2009 Sessions for Jon R. Moen

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 11G*
Financial Crises in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives


Jon R. Moen, The University of Mississippi

Session Chairs:

Jon R. Moen, The University of Mississippi


"Aldrich-Vreeland Currency as a Lender of Last Resort"
Chris Hoag, Coe College (Contact Author)

"Banking and Financial Crises in United States History: What Guidance does History Offer?"
Ellis W. Tallman, Oberlin College (Contact Author)
Elmus R. Wicker, Indiana University

"20th Century Developments in the Maturity Structure of Bank Assets"
Andrew T. Young, West Virginia University (Contact Author)

"Why Didn’t the United States Establish a Central Bank Until After the Panic of 1907?"
Jon R. Moen, The University of Mississippi (Contact Author)


Jon R. Moen, The University of Mississippi
Chris Hoag, Coe College
Ellis W. Tallman, Oberlin College
Andrew T. Young, West Virginia University


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