D. Gwartney, Florida State University |
Moderators: |
James D. Gwartney, Florida State University |
Panelists: |
W. Scott Frame, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Wayne Angell, Former Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Lawrence H. White, University of Missouri - St. Louis James Andrew Dorn, Cato Institute Lawrence J. White, New York University |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 1G* Teachers and Students |
Organizers: |
David N. Figlio, University of Florida |
Session Chairs: |
David N. Figlio, University of Florida |
Papers: |
"Working Conditions, School Characteristics and Teacher Mobility: Evidence from North Carolina" "Making a Difference? The Effects of Teach for America in High School" "Alternative Certification and Teacher Quality" "Teachers, Race and Discipline" |
Discussants: |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 2G International Finance |
Organizers: |
Huiran Pan, Oklahoma State University |
Session Chairs: |
Huiran Pan, Oklahoma State University |
Papers: |
"Does Exchange Rate Volatility Affect Foreign Firms Differently?" "Institutional Quality and Sudden Stops" "International Portfolio Choice and Information Heterogeneity" |
Discussants: |
Mahmut Yasar, The University of Texas at Arlington |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 3G Money and Financial Markets in the Euro Area and Beyond |
Organizers: |
Sushanta K. Mallick, Queen Mary, University of London |
Session Chairs: |
Sushanta K. Mallick, Queen Mary, University of London |
Papers: |
"Monetary Model Strikes Back: Evidence from the World" "Monetary and Financial Stability in the Euro Area: Pro-Cyclicality Versus Trade-Off" "Government Bond Market Integration Within European Union" |
Discussants: |
Mohammed Mohsin, The University of Tennessee |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 4G* “Non-Profit Organizations and the Reverse-Crowding-Out of Government Charity” |
Organizers: |
R. Mark Isaac, Florida State University |
Session Chairs: |
Doug Norton, Florida State University |
Papers: |
"Charitable Fundraising with Product Sales: Evidence from a Field Experiment" "Diversity and Crowding Out: A Theory of Cold-Glow Giving" "Revolutions Start in Coffee Shops: Retained Earnings-Maximizing Non-Profits" "Government Inefficiency and Reverse Crowd Out" |
Discussants: |
Doug Norton, Florida State University |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 5G* Peers, Health, and Education |
Organizers: |
Jason M. Fletcher, Yale University |
Session Chairs: |
Jason M. Fletcher, Yale University |
Papers: |
"Peer Influences on Alcohol Consumption" "The Role of Obesity and Social Networks in Education Accumulation" "Disabled or Young? Relative Age and Special Education Diagnoses in Schools" "Binge Drinking, Peers and Grades in High School" |
Discussants: |
David E. Frisvold, Emory University |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 6G Different Perspectives on Relative Price Changes: Remittances and Economic Conditions |
Organizers: |
Javier A. Reyes, University of Arkansas |
Session Chairs: |
Carlos Vargas-Silva, Sam Houston State University |
Papers: |
"Remittances and Relative Prices" "Price Differences Across Colombian Cities: Gravity or the Guerillas?" "Remittances and Segmented Markets" |
Discussants: |
Jingping Gu, Texas A&M University |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 7G Markets and Systems |
Session Chairs: |
Zhe Li, Stony Brook University |
Papers: |
"Financial Market Openings: Is There Gain for Stock Market Development?" "Complex Dynamics in Ecologic-Economic Systems" "Monopsony and Fragile Developing Country Labor Markets: A Case Study in Liberia’s Past Development and Current Post-Conflict Reconstruction" "Investment Choice and Savings in Defined Contribution Pensions" |
Discussants: |
Rei Odawara, The George Washington University |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 10G* Social Choice Theory |
Organizers: |
Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University |
Session Chairs: |
Peter Coughlin, University of Maryland |
Papers: |
"Probabilistic and Spatial Models of Voting" "Scoring Rule Lotteries with Multiple Winners" "Evaluating Voting Rules by Their Probability of Success: An Empirical Analysis" "Uniformly Bounded Information and Social Choice" |
Discussants: |
Lingfang (Ivy) Li, University of Louisville |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 11G* Economics of the Arts 1 |
Organizers: |
Kathryn Graddy, Brandeis University |
Session Chairs: |
Douglas Hodgson, Université du Québec à Montréal, Dept. of Economics |
Papers: |
"Prices for Paintings by African American Artists" "How Much is a Tony Worth?" "How to Win Twice at Auction: On the Incidence of Commissions in Auction Markets" |
Discussants: |
Douglas Hodgson, Université du Québec à Montréal, Dept. of Economics |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 13G Topics in Nonparametric and Semiparametric Estimation and Specification |
Organizers: |
Heather L.R. Tierney, College of Charleston |
Session Chairs: |
Heather L.R. Tierney, College of Charleston |
Papers: |
"Time Series Nonparametric Regression Using Asymmetric Kernels with an Application to Estimation of Scalar Diffusion Processes" "Functional-Coefficient Models for Nonstationary Time Series Data" "Semiparametric Cointegrating Rank Selection" "A Nonparametric Prewhitening Approach to Predict Multivariate Quantiles" |
Discussants: |
Zongwu Cai, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 17G* Empirical Industrial Organization |
Organizers: |
Federico Ciliberto, University of Virginia |
Papers: |
"Consumer Choice in the Airline Industry and Antitrust Implications" "Endogenous Participation and Local Market Power in Highway Procurement" "Public Monopoly and Economic Efficiency: Evidence from the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board's Entry Decisions" |
Discussants: |
Jonathan W. Williams, University of Virginia |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 18G* Food Assistance and Food Outcomes |
Organizers: |
David C. Ribar, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
Session Chairs: |
Alison Jacknowitz, American University |
Papers: |
"Interactions Between the Food Stamp Program and the Economy" "Food Stamps, TANF, and Food Hardships in Three American Cities" "Economic Incentives in Dietary Improvement Among Food Stamp Recipients" |
Discussants: |
Caroline Ratcliffe, The Urban Institute |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 19G* Measuring the Effects of Trade |
Organizers: |
Emily J. Blanchard, University of Virginia |
Session Chairs: |
Mine Senses, Johns Hopkins University |
Papers: |
"The Tip of the Iceberg: Actual Trade Flows Grossly Understate the Extent of Globalization" "Is Exporter's Labor Demand More Elastic?" "Outsourcing and U.S. Economic Growth" "Avoidance Behaviours of Exporters and Importers: Evidence from the US-China Trade Data Discrepancy" |
Discussants: |
Elias Dinopoulos, University of Florida |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 20G* Political Economy of Multilateral Trade Policy |
Organizers: |
Emily J. Blanchard, University of Virginia |
Session Chairs: |
Anna Maria Mayda, Georgetown University |
Papers: |
"A Theory of Trade Disagreement" "Commitment, Terms of Trade, and the WTO: Evidence from New Trade Restrictions and Dispute Settlements" "The Free-Riding Effect of the MFN Clause: Evidence Across Commodities and Countries" "Agricultural Policy in Multilateral Negotiations" |
Discussants: |
John L. Turner, University of Georgia |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 21G Airlines |
Organizers: |
Nicholas G. Rupp, East Carolina University |
Session Chairs: |
Nicholas G. Rupp, East Carolina University |
Papers: |
"Measuring Aggregate Airline Flight Delays" "Distribution of Airline Tickets: A Tale of Two Market Structures" "Stochastic Peak-Load Pricing with Real-Time Demand Learning in the U.S. Airline Industry" "On the Factors that Affect Airline Flight Frequency and Similar Choice in City-Pair Markets" |
Discussants: |
Nicholas G. Rupp, East Carolina University |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 22G* The Housing Market |
Organizers: |
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida |
Moderators: |
Edward Golding, Freddie Mac |
Panelists: |
Michael Carliner, Independent Economist Thomas Lawler, Lawler Economic and Housing Consulting, LLC Frank Nothaft, Freddie Mac |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 1H Capital Flows |
Session Chairs: |
Marshall Stocker, Choate Investment Advisors, LLC |
Papers: |
"Economic Freedom: A New Investment Heuristic" "Measurement of Frictions in International Asset Market" "Complex Integration Strategies of U.S. Multinational Enterprises: A Spatial Econometric Approach to Location Theory Using U.S. Direct Investment Outflows" "Knowledge Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Indian IT Firms" |
Discussants: |
Andrew Nelson, Colorado College |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 2H Time Allocation |
Organizers: |
Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Session Chairs: |
Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Papers: |
