2009 Sessions for Emily Chamlee-Wright

4:15 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 02I
Cities and Disasters


Anthony M. Carilli, Hampden-Sydney College

Session Chairs:

Jennifer Dirmeyer, Hampden-Sydney College


"Jane Jacobs' The Economy of Cities at 40: A Stocktaking and an Evaluation"
Pierre Desrochers, University of Toronto at Mississauga (Contact Author)

"Searching for Sympathy in all the Wrong Places: Private Charitable Given and Collective Action After Disaster"
Emily Schaeffer, San Jose State University (Contact Author)

"Expectations of Government's Response to Disaster: Evidence for the Ninth Ward, New Orleans"
Emily Chamlee-Wright, Beloit College (Contact Author)
Virgil Henry Storr, George Mason University


Jennifer Dirmeyer, Hampden-Sydney College


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