"Time to Work or Time to Play: The Effect of Student Employment on Homework and Leisure" "Institutional Settings, Power, and Time Use by Couples: A Cross-National Comparison" "Time Use and Obesity" "Do Parents with a Higher Rate of Time Preference Spend Less Time on Enriching Childcare Activities? Evidence from Time Diaries" |
Discussants: |
Donna Rothstein, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 3H* Costs, Benefits, and Returns to Education |
Organizers: |
Christopher Jepsen, University of Kentucky |
Session Chairs: |
Kenneth R. Troske, University of Kentucky |
Papers: |
"Toward Policy Relevant Benchmarks for Interpreting Effect Sizes: Combining Effects with Costs" "The Financing, Provision, and Consequences of School-Site Mental Health Services for Young Children in the US" "The Labor-Market Returns for Community College Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates" |
Discussants: |
David N. Figlio, University of Florida |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 4H* Remittances and Immigration |
Organizers: |
Myriam Quispe-Agnoli, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta |
Session Chairs: |
Myriam Quispe-Agnoli, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta |
Papers: |
"Do Remittances Boost Economic Development? Evidence from Mexican States" "The Labor Market Experience and Impact of Undocumented Workers" "Remittances, Exchange Rate Regimes and the Dutch Disease: A Panel Data Analysis" "The Impact of Remittance Income Volatility on Labor Supply: Evidence from Mexico" |
Discussants: |
Federico S. Mandelman, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 5H* Can Genes and Hormones Explain Variability in Economic Outcomes |
Organizers: |
Jason M. Fletcher, Yale University |
Session Chairs: |
Jason M. Fletcher, Yale University |
Papers: |
"Using Genetic Lotteries Within Families to Examine the Causal Impact of Poor Health on Academic Achievement" "Biology, Stress, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Economic Status" "Stress and Smoking in Older Individuals" |
Discussants: |
Erdal Tekin, Georgia State University |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 6H Monetary Policy: Central Bank Preferences Regarding Inflation and Exchange Rates |
Organizers: |
Javier A. Reyes, University of Arkansas |
Session Chairs: |
Javier A. Reyes, University of Arkansas |
Papers: |
"Exchange Market Pressure: Empirical Evidence from Latin America Countries" "Better Inflation Performance in the Emerging Market Countries: Improved Monetary Policy, Structural Change or Plain Good Luck?" "Inflation Targeting or Fear of Floating in Disguise: A DSGE Approach" |
Discussants: |
Christopher P. Ball, Quinnipiac University |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 7H Health Policies and Outcomes |
Session Chairs: |
Minghua Li, Franklin Pierce University |
Papers: |
"Do Precursor Laws Matter? An Investigation into the Methamphetamine Market in the US" "Effect of State Health Mandates on Employer-Provided Health Insurance" "SCHIP and Parents' Well-being" |
Discussants: |
Katharine C. Wolchik, Lehigh University |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 10H Institutions, Innovation and Growth |
Organizers: |
Lewis S. Davis, Union College |
Session Chairs: |
Lewis S. Davis, Union College |
Papers: |
"Reinterpreting the Jones Critique: A Time Series Approach to Testing and Understanding Idea Driven Growth Models with Transitional Dynamics" "Scientists, Lawyers and Imitators: Innovation and Rent Protection with Imperfect Patent Enforcement" "Poverty, Geography and Institutional Path Dependence" |
Discussants: |
Mark Hopkins, Gettysburg College |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 11H* Economics of the Arts 2 |
Organizers: |
Kathryn Graddy, Brandeis University |
Session Chairs: |
Richard Agnello, University of Delaware |
Papers: |
"Age-Price Profiles for Canadian Painters at Auction" "Emotional Assets" "The Price-Spillover Effect in Art Auctions" "The Impact of Artists' Resale Rights: An Empirical Analysis" |
Discussants: |
Richard Agnello, University of Delaware |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 13H Topics in Nonparametric Time Series and Panel Models |
Organizers: |
Heather L.R. Tierney, College of Charleston |
Session Chairs: |
Heather L.R. Tierney, College of Charleston |
Papers: |
"Uncovering the (Ir)Relevance of Finance on Economic Growth" "Nonparametric Estimation of the Growth Elasticity of Poverty" "Health Care Cost and Workers’ Productivity: A Nonparametric Bootstrap Based SUR Analysis" "A Local Examination for Persistence in Exclusions- from-Core Measures of Inflation Using Real-Time Data" |
Discussants: |
Daniel J. Henderson, Binghamton University |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 17H Housing and Property Values |
Session Chairs: |
Velma Zahirovic-Herbert, University of Georgia |
Papers: |
"The Property Value Effects of Universal Tuition Vouchers" "Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side of the River: The Choice of Where to Work and Where to Live for Movers" "School Characteristics and House Prices: Quantile Regression Evidence from Baton Rouge" "Real Estate Agents and Their Effect on Sales Outcomes" |
Discussants: |
Julie Trivitt, Arkansas Tech University |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 18H* Nonparametric Methods and Partial Identification |
Organizers: |
Brent Kreider, Iowa State University |
Session Chairs: |
Brent Kreider, Iowa State University |
Papers: |
"Monotonicity, Instrumental Variables, and the Sign of the Average Treatment Effect" "Identifying the Effects of Food Stamps on the Nutritional Health of Children When Program Participation is Misreported" "Optimal Inference in Irregularly Identified Semiparametric Models" "Regression Coefficient Identification Decay in the Presence of Infrequent Classification Errors" |
Discussants: |
Christopher R. Bollinger, University of Kentucky |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 19H Betting Markets |
Organizers: |
Marshall K. Gramm, Rhodes College |
Session Chairs: |
Marshall K. Gramm, Rhodes College |
Papers: |
"Efficiency and Arbitrage in Parallel Parimutuel Markets" "Information and Late Money" "Heavy Underdog Betting in Major League Baseball, 2000-2007" "Going from a Dollar to a Dime: Denomination Change and the Superfecta" |
Discussants: |
C. Nicholas McKinney, Rhodes College |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 20H Inflation Convergence, Exchange Rates, and PPP |
Organizers: |
Tara Sinclair, The George Washington University |
Session Chairs: |
Pao-Lin Tien, Wesleyan University |
Papers: |
"Using Long-Run Restrictions to Investigate the Sources of Exchange Rate Fluctuations" "Inflation Targeting and the Exchange Rate in Emerging Markets" "Do Country Characteristics Help Explain the PPP?" "Testing for Convergence Using Panel Data Methods with an Application to the Euro-Zone Inflations" |
Discussants: |
Julia Bersch, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 21H Economic History |
Session Chairs: |
Sean Sullivan, University of Virginia |
Papers: |
"The Birth of a Modern City: Urban Spatial Structure in New York City from 1865 to 1900." "The Evolution of Foresight -- A Simple Model of Civilization?" "Revisiting the Growth of State Banking in the Early 20th Century U.S." "Sue Thy Neighbor: Transition of Credit Institution in Early Modern England" "Implicit Markets for Slave Characteristics: 1811-1820 Louisiana" |
Discussants: |
Valeska Groenert, Vanderbilt University |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 22H Rent Seeking, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Freedom |
Organizers: |
Joshua C. Hall, Beloit College |
Session Chairs: |
Joshua C. Hall, Beloit College |
Papers: |
"A Brief History of State-Level Rent Seeking" "Frontiers of Rent Seeking in the U.S. States" "Local Government Finance and Entrepreneurial Activity in U.S. Metropolitan Areas" "A New Look at Economic Freedom and Entrepreneurship" |
Discussants: |
Joshua C. Hall, Beloit College |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 1J Legal Procedure |
Session Chairs: |
Jeffrey Wagner, Rochester Institute of Technology |
Papers: |
"Judicial Discretion and Sentencing Behavior" "The Effect of Lawyer's Career Concerns in Litigation" "The Trial of Socrates" "A Different Rationale for Punitive Damages" |
Discussants: |
Brandeanna Dawn Allen, Middle Tennessee State University |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 2J Unemployment |
Session Chairs: |
Peter R. Mueser, University of Missouri |
Papers: |
"Earnings of Displaced Workers and the Business Cycle: An Analysis Using Administrative Data" "Unemployment and the Business Cycle: How Should Unemployment Insurance Adjust?" "Tradeoffs Between Wages and Other Job Characteristics with an Application to Unemployment Insurance" "Women and Unemployment in the New Economy: The Interaction of Gender, Occupation and Industry" |
Discussants: |
Mette Verner, University of Aarhus |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 3J* Local Public Finance |
Organizers: |
Lawrence W. Kenny, University of Florida |
Session Chairs: |
Lawrence W. Kenny, University of Florida |
Papers: |
"Inter-District Choice and Residential Segregation" "The Responsiveness of Property Tax Revenue to Changes in Home Values" "Property Tax Volatility and Voter Support for Tax Limits" "The Roles of Shifts in the Median Voter and of Surging Housing Values in Determining Property Tax Rates" |
Discussants: |
Kim Rueben, Urban Institute |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 4J Topics in Microeconomics |
Organizers: |
Tiffani A. Gottschall, Washington & Jefferson College |
Session Chairs: |
Tiffani A. Gottschall, Washington & Jefferson College |
Papers: |
"The Effect of Atlantic Storms on Employment Sectors" "Biodiesel: A U.S. Demand and Production Overview" "Are Illegal Music Downloads Hurting the Record Industry? Measuring the Effects of Digital Piracy on Record Sales" "Marketing Segmentation for Spanish Speakers in the United States" "Searching for an 'A': Characteristics of Grade Inflators" |
Discussants: |
Tiffani A. Gottschall, Washington & Jefferson College |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 5J Economic Shocks and Health |
Organizers: |
Mark Votruba, Case Western Reserve University |
Papers: |
"Effect of Job Loss on Health and Health Care Utilization: Evidence from Norway" "Mortality, Mass-Layoffs, and Career Outcomes: An Analysis Using Administrative Data" "Inheritances, Health and Death" |
Discussants: |
Till von Wachter, Columbia University |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 6J Foreign Direct Investment and Outsourcing Dynamics, Determinants and Effects |
Organizers: |
Javier A. Reyes, University of Arkansas |
Session Chairs: |
Rossitza B. Wooster, Portland State University |
Papers: |
"The Political Debate on Outsourcing and the Market Reaction to Layoffs" "Competition Between Tax Havens: Does Geographic Distribution Matter?" |
Discussants: |
Isabel Ruiz, Sam Houston State University |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 7J* Under Our Skin? Color, Human Capital, and Life Outcomes |
Organizers: |
William A. Darity, Jr., Duke University |
Moderators: |
William A. Darity, Jr., Duke University |
Panelists: |
Marcos Rangel, University of Chicago Patrick L. Mason, Florida State University Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University Darrick Hamilton, The New School Joni Hersch, Vanderbilt University Howard Bodenhorn, Clemson University |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 10J Aspects of Higher Education Economics |
Organizers: |
Christopher C. Klein, Middle Tennessee State University |
Session Chairs: |
Christopher C. Klein, Middle Tennessee State University |
Papers: |
"The Case for Skill-Biased Technological Change" "The Effect of State Funded Merit Scholarships on High School Graduation Rates" "A Comparison of the Distribution of Net Benefits for Florida Bright Futures and Georgia HOPE Scholarships" "Identifying the Best Buys in U.S. Higher Education" |
Discussants: |
Douglas J. Wakeman, Meredith College |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 11J Pricing and Market Concentration |
Session Chairs: |
Jean Sepulveda-Umanzor, Universidad del Desarrollo |
Papers: |
"Repeated Interaction in Private-Value Auctions: The Effect of a Change in the Number of Bidders" "The Evolution of Competition in the Chilean Banking Sector" "Open Versus Sealed Auctions: Evidence from Department of Defense Automated Procurement" "Nonlinear Pricing and Market Concentration in the U.S. Airline Industry" |
Discussants: |
Jeffrey W. Hoffman, University of Kentucky |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 13J Health Issues |
Session Chairs: |
Daniel Weinberg, University of Florida |
Papers: |
"The Impact of Vocational Rehabilitation on Employment" "Breastfeeding and Children's Cognitive Outcomes" "The Effect of Medical Malpractice Liability on Physician Income" "Do Health Shocks Affect Preventative Behavior?" |
Discussants: |
Ishita Dey, University at Buffalo |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 15J* Regional and Local Labor Markets: Race, Ethnicity, and Poverty |
Organizers: |
Haydar Kurban, Howard University |
Session Chairs: |
Emily Blank, Howard University |
Papers: |
"Segregation of Workers: An Efficiency Wage Explanation of Job Hording and Ethnic Enclave Effects on Wages of Low Wage Workers" "An Update of Rodgers and Freeman: 2001 to 2007" "Racial Differences in Income Inequality Across U.S. Regions" "Vulnerability Index" |
Discussants: |
Gregory Price, Morehouse College |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 16J Unobserved Components Models |
Organizers: |
Tara Sinclair, The George Washington University |
Session Chairs: |
Tara Sinclair, The George Washington University |
Papers: |
"Estimating Europe's Natural Rates from a Forward-Looking Phillips Curve" "A New Look at China's Output Fluctuations" "Output Fluctuations in the G-7: An Unobserved Components Approach" "Investigating Core Inflation with an Unobserved Components Model" |
Discussants: |
Yueqing Jia, The George Washington University |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 18J Human Capital |
Session Chairs: |
John Robst, University of South Florida |
Papers: |
"Gender Differences in the Effect of Sexual Abstinence on Human Capital Accumulation" "Mothers, Fathers, and Grandmothers: Education Choices in Tajikistan" "Dynamics in the Evolution of the Black-White Test Score Gap" "Sibling Behavior and Human Capital Accumulation" |
Discussants: |
Hui-chen Wang, University of Mississippi |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 19J International Environmental Policy |
Session Chairs: |
Garth Heutel, Harvard University |
Papers: |
"Collective Action and International Carbon Dioxide Regulations" "The Institutional Determinants of CO2 Emissions: A Computational Modeling Approach Using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Programming" "The Welfare Synergy in Bundling International Environmental Agreements with International Trade Treaties" "Optimal Environmental Policy Under Economic Fluctuations" |
Discussants: |
Jennifer Brown, Eastern Connecticut State University |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 20J Macroeconomic Theory |
Organizers: |
Edgar A. Ghossoub, The University of Texas at San Antonio |
Session Chairs: |
Edgar A. Ghossoub, The University of Texas at San Antonio |
Papers: |
"Default Risk and Collateral in the Absence of Commitment" "On the Macroeconomic Implications of Adverse Terms of Trade in a Developing Economy with External Debt and Sovereign Risks" "When Do World Orderings and Long-Run Recursive Identifying Assumptions Yield Identical Results in a Vector Autoregressive Model?" "The Sources of Technological Change and Liquidity Crises" |
Discussants: |
Robert R. Reed, III, University of Alabama |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 21J Applied Labor Economics |
Organizers: |
Mary Beth Walker, Georgia State University |
Session Chairs: |
Mary G. McGarvey, University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Papers: |
"Job Lock and the Role of Public Health Insurance During Employment Transitions" "Does Marriage Really Matter? Investments in Prenatal Care and Birth Outcomes" "Neighborhood Crime and Teacher Turnover" "The Poverty Reduction Success of Public Transfers for Working Age Immigrants and Refugees in the United States" |
Discussants: |
Sam Allgood, University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Saturday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 22J Freedom and Government Spending |
Session Chairs: |
Jeremy Horpedahl, George Mason University |
Papers: |
"Economic Freedom and Income Mobility in the United States" "Using the State Economic Freedom Index to Explain Variation in the State Coincidence Index of Economic Performance" "The Fiscal Consequences of Democracy in America, 1789-1860" |
Discussants: |
Michael Makowsky, 101M Stephens Hall |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 1L* Human Capital Choices & Outcomes |
Organizers: |
Jeffrey S. DeSimone, The University of Texas at Arlington |
Session Chairs: |
Richard B. Smith, University of South Florida St. Petersburg |
Papers: |
"Wage Analyses Using Job Versus Worker Attributes: An Application to Nursing" "In Sickness and in Health: Links Between Relationship Status and Health Outcomes" "The Impact of High School Sports on Youth Outcomes" "Height, Sports and Achievement in High School" |
Discussants: |
Cagatay Koc, The University of Texas at Arlington |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 2L Universities and Training Programs |
Session Chairs: |
Kitae Sohn, University at Albany |
Papers: |
"A Longitudinal Evaluation of the Efficacy of Vocational Rehabilitation Programs Serving 'Transitioning' Youth with Disabilities" "Financial Aid and For-Profits: Does Aid Encourage Entry?" |
Discussants: |
Joseph J. Sabia, American University |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 3L Topics in Public Economics |
Session Chairs: |
Clifford F. Thies, Shenandoah University |
Papers: |
"Earnings, Dividend Taxes, and Dividend Payouts: New Evidence" "The Unexpected Excess Return on Political Contribution" "The Effects of the Bankruptcy Act of 2005 on Non-Business Bankruptcy Filings" |
Discussants: |
Naoaki Minamihashi, Boston University |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 4L Issues on Monetary Policy and Real Business Cycle in Open Economy |
Organizers: |
Pallab Mozumder, Florida International University |
Session Chairs: |
Akm Mahbub Morshed, Southern Illinois University Carbondale |
Papers: |
"Optimal Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with Segmented Asset Market & Sticky Prices" "The Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks in a Small Open Economy: A Structural VAR Approach" "A Two-Sector International Real Business Cycles Model with Investment-Specific Technology Shocks" "The Credit Channel in a Small, Open Economy" |
Discussants: |
Faisal Ahmed, International Monetary Fund |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 5L Development and Institutions |
Session Chairs: |
Kristie Briggs, Creighton University |
Papers: |
"Fiscal Adjustment in Developing Countries Through Tax Administration Reform" "Trade Reforms and Indian Informal Sector" "Substituting Corruption for Institutions" "The Effect of Intellectual Property Rights on High Technology Exports to Developing Countries" |
Discussants: |
Lourenco Paz, University of Maryland |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 6L Transmission Mechanisms: Monetary Policy and Rates of Information Arrivals |
Organizers: |
Javier A. Reyes, University of Arkansas |
Session Chairs: |
Yelena Takhtamanova, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco |
Papers: |
"Household Credit and Monetary Policy Transmission" "Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy Using FAVAR: The Cases of Brazil and Mexico" "Revising the Sticky-Information Phillips Curve" |
Discussants: |
Mark Wheeler, Western Michigan University |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 10L Health, Ethnicity and Inequality |
Organizers: |
Tiffany Green, University of Wisconsin Madison |
Papers: |
"Collective Trauma: The Potential for Intergenerational Transmission of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" "Black Immigration and the U.S. Black/White Health Disparity: Does Country of Origin Matter?" "Childhood Asthma and Obesity Risk" |
Discussants: |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 11L Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital |
Session Chairs: |
Suqin Ge, Virginia Tech University |
Papers: |
"Impact of Mother's Education on Child's Development: Variation Over Outcomes and Ages" "The Effect of Expectations About Future Opportunities on Human Capital Investments by Minority Parents and Children." "Marriage, Intergenerational Schooling Effect, and Gender Gap in College Attainment" |
Discussants: |
Daniel Matthew Custance Lawson, Drew University |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 13L Integrating Economics into the Business Curriculum |
Organizers: |
Louise Marshall, Marymount University |
Session Chairs: |
Louise Marshall, Marymount University |
Papers: |
"Economics and the Business Curriculum: Insights from Survey Evidence" "Economics Within the Business Curriculum: A Case Study in Finding and Exploiting Linkages" "Fitting Economics into the Business College Mission" "Integrating the Undergraduate Business Experience: A Work in Progress" |
Discussants: |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 15L Measuring Innovation and Its Impact |
Organizers: |
Laura Schultz, University of Albany |
Session Chairs: |
Laura Schultz, University of Albany |
Papers: |
"Research and Development as an Intangible Asset in the National Accounts: What Types of R&D Activity Should Be Included?" "Research and Productivity Growth Across Industries" "The Impact of Private and Public R&D Performance on Industry Output" |
Discussants: |
Fernando Gomez-Baquero, University of Albany |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 16L Nonlinear Regression Analysis |
Organizers: |
Tara Sinclair, The George Washington University |
Session Chairs: |
James Morley, Washington University in St. Louis |
Papers: |
"Beyond the Productivity Slowdown: Nonlinear Analysis of International Trend" "Inference in Nonlinear Regression" "The Asymmetric Business Cycle" "The Heterogeneous Topology of Interbank Payments" |
Discussants: |
James Morley, Washington University in St. Louis |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 17L Elections and Government |
Session Chairs: |
Eric Crampton, University of Canterbury |
Papers: |
"Fiscal Decentralization and Public Debt: Is There a Link?" "Do Terror Attacks Affect Elections?" "Population Heterogeneity, the Type of Government, and the Nature and Extent of Government Intervention" "Political Ignorance and Political Preferences" |
Discussants: |
Jeremy Horpedahl, George Mason University |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 18L Microfinance and Well-being |
Session Chairs: |
Zhaoyang Hou, The George Washington University |
Papers: |
"Seasonal Variation in Microloan Repayment: Examining Microfinance Data from Bangladesh" "Access to Markets, Poverty, and Inequality: Evidence from China" |
Discussants: |
Miranda A. Moore, U.S. Department of Labor |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 19L Sex, Disasters, and Social Values |
Session Chairs: |
Ann Fender, Gettysburg College |
Papers: |
"Relative Prices and Family Values: An Application During World War II" "Using Natural Disaster to Teach Economics and Political Science" "Free Trade and Fair Trade in 'Black Gold'" "The Factors on Minority Student Performance in Principles of Economics" |
Discussants: |
Syed Saad, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 20L Risk and Behavior |
Session Chairs: |
Isabelle G Bajeux-Besnainou, The George Washington University |
Papers: |
"Experiments on Self-Protection Against Low Probability and Uncertain Risks" "State-Dependent Irreversibility and Lemons Market" "Uncertainty, Networks and Real Options" |
Discussants: |
Paan Jindapon, The University of Alabama |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 21L Research in Economic Education |
Organizers: |
KimMarie McGoldrick, University of Richmond |
Session Chairs: |
KimMarie McGoldrick, University of Richmond |
Papers: |
"The Importance of Learning Objectives in Choosing Pedagogical Practices" "Homework: To Grade or Not to Grade? The Effect of Graded Online Homework on Student Achievement" "The Effects of Undergraduate Research Experiences on Critical Thinking Skills" "Using Social Software to Empower Teaching and Learning" |
Discussants: |
Robert P. Rebelein, Vassar College |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 22L* School Vouchers: The Latest Evidence from the Field |
Organizers: |
David N. Figlio, University of Florida |
Session Chairs: |
David N. Figlio, University of Florida |
Papers: |
"New Evidence of the Effects of School Vouchers on Student Achievement: The Case of Florida's Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship Program" "The 'Effect' of Parental Choice on Student Outcomes: Methodological Approaches in a New Longitudinal Study of School Vouchers in Milwaukee" "The Effect of Milwaukee's Voucher Program on Public School Student Achievement" "Evaluation of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program: Summary of Experimental Impacts after Two Years" |
Discussants: |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 1M* Effects of Health and Social Insurance |
Organizers: |
Jeffrey S. DeSimone, The University of Texas at Arlington |
Session Chairs: |
Edward J. Schumacher, Trinity University |
Papers: |
"The Effect of Medicaid Eligibility Expansions on Insurance Coverage of Births" "Implications of Medicaid Nonpayment for Inpatient Pediatric Complications" "Crime and Health Insurance" "Obesity and Food Stamps" |
Discussants: |
Joseph Price, Brigham Young University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 2M Trade Policy |
Session Chairs: |
Baybars Karacaovali, Fordham University |
Papers: |
"The Customs Union Issue: Why Do We Observe so Few of Them?" "The Effect of Electoral Regime on Trade Policy" "Short Run Effects of Trade Liberalization in the Presence of Firm Heterogeneity" "Productivity Matters for Trade Policy: Theory and Evidence" |
Discussants: |
Yoto V. Yotov, Drexel University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 3M Empirical Studies on the Economics of Religion |
Organizers: |
David Beckworth, Texas State University |
Session Chairs: |
David Beckworth, Texas State University |
Papers: |
"Religious Financial Contributions Over the Business Cycle" "Mom and Dad Took Me to Church" "Clergy Labor Supply: Evidence from Seminary Enrollment" "Public and Private School Teacher Labor Markets" |
Discussants: |
Wafa Hakim Orman, The University of Alabama in Huntsville |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 4M Empirical Analysis of Migration, Marriage and Corruption |
Organizers: |
Pallab Mozumder, Florida International University |
Session Chairs: |
M. Shahe Emran, The George Washington University |
Papers: |
"Corruption and Health: Evidences from Cross-Country Analysis" "Effects of Employment on Marriage and Cohabitation: Evidence from a Randomized Study of the Job Corps Program" "The Hidden Cost of Migration: Effect of Brother's Migration on Sister's Marriage Outcomes in Rural Bangladesh" "Migration, Sorting and Regional Inequality: Evidence from Bangladesh" |
Discussants: |
Pallab Mozumder, Florida International University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 5M Immigrants and Their Families |
Session Chairs: |
Cynthia A. Bansak, St. Lawrence University |
Papers: |
"An Unintended Consequence of Border Enforcement" "The 'Negative' Assimilation of Immigrants: A Special Case" "How do Remittances Impact Human Capital Formation of School Age Boys and Girls?" |
Discussants: |
Carolina Rodriguez-Zamora, The University of Texas at Austin |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 6M Industrial Organization: Mergers, R&D and Market Structure |
Organizers: |
Javier A. Reyes, University of Arkansas |
Session Chairs: |
Christopher A. Laincz, Drexel University |
Papers: |
"Horizontal Mergers with Switching Costs Under Spatial Competition" "Market Structure, Knowledge Spillovers, and the Stock of R&D" "Does Your Church Have Padded Pews? Market Structure & Competition in the Market for Religion" |
Discussants: |
Qihong Liu, University of Oklahoma |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 10M The Structure of Wages |
Session Chairs: |
William E. Even, Miami University |
Papers: |
"Changes in Wage Structure in Urban India 1983-2004: A Quantile Regression Decomposition" "Human Capital Risk and the Firmsize Wage Premium" "Occupational Composition and Wage Inequality" "Is Bigger Still Better?: Evolution of the Firm Size Wage Premium" |
Discussants: |
William M. Rodgers, III, Rutgers University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 11M Issues in Local Public Economics |
Session Chairs: |
Jennifer Brown, Eastern Connecticut State University |
Papers: |
"No Country for Old Men (and Women): Do State Taxes Drive Away the Elderly?" "The Effect of Coal Mines on Residential Property Values" "Elected Versus Appointed County Commission Executives: Political Favors, Unions, and Support Facilities" "The Distributional Impacts of Climate Change: Effects from Geographic Variation" |
Discussants: |
P. Benjamin Chou, New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 12M Measuring Well-being and Human Capital |
Session Chairs: |
Aleksandra Markovic, The George Washington University |
Papers: |
"A Class of Association Sensitive Multidimensional Well-being Indices" "Measuring Human Capital and Accounting for Total Factor Productivity" "Rank Robustness of Multidimensional Well-being Measures" "The Strength of Strong Ties: Effort, Care, and the Nature of Our Connections" |
Discussants: |
Suzanne K McCoskey, The George Washington University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 13M Impact of International Migration |
Session Chairs: |
David E.R. Gay, University of Arkansas |
Papers: |
"Analyzing the Effects of Immigration with Endogenous Human Capital: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach" "Coming to America: The Effect of Immigration on Local Labor Market" "Emigration's Impact on Employment of Those Left Behind: Evidence from Mexico" "Friedrich A. Hayek: The 'Arkansas Traveler' Concludes" |
Discussants: |
Mehmet Erdem Yaya, University of Alabama |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 15M Young, Gifted and Disconnected: The Role of Race, Social and Public Policy on Human Capital Accumulation |
Organizers: |
Rhonda Vonshay Sharpe, University of Vermont |
Session Chairs: |
Rhonda Vonshay Sharpe, University of Vermont |
Papers: |
"The ‘Bluest Eye’ and Pathways to Success: Eurocentric Standards of Beauty" "Disconnecting the Connected: The Role of Scholar Activists in Education in Post Katrina New Orleans" "Do White Classmates Improve Economic and Social Outcomes for Black Americans: The Racial Composition of Schools and its Impact on Economic and Social Outcomes for Black Americans" "Examining Traditional Models of Homeowners and School Quality After Finance Reform: An Insight Using GIS" |
Discussants: |
Omari H. Swinton, Howard University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 16M Macroeconomic Policy Analysis |
Organizers: |
Tara Sinclair, The George Washington University |
Session Chairs: |
Michael Owyang, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis |
Papers: |
"The Regional Propagation of Government Spending Shocks" "Revisions to PCE Inflation Measures: Implications for Monetary Policy" "Monetary Policy Shocks and the Taylor Rule" |
Discussants: |
Michael Owyang, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 17M Health Effects and Investments |
Session Chairs: |
Christian Gregory, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
Papers: |
"On Parents' Intertemporal Planning for Children's Human Capital" "The Impact of Insurance on Recommended Medical Care, Lifestyle Behaviors and the Health of Non-Elderly Diabetics" "Weight Gain and Peer Social Network: Is There a Contagion Effect?" "The Health Effects of Obesity 1982 - 2006" |
Discussants: |
Tiffany Green, University of Wisconsin Madison |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 18M Banks |
Session Chairs: |
Johanna Palmberg, Jönköpings International Business School |
Papers: |
"Does Bank Holding Affiliation Affect Small Businesses' Credit Constraints?" "The Direct Shock of Bank Failure and Investment Self-Selection Bias" "Understanding Reserve Bank of Australia Monetary Policy Using Real-Time Data and Forward-Looking Taylor Rules" "Ownership Structure, Board Composition and Investment Performance" |
Discussants: |
Felix Rioja, Georgia State University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 19M Natural Hazards and Weather II |
Organizers: |
Daniel Sutter, The University of Texas-Pan American |
Session Chairs: |
Jeffrey Czajkowski, Austin College |
Papers: |
"Natural Disasters and Foreign Direct Investment" "Risk Perception and the Credibility of Hazard Warnings: Evidence from Tornado Warnings" "A Computational Approach to Dynamically Modeling the Destructive Risk Embedded in Hurricane Evacuation Decisions" "The Effect of Hurricane Katrina Exodus on Houston Wages: Structural Break Point Estimation" |
Discussants: |
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 20M Social Networks and Spillovers |
Session Chairs: |
Devesh Roy, International Food Policy Research Institute |
Papers: |
"How Do People Create Capital Through 'Social Networks'? Dense Versus Sparse Networks" "'When I’m Sixty-Four': Retirement of School Teachers 'With a Little Help from My Friends'" "Determinants of Social Attitudes in American Communities" "Knowledge Spillovers and Local Growth of Industries: Evidence from Patent Statistics" |
Discussants: |
Isabelle G Bajeux-Besnainou, The George Washington University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 21M Innovative Pedagogical Practices in Economics |
Organizers: |
KimMarie McGoldrick, University of Richmond |
Session Chairs: |
KimMarie McGoldrick, University of Richmond |
Papers: |
"A Field Trip to the Real World: Environmental Economics and the EPA SO2 Auction" "Simpsonomics: Teaching Economics Using Episodes from the Television Show 'The Simpsons'" |
Discussants: |
Tisha Lin Nakao Emerson, Baylor University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 22M Open Economy Macro and Exchange Rates |
Session Chairs: |
David Y. Chen, North Carolina A&T State University |
Papers: |
"Endogenous Private Transfer and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics in a Two-Sector Dependent Economy" "Asian International Reserves on Exchange Rate and U.S. Debt" "Is Currency Devaluation Contractionary in Developed Economies" "Real Exchange Rate Uncertainty, External Exposure and Investment: Evidence from Colombian Manufacturing Plants" |
Discussants: |
Onnie Pipatchaipoom, Samford University |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 1N Drugs and Health Care Costs |
Session Chairs: |
Rachel Wilson, Middle Tennessee State University |
Papers: |
"Do Decreasing Prices in the Pharmaceutical Industry Provide Evidence of Price Convergence in the European Union?" "Financial Performance and Patient Safety in Hospitals" "Who Pays for Drug Quality?" "Health Care Cost in the Age of Google: An Empirical Analysis of the Internet's Impact on Health Care Costs" |
Discussants: |
Nayoung Lee, University of Southern California |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 2N Trade and Environmental Economics |
Session Chairs: |
Ahmed S. Rahman, U.S. Naval Academy |
Papers: |
"International Trade, Rents, Technology, and Carbon Markets" "Resource Dispersion and Trading Neighbours: A Spatial Perspective" "Trade, Technology and the Great Divergence" "The Environmental Effect of Foreign Firms on Host Countries" |
Discussants: |
B. James Deaton, University of Guelph |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 3N Sorting and Matching in the Labor Market |
Session Chairs: |
Stephen Rubb, Sacred Heart University |
Papers: |
"Asymmetric Information and the Theory of Heterogeneous Education-Occupation Mismatches" "Skills Mismatch and the Duration of Unemployment in the United States" "Sorting and Matching in Industrial Clusters" |
Discussants: |
Marios Michaelides, IMPAQ International, LLC |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 4N Drinking, Substance Use and Lifestyles |
Session Chairs: |
Simona Lup Tick, University of Mississippi |
Papers: |
"Sobering Up: The Impact of the 1985-1988 Russian Anti-Alcohol Campaign on Child Health" "Does School Quality Matter? High School Quality and Binge Drinking" |
Discussants: |
Aliaksandr Amialchuk, University of Toledo |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 5N Developing and Transitional Economies |
Session Chairs: |
M. Shahe Emran, The George Washington University |
Papers: |
"Government Borrowing and Private Credit: Evidence from Developing Countries" "Peer Effects and Labour Market Participation: Evidence from Displaced People's Camps in Northern Uganda" |
Discussants: |
Tomi Ovaska, Youngstown State University |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 6N Differences in the Labor Market |
Session Chairs: |
Mette Verner, University of Aarhus |
Papers: |
"Gender Differences in Income Inequality Among Immigrant Populations to the United States" "Gender, Unemployment and Underemployment in South Africa Reexamined: What Time-use Data Reveals" "Gender Differences in Rank Within the Academic Profession: The Case of Denmark" "Human Capital Augmentation Versus the Signaling Value of MBA Education" |
Discussants: |
Yan Li, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 7N Labor and Housing Market Mobility |
Session Chairs: |
Miranda A. Moore, U.S. Department of Labor |
Papers: |
"Predictability of Residential Mobility: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study" "An Empirical Investigation of Occupational Choice with Human Capital Accumulation over the Life Course" "The Effects of Sketchy Employment History on Earnings" "Dynamic Female Labor Supply and Fertility Expectations" |
Discussants: |
Aparna Mitra, University of Oklahoma |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 8N Firm Behavior and Performance |
Session Chairs: |
Mahmut Yasar, The University of Texas at Arlington |
Papers: |
"Do Firms Respond to Media Attention? A Case Study of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxic Release Inventory" "Marrying Science with Economics: Hedonic Property Analysis as a Measure of Site Specificity" "Transmitting Spillovers to Industries" "Firm Performance and Knowledge Spillovers" |
Discussants: |
Garth Heutel, Harvard University |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 9N Racial and Behavioral Issues |
Session Chairs: |
Brandeanna Dawn Allen, Middle Tennessee State University |
Papers: |
"Race and Sex Discrimination: No Unified Theory" "'Acting Out' not 'Acting White': Risky Behaviors of White, Black and Mixed-Race Youth" "Impact of Victimization on an Individual’s Future Economic Welfare" "The Effects of Racial and Extracurricular Friendship Diversity on Achievement" |
Discussants: |
Mircea Trandafir, University of Maryland |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 10N Growth and Development |
Session Chairs: |
Abhay Gupta, The University of British Columbia |
Papers: |
"Political Regime Changes: Implications for Economic Growth" "A Tale of Three Countries: Economic Development in Argentina, Australia, and Canada from Independence to WWII" "Indian Economy - TFP or Factor Accumulation: A Comprehensive Growth Accounting Exercise" |
Discussants: |
Liutang Gong, Peking University |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 11N Understanding Inequality |
Session Chairs: |
Elizabeth Weber Handwerker, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Papers: |
"Demographic Contributions to Inequality: Decomposition Analyses by Income Source from 1969 to 2006" "Education and the Distribution of Wages: A Semiparametric Approach" "Measuring the Impact of College Cost Shocks on Parents' Labor Supply" "Wage Traps as Poverty and Distribution Traps in Neoclassical and Endogenous Growth Models" |
Discussants: |
Fenohasina Maret, The George Washington University |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 12N Topics in Health Economics |
Session Chairs: |
Asia Sikora, Cornell University |
Papers: |
"Medicaid and Medicare Costs: Effects of Rising Obesity Rates, Hospital Ownership Structure, Aging Population and Government Policy" "Measuring the Effect of Body Weight on Occupational Attainment" "A Head Above the Rest: Height and Adolescent Psychological Wellbeing" "Brains Versus Brawn: Occupational Determinants of Cognitive Ability Among Older Americans" |
Discussants: |
Barry R. Chiswick, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 13N* Local Public Economics |
Organizers: |
Byron Lutz, Federal Reserve Board |
Session Chairs: |
Byron Lutz, Federal Reserve Board |
Papers: |
"The Value of School Facilities: Evidence from a Dynamic Regression Discontinuity Design" "Examining the Relationship Between Property Tax Delinquencies and Housing Foreclosures" "Individual Calculations for the Public Good: Voting for Business Improvement Districts" |
Discussants: |
Byron Lutz, Federal Reserve Board |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 15N The Immigrant Experience |
Session Chairs: |
Faisal Rabby, Missouri State University |
Papers: |
"Ethnosizing Payoffs: Gender and Native-Migrant Differences" "The Impact of 9/11 on Immigrant Entrepreneurs" "The Post-9/11 Labor Markets for 'Muslims' in the West – Evidence from the USA and the UK" "Human Capital from Different Source Countries and U.S. New Immigrant Earnings" |
Discussants: |
Katharine C. Wolchik, Lehigh University |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 17N International Investment |
Session Chairs: |
Sandwip K. Das, University of California, Riverside |
Papers: |
"FDI Location When Investment Costs are Two-Tiered" "Do Neighbors of Host Countries Matter to Outflows of US FDI?" "Foreign Aid, Financial Development and Capital Mobility: An Investigation of Aid-receiving Countries" "Foreign Direct Investment, Joint Ventures and Export" |
Discussants: |
Deepraj Mukherjee, University of Memphis |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 18N Taxes, Subsidies and Spending |
Session Chairs: |
Raul Alberto Ponce Rodriguez, Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez |
Papers: |
"Cointegration and Causal Relationship Between Taxes and Spending for Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa" "Voting Behavior, Preference Aggregation and Tax Design" |
Discussants: |
Gregory A. Trandel, University of Georgia |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 19N Open Economy Macroeconomics |
Session Chairs: |
Ergys Islamaj, Georgetown University |
Papers: |
"On the Sustainability of Currency Board: Evidence from Argentina and Hong Kong" "Current Account Reversals and the Sectoral Allocation of Resources" "Commodity Trade, Financial Integration and International Consumption Risk Sharing" "Sources of the Great Moderation: A Time-Series Analysis of GDP Subsectors" |
Discussants: |
Hyuk-jae Rhee, University of Windsor |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 20N Industrial Organization |
Organizers: |
Catherine Tyler Mooney, University of Oklahoma |
Session Chairs: |
Catherine Tyler Mooney, University of Oklahoma |
Papers: |
"An Analysis of Economics Doctoral Students' Initial Job Placements" "The Competitive Effects of 'Consideration' Payments: Lessons from Radio Payola" "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out: Radio Listening in the New Millennium" "Low-Price Guarantees, Quality Choice, and Competition" |
Discussants: |
Qihong Liu, University of Oklahoma |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 21N Topics in Applied Microeconomics |
Session Chairs: |
Michael Bonnal, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga |
Papers: |
"The Competitive Effects of a New Product: The Case of Crystal Pepsi" "Non-Wage Job Characteristics: The Missing Margin In Job Choice and Unemployment Insurance Program Evaluation" "Multinationals and the Shutdown of State-Owned Firms" "Bank Runs and Monetary Arrangements: A Computational Examination" "Unintended Effects of Environmental Regulation" "Do Teachers’ Unions Really Affect Teacher Attrition?: A Potential Outcomes Bayesian Analysis" |
Discussants: |
Benjamin D. Keen, University of Oklahoma |
Sunday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 22N Issues in Law and Dispute Settlement |
Session Chairs: |
Scott Wentland, George Mason University |
Papers: |
"Estimating a Model of Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization" "Intellectual Property Rights and Strategic Differentiation in R&D Competition" "More Tickets, Fewer Accidents: How Cash-Strapped Towns Make for Safer Roads" "Political Beliefs and Tort Awards: An Empirical Study of the ‘Impartial’ Jury" |
Discussants: |
Bharat Bhole, Rochester Institute of Technology |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 1O Public Economics |
Session Chairs: |
William R. Hauk, Jr., University of South Carolina |
Papers: |
"The Efficiency of Economic Development Expenditures: Returns to Primary Job Creation Under the Stewardship of the Development Corporation of Abilene" "Home State Effects in U.S. Presidential Elections" "Type of Flooring As A Determinant of the Sale Price of Single-Family Homes—A Quantile Regression Approach" |
Discussants: |
Irina Murtazashvili, University of Pittsburgh |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 3O Economic Integration |
Session Chairs: |
James M. DeVault, Lafayette College |
Papers: |
"Adjustment Problems in Developing Countries and the U.S.-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement" "Do Customs Union Members Engage in More Bilateral Trade Than Free Trade Agreement Members?" "CAFTA, Campaign Contributions, and the Role of Special Interests" |
Discussants: |
Yaya Sissoko, Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 4O Banks II |
Session Chairs: |
Felix Rioja, Georgia State University |
Papers: |
"The Historical Evolution of Bank Branching Rights in the United States: What Took So Long?" "Trust, Risk and the Lender-Borrower Relationship: A Trust-based Lending Experiment" "Stock Markets, Banks, and the Sources of Growth" |
Discussants: |
Jill M. Hendrickson, University of St. Thomas |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 5O Financial Markets |
Session Chairs: |
Brian W. Buckles, University of Florida |
Papers: |
"Financial Network Formation and Central Bank Policy" "Extreme Returns Without News: A Microstructural Explanation" "Liquidity Dynamics in Commercial Real Estate" |
Discussants: |
Kalidas Jana, The University of Texas at Brownsville |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 6O Anti-Poverty Policies: Determinants and Effects |
Session Chairs: |
Sharon H. Mastracci, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Papers: |
"Determinants of State Minimum Wage Laws: A Bayesian Spatial Probit Approach" "Do Employment Subsidies Work? Evidence from Regionally Targeted Subsidies in Turkey" "Effects of State Minimum Wage Increases on Employment, Hours, and Earnings of Low-Wage Workers: Evidence from Illinois" "Juvenile Delinquency, Justice System Involvement, and High School Dropout" |
Discussants: |
Wei Kang, Middle Tennessee State University |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 7O Labor Markets and Sensitive Populations |
Session Chairs: |
Anjali Srivastava, Rutgers University |
Papers: |
"Education and Empowerment: Evidence from the Choice of Spouse in Vietnam" "The Aging Population in India" "The Motherhood Wage Gap for First Generation Immigrant and Native Women: Do Motherhood Wage Gaps Vary By United States Nativity?" |
Discussants: |
Justin May, The College of William and Mary |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 8O International Lending and Economic Integration |
Session Chairs: |
Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah, Universiti Putra Malaysia |
Papers: |
"Impact of Macroeconomic, Political and Institutional Factors on the Structure of Government Debt in the Emerging Market Countries" "International Asset Portfolios in the New Open Economy Macroeconomics Model" "Endogenous Default, Recovery Rates and Additional Spreads" "Nonlinearities in Real Interest Rate Parity: Empirical Evidence from OECD and the Asian Economies" |
Discussants: |
Ergys Islamaj, Georgetown University |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 9O Leviathan and Fiscal Federalism |
Organizers: |
Dean Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University |
Session Chairs: |
Dean Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University |
Papers: |
"Supermajority or Gridlock: Testing for Leviathan Regulation in the States" "The Structure of Government and Implications for the Median Voter in New England States" "Interjurisidictional Competition and Economic Growth in U.S. Metropolitan Areas" "China's Fiscal Federalism as a 'Two-Edged Sword': A Public Choice Evaluation" |
Discussants: |
David T. Mitchell, University of South Alabama |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 10O Industry Studies and International Trade |
Session Chairs: |
Yoto V. Yotov, Drexel University |
Papers: |
"Heterogeneous Plants, International Trade, Inter-Sector Resource Reallocation" "Does the Immigrant-Trade Link Vary Across North-South Cohorts?" "Firm Heterogeneity and Trade Liberalization: An Empirical Investigation" "Temporary Interruption of International Capital Mobility: Capital Controls on Inflows and Its Impact on Firm Investment Behaviors" |
Discussants: |
Robert F. Quinn, Northern Michigan University |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 11O Health, Education and Labor Markets |
Session Chairs: |
Brian E. Chezum, St. Lawrence University |
Papers: |
"Does Attending a More Prestigious College Improve Health?" "The Impact of Maternal Employment on Child’s Mental Health: Evidence from NLSY-Child" "Unemployment and Mental Distress" "The Impact of Health on Intergenerational Transfers of Wealth" |
Discussants: |
Betty T. Tao, CNA Corporation |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 12O Issues in Health and Aging |
Session Chairs: |
David N. van der Goes, Lehigh University |
Papers: |
"Social Capital and Health of Elderly People with the Advent of the Baby-Boom Generation’s Aging" "Health and Economic Growth – A Theoretical and Longitudinal Study on the Developed and Less Developed Economies" "The Color of Gray: Aging Population and Its Effect on Economic Growth in China, 1978-2020" |
Discussants: |
Xiaoshu Han, Mount Union College |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 13O Investments and Firms |
Session Chairs: |
Jongbyung Jun, Suffolk University |
Papers: |
"Non-Tradable Shares and Firm Underperformance: The Alaska Native Corporations Case Revisited" "How Do Fund Managers Invest: Self Strategy or Herding in Private Pension Funds?" "On the Importance of Time Variation in Higher Moments" "Anticipated Value Creation in U.S. Private Equity Buyouts: The Role of Corporate Governance, Undervaluation, and Club Deals" |
Discussants: |
Matthias Buehlmaier, Vienna Graduate School of Finance |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 15O Wages and Compensation |
Session Chairs: |
Elizabeth L. Rankin, Centenary College of Louisiana |
Papers: |
"Differences in Expected Starting Salaries by Gender and Race of Bachelor Degree Recipients in Connecticut: A Panel Study" "Executive Compensation: The Case of Private Colleges" "Underemployment and Local Employment Dynamics: New Evidence" |
Discussants: |
Till Schreiber, The College of William and Mary |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 16O Poverty and Welfare |
Session Chairs: |
Jonathan D. Fisher, Litigation Analytics, Inc. |
Papers: |
"The Effect of Welfare Reform on Marriage Decision: Evidence from Micro Data" "Institutions Augmented Solow Model with Poverty Trap" "Finding the Poor Older Americans" |
Discussants: |
Jan Schnellenbach, University of Heidelberg |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 17O Collective Action and Free-Riding |
Session Chairs: |
Stewart Dompe, George Mason University |
Papers: |
"Standard Versus Behavioral Economics Analysis of Opt-In/Opt-Out Policies" "The Race to Free Ride: Opting Out of Voluntary Coalitions that Provide a Public Good" "Changing Constitutions: Increasing Expenditures One Amendment at a Time" "Overcoming the Collective Action Problem: A Case Study of the Battle of Lepanto" |
Discussants: |
Eric Crampton, University of Canterbury |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 18O Development Economics |
Session Chairs: |
Leonid Krasnozhon, George Mason University |
Papers: |
"Informal Finance and Low Bank Use in Immigrant Communities" "Beast from the East: Economics of Cooperatives in Ukraine" |
Discussants: |
David Vera, Kent State University |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 19O Environment and Industry II |
Session Chairs: |
B. James Deaton, University of Guelph |
Papers: |
"Joint Regulation of Point and Nonpoint Polluters Using Ambient Taxes" "FDI and Pollution Haven" "The Impact of Environmental Performance on Financial Performance: Evidence from Climate Leaders Program" "Can Mining Explain Poverty? Empirical Evaluation of Mining Sector Contribution to the Persistence of Poverty in the U.S." |
Discussants: |
Stratford M. Douglas, West Virginia University |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 20O Housing Economics |
Session Chairs: |
Chao Yue Tian, The George Washington University |
Papers: |
"Clientele Effects, Segmentation and the Return to Housing Investment" "Estimating the Effects of the Bush Tax Cuts’ Expiration on Homeowner Welfare" "The Dynamics of Metropolitan Housing Prices: Spatial Diffusion or Industrial Transmission" "Modeling The Joint Determination Of Residential Location, Non-Work Travel And Trip-Chaining" |
Discussants: |
Devesh Roy, International Food Policy Research Institute |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 21O Topics in Economic Growth |
Session Chairs: |
Sharron L. Terrell, University of the District of Columbia |
Papers: |
"Debts and Growth Dynamics in a Kaleckian Economy" "Bank Credit and Economic Growth: Indian Evidence" "Political Dominance and Economic Performance: Case Study from United States" "The Cooption of Revolutionary Movements into Criminal States" |
Discussants: |
Roberto M. Samaniego, The George Washington University |
Sunday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 22O Entertainment and Sports Industries |
Session Chairs: |
Dennis Pearson, Austin Peay State University |
Papers: |
"When Harry Met DVD: Sequential Release and Product Choice in the Motion Picture Industry" "Cost Versus Competition Effects in the Broadcast Television Industry" "Monopoly Pricing of a Perishable Differentiated Good: College Football" "Efficacy of Shaming Penalties: Evidence from SEC Football" |
Discussants: |
Kenneth A. Couch, University of Connecticut |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 1P Shocks |
Session Chairs: |
Ellis B. Heath, West Virginia University |
Papers: |
"Aggregate Labor Market Responses to Monetary and Technology Shocks" "Is the GCC an Optimum Currency Area? An Analysis of Shock Symmetry" "Habit Formation in State-Dependent Pricing Models: Implications for the Dynamics of Output and Inflation" "Do Credit Shocks Matter for Output and Inflation?" |
Discussants: |
Edward E. Ghartey, The University of the West Indies |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 2P Prices |
Session Chairs: |
Vinit K. Jagdish, Western Washington University |
Papers: |
"Financing and Signaling Decisions Under Asymmetric Information" "Simulating Scarcity in an Online Multiplayer Game: The Counter-Strike Weapons Market" "Experimentation and Quantity Rationing in a Differentiated Products Duopoly" |
Discussants: |
Michael R. Hammock, Rhodes College |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 3P Central Bank Policies |
Session Chairs: |
Ali Sina Onder, Vanderbilt University |
Papers: |
"Excess Reserves During the Great Contraction: Evidence from the Central Money Market of New York City, 1929 to 1932" "Limited Participation, Labor Market Search and Liquidity Effects" "Monetary Union and Inflation Tax Competition" "Role and Effectiveness of Central Bank Policy: Now and Then" |
Discussants: |
Giandomenico Sarolli, University of Virginia |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 4P Monetary Policy |
Session Chairs: |
Erika I. Gulyas, Trinity University |
Papers: |
"The Effects of Economic News on Expected Monetary Policy Changes" "Taylor Rules, Inflation Expectations and Forward Looking Behavior in Turkey" "Monetary Policy with Borrowers and Lenders" "Exchange Rate, Investment and Monetary Policy" |
Discussants: |
Erika I. Gulyas, Trinity University |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 5P Experiments and Equilibria |
Session Chairs: |
Jonathan Leland, National Science Foundation |
Papers: |
"Lobbying in Networks" "An Empirical Study of Asymmetric Bidders in On-Line Auctions" "Equilibrium Selection, Similarity Judgments and the 'Nothing to Gain/Nothing to Lose' Effect" "An Experimental Study on Forward Induction" |
Discussants: |
Frank A. Scott, University of Kentucky |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 6P Principals and Agents |
Session Chairs: |
Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University |
Papers: |
"A Quantitative Theory of Information and Unsecured Credit" "Incentives and Delegation of Authority to Multiple Agents" "Debt, Equity, and Information" "Carrots, Sticks, and Service-Learning in a Quasi-Experimental Environment" |
Discussants: |
Kartik Athreya, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 7P Inflation |
Session Chairs: |
William Miles, Wichita State University |
Papers: |
"Inflation and Uncertainty in Emerging Markets" "Monetary Announcements as an Inflation Stabilization Tool in Latin America and the Caribbean" "Monetary Policy and Natural Disasters in a DSGE Model: How Should the Fed Have Responded to Hurricane Katrina?" |
Discussants: |
Brian W. Buckles, University of Florida |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 9P Terror and Corruption |
Session Chairs: |
Javed Younas, Central Michigan University |
Papers: |
"Turkish Tourism Industry, Terrorism, and Warfare" "The Resource Curse, Corruption, and Governance: Evidence from Emerging Markets" "What Spurs Terrorism in Developing Countries: Poverty, Illiteracy or Political Repressions?" |
Discussants: |
Joseph French, University of Northern Colorado |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 10P Elections |
Session Chairs: |
Sebastian Miller, University of Maryland |
Papers: |
"Simple Policy Positions" "Competing Informed Principals and Representative Democracy" "Political Baggage and Electoral Competition" "Flip-Flopping: Ideological Adjustment Costs in the United States Senate" "A Three Class Model of Elections: The Effects of Income Distribution on Electoral Outcomes" |
Discussants: |
Andrew Bacher-Hicks, The College of William and Mary |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 11P Intergenerational Income Transfers |
Session Chairs: |
Lisa Verdon, Florida State University |
Papers: |
"Testing the Effects of Transfers on the Wealth of the Elderly" "Family-Specific Intergenerational Income Mobility" "Measurement Error and Its Impact on Estimates of Income and Consumption Dynamics" "The Use of Life Insurance in Estate Planning" |
Discussants: |
Sarah Bohn, Public Policy Institute of California |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 12P Consumption, Wealth, and Happiness |
Session Chairs: |
Cigdem Akin, The George Washington University |
Papers: |
"Happiness and Welfare: Resolving a Puzzle" "Stock Market Fluctuations, Housing Wealth and Consumption Behavior in Turkey" "Gender Differences in Behavior Under Uncertainty: Evidence from 'Jeopardy!'" "Altruism, Transfer, and Economic Growth" |
Discussants: |
Rachel Wilson, Middle Tennessee State University |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 13P Health and Uncertainty |
Session Chairs: |
Patryk Babiarz, Purdue University |
Papers: |
"Health Events and Precautionary Savings: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study" "Optimizing the Equity-Bond-Annuity Portfolio in Retirement: The Impact of Uncertain Health Expenses" "Why Do the Insured Use More Health Care? The Role of Insurance-Induced Unhealthy Behaviors" "Borrowing to Cope with Adverse Health Events: Liquidity Constraints and Unsecured Debt" |
Discussants: |
José Olivares, Universidad del Desarrollo |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 15P Natural Hazards and Weather I |
Organizers: |
Daniel Sutter, The University of Texas-Pan American |
Session Chairs: |
Daniel Sutter, The University of Texas-Pan American |
Papers: |
"The Effect of Hurricane Katrina Exodus on Houston Wages" "Why Exactly Do I Want to Evacuate? A Better Understanding of the Costs of Not Evacuating for a Hurricane" "Climate Change and Marine Recreation" "TBA" |
Discussants: |
Monica P. Escaleras, Florida Atlantic University |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 16P Exchange Rates |
Session Chairs: |
Luis Marques, Johns Hopkins University |
Papers: |
"On Consumption of the Real Exchange Rate Anomaly in Indonesia: An Empirical Analysis" "Sources of Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations in China: New Evidence from a Structural VAR Model" "The Dynamic Interactions of Stock Returns and Exchange Rates: Evidence from Asian Markets" "Welfare Implications of Exchange Rate Changes" |
Discussants: |
Carol Osler, Brandeis International Business School |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 17P Labor Markets and Growth |
Session Chairs: |
Sandra Trejos, Clarion University of Pennsylvania |
Papers: |
"Rising Wages in the US and Their Influence on Growth" "Income Inequality and Economic Growth: An Overlapping Approach" "Testing for Convergence in Income Levels in OECD Countries Using Nominal and Real PPP Incomes" "Prerequisites for Prosperity: An Examination of the Relationships Among Economic Growth, Economic and Political Freedom, and Societal Values" |
Discussants: |
Michiko Y Hayhurst, Texas Woman's University |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 18P Corruption, Gambling and National Defense |
Session Chairs: |
Pavel A. Yakovlev, Duquesne University |
Papers: |
"Is National Defense a Public Good?" "A Structural Equation Model of the Gambling in the UK" |
Discussants: |
Bryan L. Boulier, The George Washington University |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 19P Environment and Industry I |
Session Chairs: |
Souvik Datta, The University of British Columbia |
Papers: |
"Participation in Green Power Partnership: What Distinguishes Leaders, Partners and Non-Participants?" "Do Good and Bad Actors Respond Differently to EPA Policy Levers? An Examination of a Voluntary Program and Regulatory Threat in the Metal Finishing Industry" "Do Pollution Abatement Spillovers Exist? A Spatial Econometric Approach" "Incentivizing Sustainable Waste Management" |
Discussants: |
A. Tolga Ergun, Suffolk University |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 20P Health and Children |
Session Chairs: |
Dennis Pearson, Austin Peay State University |
Papers: |
"Availability of Physical Activity Facilities: Physical Activity Participation and Weight Status of Children and Adolescents" "The Impact of Maternal Employment and Child Care Choices on Childhood Overweight" "The Effect of Father’s Heavy Alcohol Consumption on Children’s Health in Russia" "The Influence of Birth Order on Risk Attitudes and Behaviors" |
Discussants: |
Bosu Seo, University of Manitoba |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 21P Game Theory and Behavioral Economics |
Session Chairs: |
Richard Cebula, Armstrong Atlantic State University |
Papers: |
"More on Subgame Perfect Implementation of Stable Matchings" "Nash and Correlated Equilibria in the Market for Skills" "One Bad Apple: Uncertainty and Heterogeneity in Public Good Provision" "An Analysis of Why Debt Management Plans Fail" "The Impact of Economic Conditions on Subjective Well-being in OECD and non-OECD Countries" |
Discussants: |
David M. McEvoy, Appalachian State University |
Sunday 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 22P Immigration and Emigration |
Session Chairs: |
Michael A. Quinn, Bentley College |
Papers: |
"Impact of Economic Freedom on Emigration: The Case for Developing Nations" "Social Policies, Immigration and the European Union" "Technological Progress and Immigration Patterns" |
Discussants: |
Serife Genc, University of Pittsburgh |